Largest egg producer in the US halts all production, culls 2 million chickens


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015

Yikes. This is the start of something that could easily become impactful and even severe.

Not just eggs and not just chicken. Downstream issues could result.

Keep your eyes on this, kiddos.

Yikes. This is the start of something that could easily become impactful and even severe.

Not just eggs and not just chicken. Downstream issues could result.

Keep your eyes on this, kiddos.
"Cull?" Oh, you mean killing 2 million. That's a shame. Yep! It's Trump's fault you know. I'll wait for the trial.
On a serious note, the cost will be quite a bit in the short run unless Biden bails them out which I doubt. He will bail out criminal clucks and student clucks but not real clucks.
Biden should release some of the Strategic Egg Reserve if there ends up being a shortage and a price spike.

Yikes. This is the start of something that could easily become impactful and even severe.

Not just eggs and not just chicken. Downstream issues could result.

Keep your eyes on this, kiddos.
This actually happens frequently.
hey its always been if you are in the big chair,just about anything that happens on your watch,good or bad,its on you....comes with the job....

Sure, thats politics.

Its not about facts, it is about what you can convince people the facts are.
I hate to say this but the Saudis need to get oil price to $150 a barrel. If paying more to drive this potato head and word salad queen out of office, it's worth the sacrifice.
I'm curious to know what actually causes the bird flu. I mean how it got started in the first place.

One thing I do know.... in factory farms, the condition chickens are in is truly disgusting and unnatural. But I'm just wondering what the origin is, because this is a problem that happens every so often, and the way it's always dealt with doesn't seem to address the root of the problem. :dunno:
Everyday a new crisis under Joe.... is anyone home in the oval office?....

All done on purpose. :mad:

I'm curious to know what actually causes the bird flu. I mean how it got started in the first place.
It is simply a strain of virus that has adapted to a particular host though it is also capable of transmission to other species .
H5N1 in the case of Avian Flu

Since early 2022, more than 58 million birds in 47 states have died either directly from a bird flu virus infection or been culled (killed) as a result of possible exposure to infected birds. The recent strain has cost the government $661 million with no end to the outbreak in sight despite severe mitigation measures put in place by the industry after the 2015 outbreak. Iowa, the biggest egg producer in the United States, has been the most affected, with almost 16 million birds slaughtered.

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