Latest polls shows indictment will help trump in GOP primary, but he will be hurt in the General election


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

As most predicted, indictments will help trump in the GOP Primary, but he will be hurt in the General election. Establishment GOPers know this. MAGA does not care. They seems to be okay with losing.

As most predicted, indictments will help trump in the GOP Primary, but he will be hurt in the General election. Establishment GOPers know this. MAGA does not care. They seems to be okay with losing.
Dems want Trump to take the GOP nomination

As most predicted, indictments will help trump in the GOP Primary, but he will be hurt in the General election. Establishment GOPers know this. MAGA does not care. They seems to be okay with losing.
Which tells us a lot about the morals to today's GOP voter.

As most predicted, indictments will help trump in the GOP Primary, but he will be hurt in the General election. Establishment GOPers know this. MAGA does not care. They seems to be okay with losing.

Politically, I'm pretty sure that Biden and company would have not wanted this to happen. I think it is a net positive for the Biden/Harris ticket going forward but I doubt they wanted this "unknown" introduced to the carefully laid out plans, messaging, etc..
Dems want Trump to take the GOP nomination

If that was what Sleepy Joe's strategizers want, their move yesterday certainly makes the GOP race a one-horse field.

But sometimes the best laid plans can blow up on you.

President Trump may well win, and that will be a real kick in the ass to the libs.

As most predicted, indictments will help trump in the GOP Primary, but he will be hurt in the General election. Establishment GOPers know this. MAGA does not care. They seems to be okay with losing.
Hey yeah, your DA came out of his hole, saw his shadow, and added 20 points to Trump.
You dimwit illegal strategy will backfire jimboliar.
Dems want Trump to take the GOP nomination
I have heard it often from some MAGA faithful. They see little Ron having a better chance against any Dem than Donnie. But since even his primary opponents are rallying around him right now, trump has the best chance of being the 2024 GOP nominee...and then losing again in the General.
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If that was what Sleepy Joe's strategizers want, their move yesterday certainly makes the GOP race a one-horse field.

But sometimes the best laid plans can blow up on you.

President Trump may well win, and that will be a real kick in the ass to the libs.

Biden 306
Trump 232

Trump will have a difficult time matching his 2020 results
I have heard it often from some MAGA faithful. They see little Ron having a better chance against any Dem that Donnie. But since even his primary opponents are rallying around him right now, trump has the best chance of being the 2024 GOP nominee...and then losing again in the General.
No fake leftyvirus this time jimboliar.
Politically, I'm pretty sure that Biden and company would have not wanted this to happen. I think it is a net positive for the Biden/Harris ticket going forward but I doubt they wanted this "unknown" introduced to the carefully laid out plans, messaging, etc..

If what you are saying is true- why didn't Sleepy Joe's stooges tell Al Bragg to lay off? Or did they do it, and Bragg just went into business for himself?
It's past time for America to show that no one is above the law.
This is the least serious of the indictments coming. I think Georgia will be next and it will include many of trump's associates that tried to overturn the election in that state. That will be the second state charges against him. Jack Smith with the DOJ is getting win after win as he builds the cases against Donnie. The poor man may lose his mind when Fulton County comes acalling.
This is the least serious of the indictments coming. I think Georgia will be next and it will include many of trump's associates that tried to overturn the election in that state. That will be the second state charges against him. Jack Smith with the DOJ is getting win after win as he builds the cases against Donnie. The poor man may lose his mind when Fulton County comes acalling.
Each dismissed charge will add points and more points as even your dimwitted lemmings figure out what you are doing.

As most predicted, indictments will help trump in the GOP Primary, but he will be hurt in the General election. Establishment GOPers know this. MAGA does not care. They seems to be okay with losing.
He is the nominee in 2024, whether people like it or not.
The cases for GA, J6, and docs are YEARS away from seeing any kind of court date.
And an indictment will not prevent him from running.

DeSantis needs to step up his game if he wants to challenge Trump.
But it doesn't look like Stillson has it in him.
LMAO you idiots on the left are playing right into Trump's hands. Breaking, Democrats attack Trump's grandkids. Laugh that his grandkids will have mug shots of their grandparents on national tv. Keep showing America how classless and vile you truly are Dems.
Wonder why he would be hurt in the general election. Oh that's right, the vote counters.
As most predicted, indictments will help trump in the GOP Primary, but he will be hurt in the General election. Establishment GOPers know this. MAGA does not care. They seems to be okay with losing.
Your fear is palpable.
He is the nominee in 2024, whether people like it or not.
The cases for GA, J6, and docs are YEARS away from seeing any kind of court date.
And an indictment will not prevent him from running.

DeSantis needs to step up his game if he wants to challenge Trump.
But it doesn't look like Stillson has it in him.

What makes you think that DeSantis wants to challenge Trump? Sounds like a good way for the fellow to lose and forfeit a chance to win in 2028 or 2032.

Right now, for the next year, all of the focus is going to be on the Trumpster. Its impossible for any other candidate to get traction without having a spotlight on them.

If I were advising Haley, or any other prospective candidate, I'd tell them to back down as well.

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