Laughing at the Lies of the Left


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Laughing at the Lies of the Left

12 Apr 2-23 ~~ By D. Parker

We are in a battle between good and evil, but evil cannot be honest about its true nature so it must lie.
The New Saint Andrews College recently produced a very powerful video entitled LIES, with the thesis that lies lose all their power when the deceived become wise. With laughter being the best weapon against these lies, it’s the ‘assault weapon’ of choice in the cultural civil war in which we are engaged.
This is why the fascist far-left hates President Trump, Tucker Carlson, and others -- because they puncture their lies and have a good time doing it.
The forces of freedom have lightness and laughter on our side. We have the ideas that work: individual liberty, and limited government. Economic freedom and property rights have sown prosperity for ages. We can be honest because we’re the good guys and gals. And we can laugh at their lies and drive them insane. Better make that more insane, considering where they are now.
Contrast that with the evil of our time, the forces of fascist control of the far left. They’re relegated to darkness, derangement, and, frankly, demons. Their ideas have never worked, discussed at first in ancient Greece in Plato’s Republic, their Utopia (literally ‘no place’) was a book written over 500 years ago (Published in 1516) about a fictional island in the Americas that even the far left admits was the first ‘socialist’ position’. Their ideas were tried and failed in the first colonies of the Americas over 400 years ago and in the first failed experiment labeled socialism in New Harmony, Indiana in 1825. And it’s been downhill ever since, with nothing to show for it but ‘a pyramid of corpses every few years’ to paraphrase George Orwell.
Finally, projection is one of their more insidious deception methods.
Simply put, the fascist far left incessantly accuses the pro-freedom right of what they are doing. Of course, they could reply that we’re doing the same thing but that isn’t true in every case. We’re not out to confiscate guns, so that proves their lies once again.
Once you see why and how they lie, you’re partially equipped to fight back. Laughing at their ever-evolving varieties of lies. More importantly, you can equip others to do the same, because once they’ve been outed as perennial professional liars, they will be rendered powerless. That’s the only thing that will save our nation.

According to Maoist Democrat Commie ideology, winning matters, truth not so much.
The lying spirits (demons) that are inside of them are orders of magnitude more intelligent than mere humans. They have had over 6,000 years of experience dealing with humans.
Intelligence used for evil purposes, though. Much of the thoughts in the brains of these leftists are the thoughts and ideas of the demons.
Yet, laughter at absurdities is effective. What the devil hates most is being mocked.
Unless the people can be exposed to the truth the lies will dominate the political landscape. Otherwise, the biased media is their bullhorn and no amount of decent people laughing is going to undo the relentless gaslighting by the media.
In honesty,.the far.right hasn't helped their chances. RvW was politically a hand grenade for.example. Though the culture issues often work in GOPs favour, they focus too often on these and illustrate when in positions of power that they don't change course on anyways themselves so it's all political theatre and moot points.

Laughing at the Lies of the Left

12 Apr 2-23 ~~ By D. Parker

We are in a battle between good and evil, but evil cannot be honest about its true nature so it must lie.
The New Saint Andrews College recently produced a very powerful video entitled LIES, with the thesis that lies lose all their power when the deceived become wise. With laughter being the best weapon against these lies, it’s the ‘assault weapon’ of choice in the cultural civil war in which we are engaged.
This is why the fascist far-left hates President Trump, Tucker Carlson, and others -- because they puncture their lies and have a good time doing it.
The forces of freedom have lightness and laughter on our side. We have the ideas that work: individual liberty, and limited government. Economic freedom and property rights have sown prosperity for ages. We can be honest because we’re the good guys and gals. And we can laugh at their lies and drive them insane. Better make that more insane, considering where they are now.
Contrast that with the evil of our time, the forces of fascist control of the far left. They’re relegated to darkness, derangement, and, frankly, demons. Their ideas have never worked, discussed at first in ancient Greece in Plato’s Republic, their Utopia (literally ‘no place’) was a book written over 500 years ago (Published in 1516) about a fictional island in the Americas that even the far left admits was the first ‘socialist’ position’. Their ideas were tried and failed in the first colonies of the Americas over 400 years ago and in the first failed experiment labeled socialism in New Harmony, Indiana in 1825. And it’s been downhill ever since, with nothing to show for it but ‘a pyramid of corpses every few years’ to paraphrase George Orwell.
Finally, projection is one of their more insidious deception methods.
Simply put, the fascist far left incessantly accuses the pro-freedom right of what they are doing. Of course, they could reply that we’re doing the same thing but that isn’t true in every case. We’re not out to confiscate guns, so that proves their lies once again.
Once you see why and how they lie, you’re partially equipped to fight back. Laughing at their ever-evolving varieties of lies. More importantly, you can equip others to do the same, because once they’ve been outed as perennial professional liars, they will be rendered powerless. That’s the only thing that will save our nation.

According to Maoist Democrat Commie ideology, winning matters, truth not so much.
The lying spirits (demons) that are inside of them are orders of magnitude more intelligent than mere humans. They have had over 6,000 years of experience dealing with humans.
Intelligence used for evil purposes, though. Much of the thoughts in the brains of these leftists are the thoughts and ideas of the demons.
Yet, laughter at absurdities is effective. What the devil hates most is being mocked.
Unless the people can be exposed to the truth the lies will dominate the political landscape. Otherwise, the biased media is their bullhorn and no amount of decent people laughing is going to undo the relentless gaslighting by the media.
Do you still think the election was rigged despite zero evidence that it was?

It’s not about the Jan 6th insurrection hoax ; it’s about what underlies that hoax, the rigged, fraudulent, and stolen 2020 election where the Uniparty establishment took out President Donald Trump.

Laughing at the Lies of the Left

12 Apr 2-23 ~~ By D. Parker

We are in a battle between good and evil, but evil cannot be honest about its true nature so it must lie.
The New Saint Andrews College recently produced a very powerful video entitled LIES, with the thesis that lies lose all their power when the deceived become wise. With laughter being the best weapon against these lies, it’s the ‘assault weapon’ of choice in the cultural civil war in which we are engaged.
This is why the fascist far-left hates President Trump, Tucker Carlson, and others -- because they puncture their lies and have a good time doing it.
The forces of freedom have lightness and laughter on our side. We have the ideas that work: individual liberty, and limited government. Economic freedom and property rights have sown prosperity for ages. We can be honest because we’re the good guys and gals. And we can laugh at their lies and drive them insane. Better make that more insane, considering where they are now.
Contrast that with the evil of our time, the forces of fascist control of the far left. They’re relegated to darkness, derangement, and, frankly, demons. Their ideas have never worked, discussed at first in ancient Greece in Plato’s Republic, their Utopia (literally ‘no place’) was a book written over 500 years ago (Published in 1516) about a fictional island in the Americas that even the far left admits was the first ‘socialist’ position’. Their ideas were tried and failed in the first colonies of the Americas over 400 years ago and in the first failed experiment labeled socialism in New Harmony, Indiana in 1825. And it’s been downhill ever since, with nothing to show for it but ‘a pyramid of corpses every few years’ to paraphrase George Orwell.
Finally, projection is one of their more insidious deception methods.
Simply put, the fascist far left incessantly accuses the pro-freedom right of what they are doing. Of course, they could reply that we’re doing the same thing but that isn’t true in every case. We’re not out to confiscate guns, so that proves their lies once again.
Once you see why and how they lie, you’re partially equipped to fight back. Laughing at their ever-evolving varieties of lies. More importantly, you can equip others to do the same, because once they’ve been outed as perennial professional liars, they will be rendered powerless. That’s the only thing that will save our nation.

According to Maoist Democrat Commie ideology, winning matters, truth not so much.
The lying spirits (demons) that are inside of them are orders of magnitude more intelligent than mere humans. They have had over 6,000 years of experience dealing with humans.
Intelligence used for evil purposes, though. Much of the thoughts in the brains of these leftists are the thoughts and ideas of the demons.
Yet, laughter at absurdities is effective. What the devil hates most is being mocked.
Unless the people can be exposed to the truth the lies will dominate the political landscape. Otherwise, the biased media is their bullhorn and no amount of decent people laughing is going to undo the relentless gaslighting by the media.

Yes, lies can be defeated by intelligence. Not by laughing.

The intelligence on the left and the right is from those who have good jobs manipulating the people. The people aren't the intelligence. The people who come on message boards like this and play the entertainment game of bash the other side aren't the ones controlling the message, they're the ones spreading the lies, the manipulation, the control of the rich people getting people to do what they want.

Such an article is just another example of the manipulation.

"Ignore what the other side says, believe our manipulation, you know our lies are the truth, DO NOT QUESTION OUR MESSAGE"
Yes, lies can be defeated by intelligence. Not by laughing.

The intelligence on the left and the right is from those who have good jobs manipulating the people. The people aren't the intelligence. The people who come on message boards like this and play the entertainment game of bash the other side aren't the ones controlling the message, they're the ones spreading the lies, the manipulation, the control of the rich people getting people to do what they want.

Such an article is just another example of the manipulation.

"Ignore what the other side says, believe our manipulation, you know our lies are the truth, DO NOT QUESTION OUR MESSAGE"

Was Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election a lie?
Their entire reality is propped up by massive lies that are so obvious to those of us fighting back.
Rona, masks, clot shots were all massive lies they still believe.
They can't stand it that we still haven't shut up about the fraud elections that installed a brain dead meat puppet in a dirty diaper. They are constantly trying to gaslight us into saying it was a legit election untainted by extensive fraud.
Though ostensibly they claim to want to convince us, they are really just trying to convince themselves that the Big Guy isn't really the Big Lie.

I love using humor & sarcasm against them because they can't handle it when we laugh at them.
They are like psychotic clowns

That's the best description I have ever heard of the American left. They vote with their nerve endings.

Look at the 2016 election.

Dems nominated Clinton, who had a deep knowledge of government and policy but no charisma.

Reps nominated Trump, who had a lot of charisma but no knowledge of government and policy.
Lies and more lies from Joey Bai Dun and is Merry Marxist Maoists.
Lies and more lies from Joey Bai Dun and is Merry Marxist Maoists.

Apparently the "world was outraged" by the Mar al Lago raid. I don't think "the word" gave too much of a damn about the raid other than to wonder if they had enough popcorn for the show.

As for lies. I mean, people expect politicians to lie. But here's the question (or two):

Do you have a problem with presidents lying?

What should happen to a president who knowingly lies?

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