Law & Order

Cool. Chris Noth, Jerry Orbach, Sam Waterston and "Claire" were my favorites. I don't like the character with Orbach now...I love the actor (watched him on ally mcbeal) but can't stand the part he's playing.

I also love the Lieutenant. She's cool.
Originally posted by Moi
Cool. Chris Noth, Jerry Orbach, Sam Waterston and "Claire" were my favorites. I don't like the character with Orbach now...I love the actor (watched him on ally mcbeal) but can't stand the part he's playing.

I also love the Lieutenant. She's cool.
were fans of all the offshoots too. i think jenn has all the first seasons. trying to track down the second one of L&O, was supposed to be out like last june or so. aint seen it yet.
Originally posted by Johnney
were fans of all the offshoots too. i think jenn has all the first seasons. trying to track down the second one of L&O, was supposed to be out like last june or so. aint seen it yet.
I like SVU but I coulnd't get into the over one...C/I? or whatever.
Originally posted by Moi
I like SVU but I coulnd't get into the over one...C/I? or whatever.
CI kicks ass. that guy gets into peoples minds and fucks with them. i dont like his partner in that one though. he needs someone cooler
Been watching from the first season. SVU kicks ass. CI is alright and yes i do have all first seasons. belong to a news group of law and order. i guess that makes me a dork but i love the show. i think i can tell you about every story they have had on. and no i haven't heard that lenny is leaving he has been on there forever and a day. it just won't be the same with out him if he does leave. for the second season coming out they aren't for sure when because the first season didn't sale as well as they expected. so you know what that means.. You all need to go out and buy it so they will release the second season. that if you don't already have it. i will keep you up dated on the lasts news..
Originally posted by Moi
Cool. Chris Noth, Jerry Orbach, Sam Waterston and "Claire" were my favorites. I don't like the character with Orbach now...I love the actor (watched him on ally mcbeal) but can't stand the part he's playing.

I also love the Lieutenant. She's cool.
Claire is on Crossing Jordan do you watch that? She's just not the same on that. But still like the show..and it's back on NBC if you didn't know it's on sunday nights right after CI.
Originally posted by Jmarie
Claire is on Crossing Jordan do you watch that? She's just not the same on that. But still like the show..and it's back on NBC if you didn't know it's on sunday nights right after CI.
Yeah, she's pretty cool though. I have a problem watching shows which use that camera trick...the handheld camera angle, switch camera's a lot. (I'm sure that makes no sense). Homicide, Life on the Streets was like that too. As is CSI.

Even though I love the shows, I just can't watch them because I have really bad eyesight for that kind of effect.

I bet I know why L&O cd's ain't selling. Cause you can watch them on so many channels! They were on NBC, A&E, TNT and USA. I guess people got their fill.
I have a problem watching shows which use that camera trick...the handheld camera angle, switch camera's a lot. (I'm sure that makes no sense). Homicide, Life on the Streets was like that too. As is CSI.

Have you seen The Shield? Good God, I can barely stand to watch it because of that! I realize they're going for the gritty, realistic look, and it works sometimes, but last week especially just came across as incompetent.
Law and Order is not on A&E anymore eversince it was put on TNT..I know I watch then to. just watched SVU last night it was one that i have never seen it was really good.
I love Law and Order, all three of them. SVU gets me sometimes, the ones that have to do with kids being raped, UGGH, that kills me. CI rocks! I love that dude, and can't remember his name, lol. I'm a big CSI fan too!
Not really adding to the conversation but thought I'd jump in, LOL!
did you see the new one thats like the jacko case? that one pissed me off! they sh ould have jsut killed the guy, but then again thats just me

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