'Learn From the Jews How to Love Jerusalem'


Gold Member
Feb 17, 2012
If they recognize Israel loves Jerusalem, god must have wanted all people to care for and share the city, not for one people of the book alone. But blood is the only currency they know to pay for the city of god?

'Learn From the Jews How to Love Jerusalem'

Legendary Israeli singer Naomi Shemer's "Jerusalem the Golden" is an iconic song for Israelis and Jews throughout the world. But the song has struck a chord with a whole different audience as well.

IDF Radio announced Monday that Islamic Jihad's top commander, Dr. Ramadan Salah, presented at a religious conference at Tehran last week on the subject of Jerusalem. The goal: to encourage the Islamist world not only to fight for Jerusalem as a military target - but also as a symbol of Islamic "cultural heritage."

"What does Jerusalem mean for us?" Salah reportedly asked at the conference. "Learn from the Jews, from the cursed entity [Israel]. They love Jerusalem - not only militarily, but also culturally."

Salah then proceeded to translate Naomi Shemer's "Jerusalem of Gold" (Yerushalayim Shel Zahav), noting, "the entity plays this song on June 7, the day they captured Al-Aqsa and entered the Temple Mount [a reference to Jerusalem Day - ed.] [. . .] every Jerusalemite child, every Israeli soldier carries this song in his heart."

Islamic Jihad is the group responsible for last week's barrage of rockets from Gaza on Israel, which numbered over 60 missiles but saw no injuries. The terror group called the attack "Operation Breaking the Silence" in Palestinian media, and garnered support at the expense of rival group Hamas for its "armed resistance against the Occupation."

Shalah claimed Saturday night that the terror group is not interested in an "escalation," but would respond forcefully in the event Israel launched a ground offensive to defend itself.


If and when a war is forced upon us, we will fight, even though we are aware of our ability and our modest weapons," Shalah stated, in a live television broadcast. "But we are able to deter, to stand firm and to hurt the enemy."
They could never love Jerusalem like us.

I don't think it's really a contest. It's just that Jerusalem is more important to Jews. They make pilgrimages to Mecca and pray in that direction. Jerusalem is not mentioned once in their Koran. Jerusalem belongs to us, but if that were the ONLY obstacle in negotiations, there are creative ways to work around it. There were Arab villages annexed to Jerusalem after the Six-Day War. However, the Old City and Mount Zion (where King David is buried) should always remain Jewish.
They could never love Jerusalem like us.

I don't think it's really a contest. It's just that Jerusalem is more important to Jews. They make pilgrimages to Mecca and pray in that direction. Jerusalem is not mentioned once in their Koran. Jerusalem belongs to us, but if that were the ONLY obstacle in negotiations, there are creative ways to work around it. There were Arab villages annexed to Jerusalem after the Six-Day War. However, the Old City and Mount Zion (where King David is buried) should always remain Jewish.

I was reading an interesting article today about Jerusalem.........

The Battle over Silwan: Fabricating Palestinian History :: Middle East Quarterly
They could never love Jerusalem like us.

I don't think it's really a contest. It's just that Jerusalem is more important to Jews. They make pilgrimages to Mecca and pray in that direction. Jerusalem is not mentioned once in their Koran. Jerusalem belongs to us, but if that were the ONLY obstacle in negotiations, there are creative ways to work around it. There were Arab villages annexed to Jerusalem after the Six-Day War. However, the Old City and Mount Zion (where King David is buried) should always remain Jewish.

I was reading an interesting article today about Jerusalem.........

The Battle over Silwan: Fabricating Palestinian History :: Middle East Quarterly

So much is distorted, exaggerated or out right fabricated both in the minds of the palestinians and for the western press. Honesty used to mean something in the past, now the bigger the "fish story" the more attention yet a lie today does not destroy the credibility of the teller.....except if it is told by a jew, then even the truth is considered a lie.
They could never love Jerusalem like us.
This "holier-than-thou" attitude you fuckers have, is a big part of the problem.

They can love Jerusalem just as much as you can.

You ain't different and you ain't special.

You're just like anyone else.

Did you read the link telling how the Palestinians have been erasing all Jewish presence from Jerusalem because they know that archeologically they Jews have the better claim.

Now say that it is all the fault of the Jews when faced with the evidence.
They could never love Jerusalem like us.
This "holier-than-thou" attitude you fuckers have, is a big part of the problem.

They can love Jerusalem just as much as you can.

You ain't different and you ain't special.

You're just like anyone else.

I don't understand why our love for Jerusalem makes us "special" or "holier-than-thou". Muslims are supposed to love Mecca and Catholics Rome. Does this make them "holier-than-thou"? Or putting it in secular terms--would you be willing to divide Washington, D.C., with the Russians?
They could never love Jerusalem like us.
This "holier-than-thou" attitude you fuckers have, is a big part of the problem.

They can love Jerusalem just as much as you can.

You ain't different and you ain't special.

You're just like anyone else.

Who cares what you have to say ?? You're a pathetic loser who simply cannot handle his emotions . You curse at people when you dont agree with them, you call female posters whores and worst of all, you compared Jews being gassed to death by Nazis to Israelis firing tear gas as a means of riot dispersal.

They could never love Jerusalem like us.
This "holier-than-thou" attitude you fuckers have, is a big part of the problem.

They can love Jerusalem just as much as you can.

You ain't different and you ain't special.

You're just like anyone else.

Holier than thou attitude?

What is the Muslim connection to Jerusalem, anyway? Their holy city is Mecca, ours is Jerusalem.

There is no comparison because Jerusalem isn't sacred to them at all, when you come to think about it. That is why they would never love it as much as the Jews.
They could never love Jerusalem like us.
This "holier-than-thou" attitude you fuckers have, is a big part of the problem.

They can love Jerusalem just as much as you can.

You ain't different and you ain't special.

You're just like anyone else.

I don't understand why our love for Jerusalem makes us "special" or "holier-than-thou". Muslims are supposed to love Mecca and Catholics Rome. Does this make them "holier-than-thou"? Or putting it in secular terms--would you be willing to divide Washington, D.C., with the Russians?

He admitted himself that he has no real idea. All he does is talk big but when you remove the tough shell you find nothing underneath.

If he thinks he makes an impression, he's not within a supporting crowd.

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