Leaked Memo: Tax Dollars Used To Transport Illegals


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
American taxpayer money shouldn't be used to "further exacerbate" the border crisis by facilitating migrant travel in the U.S., Johnson wrote to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in a June 22 letter first obtained by Fox News Digital.

"It appears that a recently leaked DHS plan doubles down on this administration’s efforts to charge taxpayers for illegal aliens’ travel," he wrote to Mayorkas. "According to this plan, DHS would pay to transport aliens away from the border and deeper into the U.S."

Rep Johnson seems SHOCKED to find out that US tax dollars have been used - on top of paying for illegals' lodging, food, medical, education, etc... - to transport hundreds of thoudands of illegals all over the country, to be dumped in states without ever letting local and state agencies know they are coming. (Then state tax dollars go to funding Biden's criminal invasion.)

Where the hell has Johnson been? Is he the only one in the US who needed a leaked memo tp figure out all the bus, train, and plane rides Biden's DHS has been giving illegals all over tbe US has been paid for by our tax dollars? SERIOUSLY?

As for the REST of the massive monetary cost to house, feed, clothe, educate, and provide medical for millions of illegals in this country....has all of that tax payer expense been ok to Johnson, but the cost of transporting illegals all over the country was finally the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back for him?!

This is like a parody skit, a joke, right?


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