Left wing Journalist...clinton email server was for bribes to clinton foundation


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I heard this story on Dan and Amy radio show this morning....they played a clip from Morning Joe......from MSNBC......Ron Fornier is a left wing journalist who has done random acts of Journalism in the past...and he reports that a 20 year clinton minion informed him that the secret email server that hilary had was to accept bribes for the clinton foundation........

Ron Fournier: Clinton Server Was "All About" The Clinton Foundation And Pay-to-Play For Donors

Senior political columnist for the National Journal Ron Fournier said on Wednesday's Morning Joe that the Clinton private server "was all about the [Clinton] Foundation" and "the blurring of lines between their political and professional lives."

RON FOURNIER, NATIONAL JOURNAL: People very close to the Clintons, including a source who’s working with the Clintons for more than two decades who told me the week that the New York Times exposed this rogue server that what this was all about was the foundation, that — the blurring of the lines between their political and professional lives. That’s what was in the emails, was sort of — look for the pay to play. This kind of favor-giving...

I am shocked...shocked...that this revelation about the actual purpose of the clinton secret server is not a main stream story, 24/7 on all the news stories............

I guess that would only happen if Trump did it.....

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