Land of the Not Free, home of the Cowards


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Man in viral Florida Costco video defends himself after outburst during face mask argument

From the comments

Not buying any of this nonsense. I don't like wearing a mask either, and as it gets hotter and more humid it can be oppressive, but either grow some 'nads and tolerate it, or stay home and shop online

Does this sound familiar to anyone?

Liberty and Justice for all

Citizens advocating for restricting Liberty- fucking idiots.

Grow some nads and tolerate it or stay at home and shop online. It's not that difficult. These kinds of idiots are the reason the virus continues to spread...and like it or not, a second shutdown for Florida is coming. Just boggles my mind that people can't do the right thing...when doing the right things are the things that will slow the virus and allow us to get back to getting around without masks. Mystifying.
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Grow some nads and tolerate it or stay at home and shop online. It's not that difficult. These kinds of idiots are the reason the virus continues to spread...and like it or not, a second shutdown for Florida is coming. Just boggles my mind that people can't do the right thing...when doing the right things are the things that will slow the virus and allow us to get back to getting around without masks. Mystifying.
Bullshit- sheeple are the complainers- sheeple is spelled "cowards"- who obviously disagree with "Liberty", which explains why there is no "Justice' and worship at the feet of alleged experts employed by the Elders in the Church of Godvernment-
Because of limited shopping places where I live I occasionally have to wear a mask if I want to eat.

A mask with a prominent "666" blazoned (look THAT up, liberal indoctrinees) across it.
Grow some nads and tolerate it or stay at home and shop online. It's not that difficult. These kinds of idiots are the reason the virus continues to spread...and like it or not, a second shutdown for Florida is coming. Just boggles my mind that people can't do the right thing...when doing the right things are the things that will slow the virus and allow us to get back to getting around without masks. Mystifying.
Bullshit- sheeple are the complainers- sheeple is spelled "cowards"- who obviously disagree with "Liberty", which explains why there is no "Justice' and worship at the feet of alleged experts employed by the Elders in the Church of Godvernment-

If you want to eventually enjoy your liberty and freedom by not wearing a mask, wouldn't it be prudent to take these small, albeit somewhat annoying steps right now? Rather than have this pandemic turn into something uglier than any of us has ever imagined?
Grow some nads and tolerate it or stay at home and shop online. It's not that difficult. These kinds of idiots are the reason the virus continues to spread...and like it or not, a second shutdown for Florida is coming. Just boggles my mind that people can't do the right thing...when doing the right things are the things that will slow the virus and allow us to get back to getting around without masks. Mystifying.
Bullshit- sheeple are the complainers- sheeple is spelled "cowards"- who obviously disagree with "Liberty", which explains why there is no "Justice' and worship at the feet of alleged experts employed by the Elders in the Church of Godvernment-
Did not hear customers or employees complaining. No police were called he exercised his warped view of personal liberty and became a viral sensation for the way he acts in public and the disregard of others he has when he exercises his rights. When he became famous for the way he acts in public, his employer exercised his rights to not have an outside salesman representing it's face to their customers in a way that might reflect poorly on them. I am sure they will not hold up his unemployment compensation. He spoke his mind, if that is what you could call his public performance. He lives with the decisions and actions he takes as all Americans do. Liberty to do as you please, sometimes has costs. Nothing new here.
Man in viral Florida Costco video defends himself after outburst during face mask argument

From the comments

Not buying any of this nonsense. I don't like wearing a mask either, and as it gets hotter and more humid it can be oppressive, but either grow some 'nads and tolerate it, or stay home and shop online

Does this sound familiar to anyone?

Liberty and Justice for all

Citizens advocating for restricting Liberty- fucking idiots.

Grow some nads and tolerate it or stay at home and shop online. It's not that difficult. These kinds of idiots are the reason the virus continues to spread...and like it or not, a second shutdown for Florida is coming. Just boggles my mind that people can't do the right thing...when doing the right things are the things that will slow the virus and allow us to get back to getting around without masks. Mystifying.
Turning Florida into the virus shithole of America is their vision of MAGA.
We are told MNGOV is weighing a mask mandate. He has a few hurdles to clear first. Deaths are in the single digits. He needs to reup his emergency authority and a mask mandate would kill it. He was just denied 500 million Fed Funds to clean up the destruction of MPLS/StPAUL he sat on his ass and allowed to happen,
Man in viral Florida Costco video defends himself after outburst during face mask argument

From the comments

Not buying any of this nonsense. I don't like wearing a mask either, and as it gets hotter and more humid it can be oppressive, but either grow some 'nads and tolerate it, or stay home and shop online

Does this sound familiar to anyone?

Liberty and Justice for all

Citizens advocating for restricting Liberty- fucking idiots.

Grow some nads and tolerate it or stay at home and shop online. It's not that difficult. These kinds of idiots are the reason the virus continues to spread...and like it or not, a second shutdown for Florida is coming. Just boggles my mind that people can't do the right thing...when doing the right things are the things that will slow the virus and allow us to get back to getting around without masks. Mystifying.
Fuck face mask. They prevent nothing. Democrats just want to promote a culture of fear.
If you want to eventually enjoy your liberty and freedom by not wearing a mask, wouldn't it be prudent to take these small, albeit somewhat annoying steps right now? Rather than have this pandemic turn into something uglier than any of us has ever imagined?
Experts? LOL- I prefer to err on the side of Liberty. Experts, media and godvernment be damned. They don't have a lock on facts- in fact, the facts are they ALL lie- consistently. I've never imagined the ugliness of this "hoax". I'll leave that fortune telling to historians and liars. What I see is NOT imagination. I see an evil hand at play pushing the envelope, stretching it's boundaries to see how far it can go before it gets bitch slapped- and, you can bet your last dime (if godvernment lets you keep one) that it will happen. Now. I may not live to see it, but that don't mean it ain't gonna happen----- ALL conflict begins when one forces his whatever on another- ones label is immaterial. People will take only so much bullshit- oh, they're out powered/outnumbered- so fucking what?!
I, and the many like me, would rather die fighting liars and thugs, than remain alive under the thumb of a jack ass- no matter what his title.

This Country was founded, with a gov't established, for what reason? It goddamn sure wasn't so people could be herded around like a bunch of dumb animals by a bunch of Empty Suits and talking heads and "experts" pretending to be intelligent-

Eventually- enjoy my Liberty- you fucking retard. Once godvernment implements a control it NEVER relinquishes it's power- LOOK AT HISTORY-

Good god people- fucking pathetic-
Did not hear customers or employees complaining
Do you think he went off on thin air? I find that hard to believe. Maybe the cell phone videoing him was pissed off- ya think?

This Country was founded on the principle of securing Liberty- not restricting it.
He is uncomfortable, he said, wearing a mask- BUT the fucking court of the piss poor educated public opinion decided they are the arbiters of Liberty restrictions-

IF a fucking mask protects you what's the problem? It means he chose to not be protected. If you're wearing a mask you are. Right? Where's the problem?

This world is so fucked. SMH
If you want to eventually enjoy your liberty and freedom by not wearing a mask, wouldn't it be prudent to take these small, albeit somewhat annoying steps right now? Rather than have this pandemic turn into something uglier than any of us has ever imagined?
Experts? LOL- I prefer to err on the side of Liberty. Experts, media and godvernment be damned. They don't have a lock on facts- in fact, the facts are they ALL lie- consistently. I've never imagined the ugliness of this "hoax". I'll leave that fortune telling to historians and liars. What I see is NOT imagination. I see an evil hand at play pushing the envelope, stretching it's boundaries to see how far it can go before it gets bitch slapped- and, you can bet your last dime (if godvernment lets you keep one) that it will happen. Now. I may not live to see it, but that don't mean it ain't gonna happen----- ALL conflict begins when one forces his whatever on another- ones label is immaterial. People will take only so much bullshit- oh, they're out powered/outnumbered- so fucking what?!
I, and the many like me, would rather die fighting liars and thugs, than remain alive under the thumb of a jack ass- no matter what his title.

This Country was founded, with a gov't established, for what reason? It goddamn sure wasn't so people could be herded around like a bunch of dumb animals by a bunch of Empty Suits and talking heads and "experts" pretending to be intelligent-

Eventually- enjoy my Liberty- you fucking retard. Once godvernment implements a control it NEVER relinquishes it's power- LOOK AT HISTORY-

Good god people- fucking pathetic-

Yeah, I know. Just no talking to morons like you. You could have it walked right up to you and you'd still bray like a fucking donkey. Glad people like you are getting fewer and farther between.
If you want to eventually enjoy your liberty and freedom by not wearing a mask, wouldn't it be prudent to take these small, albeit somewhat annoying steps right now? Rather than have this pandemic turn into something uglier than any of us has ever imagined?
Experts? LOL- I prefer to err on the side of Liberty. Experts, media and godvernment be damned. They don't have a lock on facts- in fact, the facts are they ALL lie- consistently. I've never imagined the ugliness of this "hoax". I'll leave that fortune telling to historians and liars. What I see is NOT imagination. I see an evil hand at play pushing the envelope, stretching it's boundaries to see how far it can go before it gets bitch slapped- and, you can bet your last dime (if godvernment lets you keep one) that it will happen. Now. I may not live to see it, but that don't mean it ain't gonna happen----- ALL conflict begins when one forces his whatever on another- ones label is immaterial. People will take only so much bullshit- oh, they're out powered/outnumbered- so fucking what?!
I, and the many like me, would rather die fighting liars and thugs, than remain alive under the thumb of a jack ass- no matter what his title.

This Country was founded, with a gov't established, for what reason? It goddamn sure wasn't so people could be herded around like a bunch of dumb animals by a bunch of Empty Suits and talking heads and "experts" pretending to be intelligent-

Eventually- enjoy my Liberty- you fucking retard. Once godvernment implements a control it NEVER relinquishes it's power- LOOK AT HISTORY-

Good god people- fucking pathetic-
Pandemic is bullshit. Fuck wearing a mask. This is all about the fact that 70% of the victims are black.
Yeah, I know. Just no talking to morons like you. You could have it walked right up to you and you'd still bray like a fucking donkey. Glad people like you are getting fewer and farther between.
You don't know jack shit- ALL you do is repeat talking points from your betters-
Homo homini lupus est, said Plautus. Our new masters beat the old Roman comic dramatist at his game by establishing Homo homini toxic est as the new norm. They have trained us to be afraid of each other, to wear masks, to keep social distance, or even better, to stay home. They prefer it this way, with us locked away, out of their way, ordering things by Internet and forfeiting our homes to digital debt collectors. A junkie would sooner part with his syringe than they would drop their lockdowns. For a while, we entertained the hope that they might end their morbid preoccupation with our health after a month or two. Now we know better.

Animals are trained- think about that, sheeple.

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