Leaked emails show Stormy Daniles was targeted by pro Trump police goons.

Can’t help but notice the irony . Law enforcement emails showing pro Trumpers targeting Stormy for arrest . If course the charges were dropped instantly because the arrest was bogus .

When’s the congressional hearings ?

Emails suggest Columbus police may have targeted Stormy Daniels - CNNPolitics
So let me get this straight; you support porn stars who chance encounter meet rich men just to blackmail them through tarnish of their profession? That means she even loathes what she does, but you not so much. *L*
I'M guessing you were one of those few guys who rooted for Anna Nicole Smith to get her old geezer's money. BECAUSE you are liberal that way, supporting criminals and crime and hating onbthe law and enforcement of that law.

Oh yeah . Don is the real victim here . Screwing his whore while his (3rd) wife is pregnant . Then money laundering campaign funds to buy Stormys story and bury it .

All while fronting the party of Family values !
You're ugly, aren't you?
Can’t help but notice the irony . Law enforcement emails showing pro Trumpers targeting Stormy for arrest . If course the charges were dropped instantly because the arrest was bogus .

When’s the congressional hearings ?

Emails suggest Columbus police may have targeted Stormy Daniels - CNNPolitics
So let me get this straight; you support porn stars who chance encounter meet rich men just to blackmail them through tarnish of their profession? That means she even loathes what she does, but you not so much. *L*
I'M guessing you were one of those few guys who rooted for Anna Nicole Smith to get her old geezer's money. BECAUSE you are liberal that way, supporting criminals and crime and hating onbthe law and enforcement of that law.

Oh yeah . Don is the real victim here . Screwing his whore while his (3rd) wife is pregnant . Then money laundering campaign funds to buy Stormys story and bury it .

All while fronting the party of Family values !

Is that illegal?

Yeah. I don’t think “paying off my whore “ is an acceptable campaign expense.
So you admit she comitted a crime of extortion then you not only support extortion but you support defamation of character by MSM and yourself who don't know if they slept together but love to spew inuendos & blatant propaganda, something she denied till the mob tied lawyer got her to change her mind with "an offer she couldn't refuse". SO TO SUDDENLY disbelieve her original story is to call her a liar and untrustworthy, thus canceling out your new spin based on testimony ofcwhat you say is an untrustworthy liar as is the mobster tied lawyer who has political motivated ties to spin it this way.

How is it extortion when the interview was done eons ago? They approached her, she didn't approach them. Do you know how this works? Hell we know now that Trump and Cohen picked her lawyer for her.
''MAY'' ''SUGGEST'' does not equal fact/true
same old MSM crap--
CNN headlines:
aliens may have landed suggesting they are involved with climate change
So, let's review:

1) Republican prosecutor appointed by a republican DAG to lead an investigation requested by a republican congress secures several indictments and guilty pleas and has Trump's personal attorney flipping = political witch hunt

2) Cops conspire to target and arrest a person for purely political reasons, with bogus charges being immediately thrown out = just fine


Hitting the rack again?

1. Bull shit and you know it.

2. Who cares? Honestly, no one cares. Stormy fizzled, her lawyer has his own legal issues and Mewler is left with only tweets to find anything. He has been Trumps top ten fund raisers and vote getters. Trump 2020. Deal with it.
And, by bullshit, you mean 100% true.

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