Left wing savages & thugs in violent mob at Trump rally in Albequerque; Disgusting.

Did I say they were right?
I think I might have called them idiots.
Your hatred for Trump is blinding you to the reality of what liberals are creating....us vs them
Liberals aren't the ones with the candidate saying that he'd like to punch protestors in the face, or have them carried out on a stretcher, or offering to pay anyones' legal bills if they beat up protestors.
You're right. They are the ones throwing rocks, bottles & t-shirts on fire at police officers & horses.

Next asinine WRONG observation you'd like to share?
I'm not going to defend these people, no matter how much you try.
Don't say that Trump hasn't brought menace to the campaign though.
No need to defend anything when in your infinite patheticness you can simply blame their actions on someone else.
This is actually disappointing.
You're falling back into a black or white, non-nuanced position.
1/ I don't accept that Trump is blameless,
2/ I also don't agree with the rioting,
3/ I must be siding with the rioters because of item 1/.

Fair enough...whatever.
He uh, doesn't have a link there. Read it.
Why does he need a link? Do you have a TV? A brain? An ability to READ THE SOURCE PROVIDED IN THE OP?

Read this slowly. THERE IS NO FUCKING LINK IN THE OP, Dumbass.

And no, I don't have a fucking TV. Now shut the fuck up while I look for posts that actually got off their ass and posted a link.
Reading this slowly.

TURN ON THE FUCKING TV YOU STUPID ASS LIBERAL. There is live coverage right now

What part of "I don't have a fucking TV" is failing to seep into whatever's keeping a brain out of your head?

Now Shut The Fuck UP and go make me a sammich. I'm up to fucking post five.
Do you not have one because you are just too damn stupid to hold a job that pays well enough to afford the little things in life?
I know, how about you go out and riot and loot a TV for free.
What a f-ing loser.

I don't have one because I fired it and threw it out to the street years ago. I did that because I'm both a student of and had a career in media, and I already know it's a dishonest insidious propaganda device whose only purpose is to sell commercials, the definition of which is persuading its sponged-out zombie viewer to buy still yet more shit he doesn't need. And it does that by milking emotions with vacuous crap, as has been exhibited by the diaper rash asswipes in this thread who sit dumbfounded in front of their box-god yet can't figure out how to link a story -- if it is a story.

Any more questions?

So yeah, dipwad slave, you tell me who's a "loser". Go fuck yourself, zombie. Go back and obey your TV god. It wants to sell you a cheese straightener. And you will obey, because you're stupid.

Why does he need a link? Do you have a TV? A brain? An ability to READ THE SOURCE PROVIDED IN THE OP?

Read this slowly. THERE IS NO FUCKING LINK IN THE OP, Dumbass.

And no, I don't have a fucking TV. Now shut the fuck up while I look for posts that actually got off their ass and posted a link.
Reading this slowly.

TURN ON THE FUCKING TV YOU STUPID ASS LIBERAL. There is live coverage right now

What part of "I don't have a fucking TV" is failing to seep into whatever's keeping a brain out of your head?

Now Shut The Fuck UP and go make me a sammich. I'm up to fucking post five.
Do you not have one because you are just too damn stupid to hold a job that pays well enough to afford the little things in life?
I know, how about you go out and riot and loot a TV for free.
What a f-ing loser.

I don't have one because I fired it and threw it out to the street years ago. I did that because I'm both a student of and had a career in media, and I already know it's a dishonest insidious propaganda device whose only purpose is to sell commercials, the definition of which is persuading its sponged-out zombie viewer to buy still yet more shit he doesn't need. And it does that by milking emotions with vacuous crap, as has been exhibited by the diaper rash asswipes in this thread who sit dumbfounded in front of their box-god yet can't figure out how to link a story -- if it is a story.

Any more questions?

So yeah, dipwad slave, you tell me who's a "loser". Go fuck yourself, zombie.
I threw mine out four years ago.
Being force-fed shit incorrectly labelled as 'news' or 'entertainment' was sucking out my brain.
Why does he need a link? Do you have a TV? A brain? An ability to READ THE SOURCE PROVIDED IN THE OP?

Read this slowly. THERE IS NO FUCKING LINK IN THE OP, Dumbass.

And no, I don't have a fucking TV. Now shut the fuck up while I look for posts that actually got off their ass and posted a link.
Reading this slowly.

TURN ON THE FUCKING TV YOU STUPID ASS LIBERAL. There is live coverage right now

What part of "I don't have a fucking TV" is failing to seep into whatever's keeping a brain out of your head?

Now Shut The Fuck UP and go make me a sammich. I'm up to fucking post five.
Do you not have one because you are just too damn stupid to hold a job that pays well enough to afford the little things in life?
I know, how about you go out and riot and loot a TV for free.
What a f-ing loser.

I don't have one because I fired it and threw it out to the street years ago. I did that because I'm both a student of and had a career in media, and I already know it's a dishonest insidious propaganda device whose only purpose is to sell commercials, the definition of which is persuading its sponged-out zombie viewer to buy still yet more shit he doesn't need. And it does that by milking emotions with vacuous crap, as has been exhibited by the diaper rash asswipes in this thread who sit dumbfounded in front of their box-god yet can't figure out how to link a story -- if it is a story.

Any more questions?

So yeah, dipwad slave, you tell me who's a "loser". Go fuck yourself, zombie. Go back and obey your TV god. It wants to sell you a cheese straightener. And you will obey, because you're stupid.

actually, I can afford cable. and a Blue-ray player.
Guess you didn't have those options in the ghetto.
Im sorry your mind is too weak to not be told what to do by commercials. I guess thats why you are a liberal?
IMO the cops should have been more aggressive in dealing with the anti-Trump savages. But as a result of the Obama anti-law and order policy, they have to be careful not to do anything to attract the usual race hustlers.
I have a TV

I use it to watch DVDs. Better than my PC or laptop.

I get most of my news from radio or internet. Its actually quicker to find things out on the radio. As strange as that sound.

Cable--every since commercials started popping up on cable, I questioned the point in watching cable. You used to get cable to avoid commercials. Now, it is just as bad as regular TV and you pay for it.

Let us not talk about cable "news"...
Link? Turn on the TV.

America.....this is the modern left wing. Violent thugs. Disgusting criminal savages. Fuck these filthy bastards.

This shit has to end.

America....you vote in Democrats....fuck it....America will get the chaos it voted for.

Such drama. lol
Well, there are not many Blacks in Albuquerque. Its those Hispanics that are raising all the hell there. I guess they didn't think Trump's taco eating overture was enough to counter his racist remarks. So you RW clowns think he has the Hispanic votes eh? BWHAHAHAHA!
Which "racist remarks" are those, douche bag?
Fox News barely existed in 98.
Now the lefties are burning shit, assaulted the police horses and reports of possible shots fired.


If Americans vote for the left....then we get the country we deserve.

Still waiting for evidence, Dumbass.
Do you live in a mud hut in Africa? It has been covered LIVE for the last two hours on EVERY FUCKING NEWS CHANNEL.
You understanding what you are arguing with and why I say what I say about them every day?

Don't bother. They are easily the dumbest people on the planet.

It's cute, and no doubt what he was thinking considering the "I could shoot somebody" quote, but FactCheck says it's bogus. So does Snopes.

Not that it would be effective anyway -- his minions are not only morons, they're masochists. They'd cream their pants going "he despises us, what a man! :swoon: "
Well, there are not many Blacks in Albuquerque. Its those Hispanics that are raising all the hell there. I guess they didn't think Trump's taco eating overture was enough to counter his racist remarks. So you RW clowns think he has the Hispanic votes eh? BWHAHAHAHA!
Which "racist remarks" are those, douche bag?
The same racist remarks the protestors in Albuquerque heard, you bahs-turd!
Well, there are not many Blacks in Albuquerque. Its those Hispanics that are raising all the hell there. I guess they didn't think Trump's taco eating overture was enough to counter his racist remarks. So you RW clowns think he has the Hispanic votes eh? BWHAHAHAHA!
Which "racist remarks" are those, douche bag?
The same racist remarks the protestors in Albuquerque heard, you bahs-turd!
You mean the racist protestors in Albuquerque?

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