Lauren Boebert now leads CO House Seat 3

Yes, Fetterman won, again, thanks to TRUMP putting his endorsement behind a carpetbagging candidate from out of state. That primary was razor close. Had McCormick won that primary the GOP probably would have held the seat, but Trump had to horn his way in and play kingmaker and his endorsement put Oz over the top as well as Mastriano, the absolute worst gubernatorial candidate in the country.

As for California, well, as I said earlier, some people are just beyond saving.
Trump didn’t pick Oz. The voters did. Correct? Shame on them. So we agree that some are just beyond saving. Thank you.
Anyone else notice that a mod gave a thumbs up to a personal attack? Aren't personal attacks against the rules? :confused-84:

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I guess Republicans should have thought about that before pushing in their endless abortion crusade on the public and making Trump the face of their party. Eliminate those two factors and they would have had an epic blow out Tuesday night.

No,. no, you still don't get it. The GOP aside from a couple of them never pushed an abortion agenda, that matter was decided by the Supreme Court. But you are right that idiots like Lyndsey Graham never should have jumped out and said he wanted to BAN all abortion neither, unless he WANTED to trigger the Left! That is an absurd statement and feeds right into what I'm trying to tell you. Meantime, do you really know any women whose highest concern today is having access to unlimited abortions forever so all they can do is whore around? Especially when if you really want an abortion, you can get it?

And are you really suggesting that in light of all that is plaguing us today that everyone still voted democrat for a continuation of struggling to put food on the table or pay bills out of fear that Trump was the face of a party when he's not even in office and may not ever run again or even get nominated?

It is a statistical IMPOSSIBILITY for most every election to always come right down to the last vote split right down the middle! All that does is buy time for mischief while states like Arizona first discover half the voting machines not working right on election day leaving millions waiting hours in line unable to vote unless you want to block poll voters who are mostly GOP while pushing for complete mail ins! Then take days and days to count the votes when all they need to do is insert memory cards into a machine and download the data!

Taz, you've been hoodwinked, gaslighted. There were a million polls taken this year and not one poll I ever saw made Trump an issue. By every consensus, about 75% of everyone everywhere agreed that they are very angry and upset at the direction this country is going, largely under the direction and control of the government, yet we are to believe that everyone then went to the polls and voted to keep things going the same way?

Because that's what the election outcome says. And I'm sure you are intelligent enough to understand that just isn't possible.

Only in sci-fi movies and fairy tales does everyone walk through a door leading toward the right yet still come out facing left!

Scientifically and mathematically speaking, that can only happen if the media is feeding you lies and the elections really are not free but being controlled and per-determined much like a fake WWE wrestling match.

OPEN YOUR EYES: Our elections may still LOOK real, but now appear to be as fake as Hulk Hogan vs. Andre The Giant.
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Boy has Colorado gone woke. . Of course here in the Twin Cities, odious Ilhan Omar gathered 75% of the votes. Are republicans voting for this traitor, too?
Boebert is fearless and I love her for that.
Colorado has been a target of the hard left for at least 20 years.

They've gone from reasonable -yet misguided- democrats like Dick Lamm, to lunatic fruitcakes like Polis.

And don't even get me started on the western slope.
Colorado has been a target of the hard left for at least 20 years. . They've gone from reasonable -yet misguided- democrats like Dick Lamm, to lunatic fruitcakes like Polis. . And don't even get me started on the western slope.
I know next to nothing about how Colorado ticks, but I would have guessed the Western Slope folks might have been much more like conservative Wyoming? . . (except for maybe Telluride and their freaky film festivals)
Ahhhh……it's you huh, dipshit.

Had I of known it was you, I would not have bothered.

Brain dead, as evidenced.
And yet you still bother, when you're exposed and far out classed. Tell me, you gonna be wearing your Class As tomorrow, that you bought from a surplus shop, to try and scam a free meal at Denny's?
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