"Leave the Mask, Take the Cannoli"

Taxes decreased.

Did you vote for Obama both times?

You may be fixable since you don’t list race Issues, and voted for Obama, sexual preferences Gay issues, religion and abortion rights in your grievance against the Democrat you said you voted for. You sound anti war which is mostly a Democrat position,


Does every new administration need to reduce taxes every term until taxes are reduced to zero for upper middle class workers and below?

Is Biden OK to keep taxes for incomes at $400k and under at current levels but increase taxes above that figure to start reducing the deficit as Obama’s second term was doing?

Did Obama turn America upside down so liberals, leftists, democrats, New World Order fascists...whatever..and the media could rape America up its ass?
You should easily be able to see my number have to correct and Fauci has to be wrong because with only 225,000 dead out of 330 million, that is only 0.06%, so it is NOT killing a lot of people.

Thats 225,000 out of 10 million cases.

If 20 million cases / total dead is 450,000.

Think about it, Idiots: UTAH!
Utah governor issues statewide mask mandate amid virus surge
Utah Governor issue face mask mandate from abcnews.go.com

5 days ago — Utah Gov. Gary Herbert has declared a state of emergency and ordered a statewide mask mandate in an attempt to stem the state's surge in ...

I'd bet these same people have swimming pools with clearly marked pissing sections.

Herbert and the Utah Department of Health late Sunday issued executive and public health orders requiring residents to wear face coverings in public, at work and when they are within 6 feet (2 meters) of people who don’t live in their households.

Frankly, when I see a fellow American wearing a mask I

Herbert said Sunday night that the time to debate masks had passed and insisted his orders won't shut down the economy.

Wonderful post, PC. Thank you.

In the past two weeks, Utah’s positivity average — the percentage of coronavirus tests that are positive — has increased from 18.5% to 20.6%, according to state data. and more than 132,000 have been infected.

I'm ready to dump masks into the Hudson River

“To make a real difference in slowing the spread of COVID-19 and turning around the dire situation in our hospitals, we all need to do more,” the governor said in a statement. “This is a sacrifice for all of us. But as we slow the spread it will make all the difference for our overworked healthcare workers, who desperately need our help.”

Already, grim indicators offer a glimpse of what's to come: A little more than a week after the US first topped 100,000 daily infections, it reported a record of more than 184,000 new cases Friday. Hospitalizations also hit a new high -- for the fourth consecutive day -- with more than 68,500 Covid-19 patients nationwide, according to the COVID Tracking Project. And the country's death toll has topped 1,300 at least three times this week.

Masks are insignificant?

Do all you idiots feel great about helping Trump kill 659 Americans in Utah?

At least 659 state residents have died of the coronavirus

The Trump plan for mass death is unfolding before our eyes Published November 13,

Last edited:
I am not a Trump supporter in any way.

My mistake, however being a proponent of herd immunity sets your politics on the Trump Virus side of this debate.

And you bring no scientific backup to your absurd idea that infecting the herd quickly and deliberately wouid lead to less than 10,001 COVID deaths sounds like something a Believer in Trumpism would say.

But I was wring to lump you in with the Deplorables.
4. Here, the New England Journal of Medicine:

"We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection
. Public health authorities define a significant exposure to Covid-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic Covid-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes). The chance of catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic. "

Looks like you missed the note preceding the article you linked to that was written April 1?


Editor’s Note: This article was published on April 1, 2020, at NEJM.org. In a letter to the editor on June 3, 2020, the authors of this article state “We strongly support the calls of public health agencies for all people to wear masks when circumstances compel them to be within 6 ft of others for sustained periods

When truth is revealed that does not suit the narrative your sort requires, pressure.....often irresistible.....is applied.

The original article is the truth.

Masks Hide The Difference Between Science And Politics

1.Either the Covid is an actual danger to mankind on the order of the Bubonic Plague, or it is simply one more extensive and well designed plot on the order of these: Russia Collusion of 2016, Obstruction of Mueller, Impeachment, Trump’s a racist, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, phone call to Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching, one after another lead balloons.
I said they were well designed, if false, and certainly well-populated with every media ally of the Democrats playing along.

2. But let’s focus on production values: what could make everyone fear the Wuhan Red Death more than seeing every other person masked with disease regalia, making the whole nation appear to be an emergency room.

The optics alone cause the image, and there is noting Democrats like better than mandating stuff, anyway.

3. A quick review of the facts: If one gets the Wuhan, the chances of dying from it approach zero….no more than a rounding error in the data. An elderly, overweight President had it, and ten days later is doing two hours-long rallies a day.
And while the Chines flu certainly appears widespread, the symptoms are the same as the usual seasonal flu: “body aches, a cough and headaches, and felt extremely tired most of the time.”

4. How to explain the mandates for masks….if they are ineffective at best? If that’s what science says…..an intelligent person might be led to believe that it is not science going on here….but simply an immense attack on a presidency.

Let’s check:
CDC March 17th.....masks should only be worn by healthcare workers
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

CDC provides credible COVID-19 health information to the U.S.
We are in WORSE shape now...than we were in March 2019.

The virus has spread throughout the nation and large portions of the country are in the same position that Italy and NY were in March. And we are already suffering from "covid fatigue" where we aren't willing to do what is necessary to fight this thing.

Thanks Donnie Douchebag

Ok, but what do you think it will take to "fight this thing"?
If you think social distancing, masks, and closing restaurants is at all going to end it, you are wrong.
And since those things won't end it, and instead make it last longer, then it just kills even MORE people.
There are only 2 ways to end any epidemic I know of.
The fastest and best way is total quarantine, with contract tracing, etc.
That works the fastest, and has the least deaths.
The other is herd immunity, where some % has or get immunity and prevents the virus from finding new hosts.
That could kill some 10,000 people or so, but saves lives by ending it.
Unless done through the safer vaccination way of herd immunity,

Herd immunity through natural spread means, the virus will kill 2-3 million Americans, before we reach the 70% herd immunity in the population needed to semi squash this virus.... it will still be here, but fewer will catch it, so fewer will die from it after you kill off the 2 million plus.... and THAT is not a SANE option.

"...so fewer will die from it after you kill off the 2 million plus.... and THAT is not a SANE option."

How many of that number actually succumbed due to the Wuhan, rather than previous and long term health issues?

The CDC gave the answer: only 6% of that bogus number.

3 million Americans die of all causes each year.

The number you posted is a fraud, so saith the CDC.
To indicate how the Wuhan crisis has been inflated to puncture the Trump economic miracle, note that the CDC admitted that only 6% of the deaths were actually due to the Covid virus.


Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death. The number of deaths with each condition or cause is shown for all deaths and by age groups. For data on comorbidities, Click here to download.

Table 3. Conditions contributing to deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), by age group, United States. Week ending 2/1/2020 to 11/7/2020.*
Updated November 12, 2020

Number of Conditions
Age Group
Conditions Contributing to Deaths where COVID-19 was listed on the death certificate1ICD–10 codesAll ages0–24 years25–34 years35–44 years45–54 years55–64 years65–74 years75–84 years85 years and over

COVID-19 Provisional Counts - Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics
130 secret service agents stricken by covid BECAUSE AH in charge had rallies with no mask wearing And too bad we'll never hear of that great Trump health plan
Nope, you did not see anything work.Working means the epidemic is over.
No more deaths.

When was the New York model enacted simultaneously across the entire United States?

We have proof you are a fraud because you tell me the New York Model failed because it never achieved no more deaths.

Therefore it confirms your status as a typical Trump liar.

New York City Without Coronavirus Deaths Four Months After First Report
By Jennifer Peltz, Michael R. Sisak and Marina Villeneuve • Published July 12, 2020 •Updated on July 12, 2020 at 7:37 pm

PLEASE HELP saves lives. Quit lying.

That is silly.
NY never did well agt all, and is doing very badly now.



And I am NOT at all a Trump supporter, in any way.
More of a progressive, liberal, socialist.

What are the symptoms of "cases"???

Are they exactly the same as those of the seasonal flu????

Yes, they are.
130 secret service agents stricken by covid BECAUSE AH in charge had rallies with no mask wearing And too bad we'll never hear of that great Trump health plan

What the symptoms of being 'stricken'???

Are they exactly the same as those of the seasonal flu?

Yes, they are.

BTW....do you know how many died of the seasonal flu last year?

I know.
You should easily be able to see my number have to correct and Fauci has to be wrong because with only 225,000 dead out of 330 million, that is only 0.06%, so it is NOT killing a lot of people.

Thats 225,000 out of 10 million cases.

If 20 million cases / total dead is 450,000.


Taxes decreased.

Did you vote for Obama both times?

You may be fixable since you don’t list race Issues, and voted for Obama, sexual preferences Gay issues, religion and abortion rights in your grievance against the Democrat you said you voted for. You sound anti war which is mostly a Democrat position,


Does every new administration need to reduce taxes every term until taxes are reduced to zero for upper middle class workers and below?

Is Biden OK to keep taxes for incomes at $400k and under at current levels but increase taxes above that figure to start reducing the deficit as Obama’s second term was doing?

Did Obama turn America upside down so liberals, leftists, democrats, New World Order fascists...whatever..and the media could rape America up its ass?

I have always voted democrat, and voted for Obama both times, and was very disappointed.
I voted for Obama mostly because he said he was against war, but instead doubled our wars by attacking Qaddafi in Libya, Assad in Syria, Morsi in Egypt, the Taliban in Afghanistan, etc. We even illegally imposed economic sanctions against Iran and illegally assassinated bin Laden in Pakistan.

Most of those were war crimes Obama should have been jailed for.

And as for health care, the problem is that 3rd party payer caused the provider charges to double, as well as adding a whole layer of additional skimming. ACA did nothing at all to improve any of that, and it still is tied to employers and private for profit insurance companies, who are strangling out productivity and marketability overseas.

Obama was given a recession to deal with so I can't blame him for the high taxes and additional borrowing, but he certainly did not use a sustainable model. And the biggest complaint against Trump is that he continued Obama's model of borrowing to boost the economy. Bad idea, especially when it is health care that is crashing the economy.
You should easily be able to see my number have to correct and Fauci has to be wrong because with only 225,000 dead out of 330 million, that is only 0.06%, so it is NOT killing a lot of people.

Thats 225,000 out of 10 million cases.

If 20 million cases / total dead is 450,000.


Since 90% of the actual cases are asymptomatic, they do not get tested or counted.
So the actual number of cases is more like 100 million.
The lethality is not 1.5% but 0.15%.
And if one keeps the volunteers for deliberate infection under 30 years of age, you have 40 times less deaths.
It is mostly only those over 70 who are dying.
So divide your 450,000 by 400 and you get the real estimate.
I am not a Trump supporter in any way.

My mistake, however being a proponent of herd immunity sets your politics on the Trump Virus side of this debate.

And you bring no scientific backup to your absurd idea that infecting the herd quickly and deliberately would lead to less than 10,001 COVID deaths sounds like something a Believer in Trumpism would say.

But I was wring to lump you in with the Deplorables.

Every single person has to be a supporter of herd immunity because that is all there ever is or was in all of history, to end any epidemic.
Vaccines have only been around for about 200 years, also rely on herd immunity, and take to long to end an existing epidemic, and really only prevent future ones.

I have listed the obvious scientific evidence that herd immunity would have greatly reduced the death count from the current 225,000.
When Fauci estimated herd immunity would cause 4 million dead, he used a lethality figure of 1.5% that is 10 times too high because Fauci did not realize 90% of those infected were asymptomatic and therefore not tested.
Then he was off by another factor of ten by ignoring the fact most people are already inherently immune. Like those 90% asymptomatic, and children.
Then he was off by a factor of 40 by assuming you would just let the epidemic go wild, instead of deliberately only infecting the young who have 40 times less chances of dying than the average.
Think about it, Idiots: UTAH!
Utah governor issues statewide mask mandate amid virus surge
View attachment 415940
5 days ago — Utah Gov. Gary Herbert has declared a state of emergency and ordered a statewide mask mandate in an attempt to stem the state's surge in ...

I'd bet these same people have swimming pools with clearly marked pissing sections.

Herbert and the Utah Department of Health late Sunday issued executive and public health orders requiring residents to wear face coverings in public, at work and when they are within 6 feet (2 meters) of people who don’t live in their households.

Frankly, when I see a fellow American wearing a mask I

Herbert said Sunday night that the time to debate masks had passed and insisted his orders won't shut down the economy.

Wonderful post, PC. Thank you.

In the past two weeks, Utah’s positivity average — the percentage of coronavirus tests that are positive — has increased from 18.5% to 20.6%, according to state data. and more than 132,000 have been infected.

I'm ready to dump masks into the Hudson River

“To make a real difference in slowing the spread of COVID-19 and turning around the dire situation in our hospitals, we all need to do more,” the governor said in a statement. “This is a sacrifice for all of us. But as we slow the spread it will make all the difference for our overworked healthcare workers, who desperately need our help.”

Already, grim indicators offer a glimpse of what's to come: A little more than a week after the US first topped 100,000 daily infections, it reported a record of more than 184,000 new cases Friday. Hospitalizations also hit a new high -- for the fourth consecutive day -- with more than 68,500 Covid-19 patients nationwide, according to the COVID Tracking Project. And the country's death toll has topped 1,300 at least three times this week.

Masks are insignificant?

Do all you idiots feel great about helping Trump kill 659 Americans in Utah?

At least 659 state residents have died of the coronavirus

The Trump plan for mass death is unfolding before our eyes Published November 13,


There is no question that trying to end an epidemic with social distancing can not possibly ever work, never has, and will cause the largest death toll possible.
That is because "flattening the curve" is a horrendously stupid idea that allows the maximum spread of the virus over the greatest possible time span.
Nope, you did not see anything work.
Working means the epidemic is over.
Sorry asshole, You don't get to define what works.

If the virus is under control...if infections are low and deaths are low...the mitigation efforts are working.
If infections are on the order of 150,000 per day...and deaths are over one fucking thousand...it is not working

Wear a mask...at all times in public. Do not do indoor dining or drinking. . Do not got to gyms or hair salons

I still go to restaurants and barber shops. I'm not stopping.
130 secret service agents stricken by covid BECAUSE AH in charge had rallies with no mask wearing And too bad we'll never hear of that great Trump health plan

Yes, and if you notice, those 130 secret service agents had no deaths or any serious consequences at all.
It is almost completely those over 70 who are having problems, so we should deliberately infect those volunteers under 30, and end this in 12 days, saving hundreds of thousands of lives.
There is no question that trying to end an epidemic with social distancing can not possibly ever work,

back your claim up with science is all ask

Not True. It worked in NYC. Trouble is the rest of the country did not social distance.

Call the Governor of Utah right now and convince him to let the epidemic spread unabated. Their medical professionals are overloaded right now with a slow infection rate. You want to speed it up and overwhelm the healthcare system. He’d be right to laugh at you and Slam the phone down.
1249 deaths FRIDAY due to covid ... US new record 176000 new cases FRIDAY

The rate at which infections happen we should want to accelerate to happen as quickly as possible, because that results in the least number of deaths.
If it takes 23 million infections to achieve herd immunity and end the epidemic once and for all, then that should be done quickly.
The more quickly we make that happen, the fewer deaths there were be because we can isolate the elderly and vulnerable for a short time.

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