Krugman Decapitated!

Yesterdays theme was about Liberalism's attempts to make everyone a victim, claiming all sorts of dire events are imminent if they are not kept in power. And a prominent perveyer of the 'imminent disaster' thesis is Paul Krugman.

I do so enjoy it when one of the Liberal frauds gets his just deserts, and even more so when the fraud in question is this shifty-eyed pipsqueak, Krugman.

And not just because he is the personification of the Liberal plan of conquest....
...but because of the awards the rest of his clique bestows on him...unjustly.

And because of how frequently he is wrong in exactly those areas where he is getting said awards!!

Disater du jour....'run for your lives! We'll soon have no more oil!!'

1. A former editor of the Chicago Tribune "used to advise writers to try to attack so deftly that their target doesn’t know he’s been decapitated until he tries to walk away. He was speaking figuratively, which we note because of the rough-and-tumble nature of Chicago newspapering. It’s going to be something, in any event, to see Paul Krugman try to walk away from the latest sally by the Wall Street Journal.

He may stagger around for a while, but eventually he’ll topple."

2. The Wall Street Journal " dealt with him in an editorial debunking “Peak Oil.” It began by noting that it’s been “216 years since Thomas Malthus gave birth to the idea that mankind’s appetite for natural resources would outstrip nature’s capacity to supply them.

There have since been regular warnings that the world is running out of soybeans,helium,chocolate,tungsten, you name it—and that population growth has become unsustainable.

The warnings create a political or social panic for a while, only to be proved wrong.”
Peak Krugman - The New York Sun

3. Which brings us to the "peak oil" trope.... " Peak oil, an event based on M. King Hubbert's theory, is the point in time when the maximum rate of extraction of petroleum is reached, after which the rate of production is expected to enter terminal decline."
Peak oil - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. " December 2010 Mr. Krugman had announced that “peak oil has arrived.” ....
Mr. Krugman as saying: “What the commodity markets are telling us is that we’re living in a finite world, in which the rapid growth of emerging economies is placing pressure on limited supplies of raw materials, pushing up their prices. And America is, for the most part, just a bystander in this story.”
NYSun, Op. Cit.

4. Now....why would this Lib lead the hand-wringers in this manner?

a. " Rahm's Rule: 'Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste'"
Rahm s Rule Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste PERC The Property and Environment Research Center

b. It plays right into the fairy tale that only subscribing to the "Green Economy" scam will save the world!

5. And it fits nicely into the bigger picture, the motivation for Progressive worldviews:
"One spin-off of the Enlightenment was the desire to find new myths that would transcend daily existence and take one to a higher level of purification.
Proto-fascist, and founder of ecology, Ernst Haeckel, invested nature-worship with the belief that all matter was alive and possessed mental attributes. In ‘monism,’ he brought together hostility to Christianity and propaganda for Darwinism, a nature cult and theories of hygiene and selective breeding."
J.W. Burrow, “The Crisis of Reason: European Thought, 1848-1914,” p. 218-19

Liberalism, ecology, 'peak oil,'....Krugman.....all fish in the same barrel.
The Wall Street Journal is owned by Rupert Murdoch.
The argument against alternative renewable energy development is that it's too expensive.

The argument for staying dependent on oil is that technology advances in exploration, extraction, and refining justify it.

Anyone need help with the inconsistency there?

How much energy does one receive per dollar from oil vs. solar? What's the historical trend?
The argument against alternative renewable energy development is that it's too expensive.

The argument for staying dependent on oil is that technology advances in exploration, extraction, and refining justify it.

Anyone need help with the inconsistency there?

Lefty Logic right there....
Oil by the known nature of its creation has to be non-renewable.

By that same logic solar is non-renewable too. What's your point?

My point is, you're an idiot.

If you think there is no material difference between the supply of oil on earth and the lifespan of the sun, then you can't be anything other than an idiot.

Both are the same, the only difference is when they will run out. How long has oil existed and how long will it continue to exist? We keep finding more oil than we can use. The environmental concerns are valid, but "peak oil" is just a rehash of old failed Mathusian predictions.

Why would any of that justify the war against renewables?

Where did I ever claim to justify anything? I pointed out the flaw in your logic.

Believe it or not when I made the first relevant post on this I thought to myself, you know how the RWnuts are on this board,

some idiot's going to come in and point out that the sun will eventually burn out so that makes solar a non-renewable.

Sane people accept the commonly used definitions of renewable and non-renewable. It's your choice not to put yourself in that category of people.
The argument against alternative renewable energy development is that it's too expensive.

The argument for staying dependent on oil is that technology advances in exploration, extraction, and refining justify it.

Anyone need help with the inconsistency there?

How much energy does one receive per dollar from oil vs. solar? What's the historical trend?

Historically, the sun produced ALL the energy stored in petroleum.
Yesterdays theme was about Liberalism's attempts to make everyone a victim, claiming all sorts of dire events are imminent if they are not kept in power. And a prominent perveyer of the 'imminent disaster' thesis is Paul Krugman.

I do so enjoy it when one of the Liberal frauds gets his just deserts, and even more so when the fraud in question is this shifty-eyed pipsqueak, Krugman.

And not just because he is the personification of the Liberal plan of conquest....
...but because of the awards the rest of his clique bestows on him...unjustly.

And because of how frequently he is wrong in exactly those areas where he is getting said awards!!

Disater du jour....'run for your lives! We'll soon have no more oil!!'

1. A former editor of the Chicago Tribune "used to advise writers to try to attack so deftly that their target doesn’t know he’s been decapitated until he tries to walk away. He was speaking figuratively, which we note because of the rough-and-tumble nature of Chicago newspapering. It’s going to be something, in any event, to see Paul Krugman try to walk away from the latest sally by the Wall Street Journal.

He may stagger around for a while, but eventually he’ll topple."

2. The Wall Street Journal " dealt with him in an editorial debunking “Peak Oil.” It began by noting that it’s been “216 years since Thomas Malthus gave birth to the idea that mankind’s appetite for natural resources would outstrip nature’s capacity to supply them.

There have since been regular warnings that the world is running out of soybeans,helium,chocolate,tungsten, you name it—and that population growth has become unsustainable.

The warnings create a political or social panic for a while, only to be proved wrong.”
Peak Krugman - The New York Sun

3. Which brings us to the "peak oil" trope.... " Peak oil, an event based on M. King Hubbert's theory, is the point in time when the maximum rate of extraction of petroleum is reached, after which the rate of production is expected to enter terminal decline."
Peak oil - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. " December 2010 Mr. Krugman had announced that “peak oil has arrived.” ....
Mr. Krugman as saying: “What the commodity markets are telling us is that we’re living in a finite world, in which the rapid growth of emerging economies is placing pressure on limited supplies of raw materials, pushing up their prices. And America is, for the most part, just a bystander in this story.”
NYSun, Op. Cit.

4. Now....why would this Lib lead the hand-wringers in this manner?

a. " Rahm's Rule: 'Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste'"
Rahm s Rule Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste PERC The Property and Environment Research Center

b. It plays right into the fairy tale that only subscribing to the "Green Economy" scam will save the world!

5. And it fits nicely into the bigger picture, the motivation for Progressive worldviews:
"One spin-off of the Enlightenment was the desire to find new myths that would transcend daily existence and take one to a higher level of purification.
Proto-fascist, and founder of ecology, Ernst Haeckel, invested nature-worship with the belief that all matter was alive and possessed mental attributes. In ‘monism,’ he brought together hostility to Christianity and propaganda for Darwinism, a nature cult and theories of hygiene and selective breeding."
J.W. Burrow, “The Crisis of Reason: European Thought, 1848-1914,” p. 218-19

Liberalism, ecology, 'peak oil,'....Krugman.....all fish in the same barrel.
The Wall Street Journal is owned by Rupert Murdoch.

Yesterdays theme was about Liberalism's attempts to make everyone a victim, claiming all sorts of dire events are imminent if they are not kept in power. And a prominent perveyer of the 'imminent disaster' thesis is Paul Krugman.

I do so enjoy it when one of the Liberal frauds gets his just deserts, and even more so when the fraud in question is this shifty-eyed pipsqueak, Krugman.

And not just because he is the personification of the Liberal plan of conquest....
...but because of the awards the rest of his clique bestows on him...unjustly.

And because of how frequently he is wrong in exactly those areas where he is getting said awards!!

Disater du jour....'run for your lives! We'll soon have no more oil!!'

1. A former editor of the Chicago Tribune "used to advise writers to try to attack so deftly that their target doesn’t know he’s been decapitated until he tries to walk away. He was speaking figuratively, which we note because of the rough-and-tumble nature of Chicago newspapering. It’s going to be something, in any event, to see Paul Krugman try to walk away from the latest sally by the Wall Street Journal.

He may stagger around for a while, but eventually he’ll topple."

2. The Wall Street Journal " dealt with him in an editorial debunking “Peak Oil.” It began by noting that it’s been “216 years since Thomas Malthus gave birth to the idea that mankind’s appetite for natural resources would outstrip nature’s capacity to supply them.

There have since been regular warnings that the world is running out of soybeans,helium,chocolate,tungsten, you name it—and that population growth has become unsustainable.

The warnings create a political or social panic for a while, only to be proved wrong.”
Peak Krugman - The New York Sun

3. Which brings us to the "peak oil" trope.... " Peak oil, an event based on M. King Hubbert's theory, is the point in time when the maximum rate of extraction of petroleum is reached, after which the rate of production is expected to enter terminal decline."
Peak oil - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. " December 2010 Mr. Krugman had announced that “peak oil has arrived.” ....
Mr. Krugman as saying: “What the commodity markets are telling us is that we’re living in a finite world, in which the rapid growth of emerging economies is placing pressure on limited supplies of raw materials, pushing up their prices. And America is, for the most part, just a bystander in this story.”
NYSun, Op. Cit.

4. Now....why would this Lib lead the hand-wringers in this manner?

a. " Rahm's Rule: 'Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste'"
Rahm s Rule Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste PERC The Property and Environment Research Center

b. It plays right into the fairy tale that only subscribing to the "Green Economy" scam will save the world!

5. And it fits nicely into the bigger picture, the motivation for Progressive worldviews:
"One spin-off of the Enlightenment was the desire to find new myths that would transcend daily existence and take one to a higher level of purification.
Proto-fascist, and founder of ecology, Ernst Haeckel, invested nature-worship with the belief that all matter was alive and possessed mental attributes. In ‘monism,’ he brought together hostility to Christianity and propaganda for Darwinism, a nature cult and theories of hygiene and selective breeding."
J.W. Burrow, “The Crisis of Reason: European Thought, 1848-1914,” p. 218-19

Liberalism, ecology, 'peak oil,'....Krugman.....all fish in the same barrel.
The Wall Street Journal is owned by Rupert Murdoch.

Sorry PC, I'm at work today, and videos are blocked here.

What did the video tell us?
The argument against alternative renewable energy development is that it's too expensive.

The argument for staying dependent on oil is that technology advances in exploration, extraction, and refining justify it.

Anyone need help with the inconsistency there?

Lefty Logic right there....

I was citing your arguments, genius.
Yesterdays theme was about Liberalism's attempts to make everyone a victim, claiming all sorts of dire events are imminent if they are not kept in power. And a prominent perveyer of the 'imminent disaster' thesis is Paul Krugman.

I do so enjoy it when one of the Liberal frauds gets his just deserts, and even more so when the fraud in question is this shifty-eyed pipsqueak, Krugman.

And not just because he is the personification of the Liberal plan of conquest....
...but because of the awards the rest of his clique bestows on him...unjustly.

And because of how frequently he is wrong in exactly those areas where he is getting said awards!!

Disater du jour....'run for your lives! We'll soon have no more oil!!'

1. A former editor of the Chicago Tribune "used to advise writers to try to attack so deftly that their target doesn’t know he’s been decapitated until he tries to walk away. He was speaking figuratively, which we note because of the rough-and-tumble nature of Chicago newspapering. It’s going to be something, in any event, to see Paul Krugman try to walk away from the latest sally by the Wall Street Journal.

He may stagger around for a while, but eventually he’ll topple."

2. The Wall Street Journal " dealt with him in an editorial debunking “Peak Oil.” It began by noting that it’s been “216 years since Thomas Malthus gave birth to the idea that mankind’s appetite for natural resources would outstrip nature’s capacity to supply them.

There have since been regular warnings that the world is running out of soybeans,helium,chocolate,tungsten, you name it—and that population growth has become unsustainable.

The warnings create a political or social panic for a while, only to be proved wrong.”
Peak Krugman - The New York Sun

3. Which brings us to the "peak oil" trope.... " Peak oil, an event based on M. King Hubbert's theory, is the point in time when the maximum rate of extraction of petroleum is reached, after which the rate of production is expected to enter terminal decline."
Peak oil - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. " December 2010 Mr. Krugman had announced that “peak oil has arrived.” ....
Mr. Krugman as saying: “What the commodity markets are telling us is that we’re living in a finite world, in which the rapid growth of emerging economies is placing pressure on limited supplies of raw materials, pushing up their prices. And America is, for the most part, just a bystander in this story.”
NYSun, Op. Cit.

4. Now....why would this Lib lead the hand-wringers in this manner?

a. " Rahm's Rule: 'Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste'"
Rahm s Rule Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste PERC The Property and Environment Research Center

b. It plays right into the fairy tale that only subscribing to the "Green Economy" scam will save the world!

5. And it fits nicely into the bigger picture, the motivation for Progressive worldviews:
"One spin-off of the Enlightenment was the desire to find new myths that would transcend daily existence and take one to a higher level of purification.
Proto-fascist, and founder of ecology, Ernst Haeckel, invested nature-worship with the belief that all matter was alive and possessed mental attributes. In ‘monism,’ he brought together hostility to Christianity and propaganda for Darwinism, a nature cult and theories of hygiene and selective breeding."
J.W. Burrow, “The Crisis of Reason: European Thought, 1848-1914,” p. 218-19

Liberalism, ecology, 'peak oil,'....Krugman.....all fish in the same barrel.
The Wall Street Journal is owned by Rupert Murdoch.

Sorry PC, I'm at work today, and videos are blocked here.

What did the video tell us?

"So what?" to your post.
Yesterdays theme was about Liberalism's attempts to make everyone a victim, claiming all sorts of dire events are imminent if they are not kept in power. And a prominent perveyer of the 'imminent disaster' thesis is Paul Krugman.

I do so enjoy it when one of the Liberal frauds gets his just deserts, and even more so when the fraud in question is this shifty-eyed pipsqueak, Krugman.

And not just because he is the personification of the Liberal plan of conquest....
...but because of the awards the rest of his clique bestows on him...unjustly.

And because of how frequently he is wrong in exactly those areas where he is getting said awards!!

Disater du jour....'run for your lives! We'll soon have no more oil!!'

1. A former editor of the Chicago Tribune "used to advise writers to try to attack so deftly that their target doesn’t know he’s been decapitated until he tries to walk away. He was speaking figuratively, which we note because of the rough-and-tumble nature of Chicago newspapering. It’s going to be something, in any event, to see Paul Krugman try to walk away from the latest sally by the Wall Street Journal.

He may stagger around for a while, but eventually he’ll topple."

2. The Wall Street Journal " dealt with him in an editorial debunking “Peak Oil.” It began by noting that it’s been “216 years since Thomas Malthus gave birth to the idea that mankind’s appetite for natural resources would outstrip nature’s capacity to supply them.

There have since been regular warnings that the world is running out of soybeans,helium,chocolate,tungsten, you name it—and that population growth has become unsustainable.

The warnings create a political or social panic for a while, only to be proved wrong.”
Peak Krugman - The New York Sun

3. Which brings us to the "peak oil" trope.... " Peak oil, an event based on M. King Hubbert's theory, is the point in time when the maximum rate of extraction of petroleum is reached, after which the rate of production is expected to enter terminal decline."
Peak oil - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. " December 2010 Mr. Krugman had announced that “peak oil has arrived.” ....
Mr. Krugman as saying: “What the commodity markets are telling us is that we’re living in a finite world, in which the rapid growth of emerging economies is placing pressure on limited supplies of raw materials, pushing up their prices. And America is, for the most part, just a bystander in this story.”
NYSun, Op. Cit.

4. Now....why would this Lib lead the hand-wringers in this manner?

a. " Rahm's Rule: 'Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste'"
Rahm s Rule Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste PERC The Property and Environment Research Center

b. It plays right into the fairy tale that only subscribing to the "Green Economy" scam will save the world!

5. And it fits nicely into the bigger picture, the motivation for Progressive worldviews:
"One spin-off of the Enlightenment was the desire to find new myths that would transcend daily existence and take one to a higher level of purification.
Proto-fascist, and founder of ecology, Ernst Haeckel, invested nature-worship with the belief that all matter was alive and possessed mental attributes. In ‘monism,’ he brought together hostility to Christianity and propaganda for Darwinism, a nature cult and theories of hygiene and selective breeding."
J.W. Burrow, “The Crisis of Reason: European Thought, 1848-1914,” p. 218-19

Liberalism, ecology, 'peak oil,'....Krugman.....all fish in the same barrel.
The Wall Street Journal is owned by Rupert Murdoch.

Sorry PC, I'm at work today, and videos are blocked here.

What did the video tell us?

"So what?" to your post.
Well...Rupert Mordoch, and the policies of Newscorp, have changed the WSJ.

They used to be a balanced financial trade journal when they were family owned.

How much attention would you pay to a hit piece about Mitt Romney if the New York Times put it out?
Yesterdays theme was about Liberalism's attempts to make everyone a victim, claiming all sorts of dire events are imminent if they are not kept in power. And a prominent perveyer of the 'imminent disaster' thesis is Paul Krugman.

I do so enjoy it when one of the Liberal frauds gets his just deserts, and even more so when the fraud in question is this shifty-eyed pipsqueak, Krugman.

And not just because he is the personification of the Liberal plan of conquest....
...but because of the awards the rest of his clique bestows on him...unjustly.

And because of how frequently he is wrong in exactly those areas where he is getting said awards!!

Disater du jour....'run for your lives! We'll soon have no more oil!!'

1. A former editor of the Chicago Tribune "used to advise writers to try to attack so deftly that their target doesn’t know he’s been decapitated until he tries to walk away. He was speaking figuratively, which we note because of the rough-and-tumble nature of Chicago newspapering. It’s going to be something, in any event, to see Paul Krugman try to walk away from the latest sally by the Wall Street Journal.

He may stagger around for a while, but eventually he’ll topple."

2. The Wall Street Journal " dealt with him in an editorial debunking “Peak Oil.” It began by noting that it’s been “216 years since Thomas Malthus gave birth to the idea that mankind’s appetite for natural resources would outstrip nature’s capacity to supply them.

There have since been regular warnings that the world is running out of soybeans,helium,chocolate,tungsten, you name it—and that population growth has become unsustainable.

The warnings create a political or social panic for a while, only to be proved wrong.”
Peak Krugman - The New York Sun

3. Which brings us to the "peak oil" trope.... " Peak oil, an event based on M. King Hubbert's theory, is the point in time when the maximum rate of extraction of petroleum is reached, after which the rate of production is expected to enter terminal decline."
Peak oil - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. " December 2010 Mr. Krugman had announced that “peak oil has arrived.” ....
Mr. Krugman as saying: “What the commodity markets are telling us is that we’re living in a finite world, in which the rapid growth of emerging economies is placing pressure on limited supplies of raw materials, pushing up their prices. And America is, for the most part, just a bystander in this story.”
NYSun, Op. Cit.

4. Now....why would this Lib lead the hand-wringers in this manner?

a. " Rahm's Rule: 'Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste'"
Rahm s Rule Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste PERC The Property and Environment Research Center

b. It plays right into the fairy tale that only subscribing to the "Green Economy" scam will save the world!

5. And it fits nicely into the bigger picture, the motivation for Progressive worldviews:
"One spin-off of the Enlightenment was the desire to find new myths that would transcend daily existence and take one to a higher level of purification.
Proto-fascist, and founder of ecology, Ernst Haeckel, invested nature-worship with the belief that all matter was alive and possessed mental attributes. In ‘monism,’ he brought together hostility to Christianity and propaganda for Darwinism, a nature cult and theories of hygiene and selective breeding."
J.W. Burrow, “The Crisis of Reason: European Thought, 1848-1914,” p. 218-19

Liberalism, ecology, 'peak oil,'....Krugman.....all fish in the same barrel.
The Wall Street Journal is owned by Rupert Murdoch.

Sorry PC, I'm at work today, and videos are blocked here.

What did the video tell us?

"So what?" to your post.
Well...Rupert Mordoch, and the policies of Newscorp, have changed the WSJ.

They used to be a balanced financial trade journal when they were family owned.

How much attention would you pay to a hit piece about Mitt Romney if the New York Times put it out?

So, you position is that the source of the revelations about Krugman, rather than his actual words, represent the relevant material?

There's no award for stop competing.
Yesterdays theme was about Liberalism's attempts to make everyone a victim, claiming all sorts of dire events are imminent if they are not kept in power. And a prominent perveyer of the 'imminent disaster' thesis is Paul Krugman.

I do so enjoy it when one of the Liberal frauds gets his just deserts, and even more so when the fraud in question is this shifty-eyed pipsqueak, Krugman.

And not just because he is the personification of the Liberal plan of conquest....
...but because of the awards the rest of his clique bestows on him...unjustly.

And because of how frequently he is wrong in exactly those areas where he is getting said awards!!

Disater du jour....'run for your lives! We'll soon have no more oil!!'

1. A former editor of the Chicago Tribune "used to advise writers to try to attack so deftly that their target doesn’t know he’s been decapitated until he tries to walk away. He was speaking figuratively, which we note because of the rough-and-tumble nature of Chicago newspapering. It’s going to be something, in any event, to see Paul Krugman try to walk away from the latest sally by the Wall Street Journal.

He may stagger around for a while, but eventually he’ll topple."

2. The Wall Street Journal " dealt with him in an editorial debunking “Peak Oil.” It began by noting that it’s been “216 years since Thomas Malthus gave birth to the idea that mankind’s appetite for natural resources would outstrip nature’s capacity to supply them.

There have since been regular warnings that the world is running out of soybeans,helium,chocolate,tungsten, you name it—and that population growth has become unsustainable.

The warnings create a political or social panic for a while, only to be proved wrong.”
Peak Krugman - The New York Sun

3. Which brings us to the "peak oil" trope.... " Peak oil, an event based on M. King Hubbert's theory, is the point in time when the maximum rate of extraction of petroleum is reached, after which the rate of production is expected to enter terminal decline."
Peak oil - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. " December 2010 Mr. Krugman had announced that “peak oil has arrived.” ....
Mr. Krugman as saying: “What the commodity markets are telling us is that we’re living in a finite world, in which the rapid growth of emerging economies is placing pressure on limited supplies of raw materials, pushing up their prices. And America is, for the most part, just a bystander in this story.”
NYSun, Op. Cit.

4. Now....why would this Lib lead the hand-wringers in this manner?

a. " Rahm's Rule: 'Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste'"
Rahm s Rule Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste PERC The Property and Environment Research Center

b. It plays right into the fairy tale that only subscribing to the "Green Economy" scam will save the world!

5. And it fits nicely into the bigger picture, the motivation for Progressive worldviews:
"One spin-off of the Enlightenment was the desire to find new myths that would transcend daily existence and take one to a higher level of purification.
Proto-fascist, and founder of ecology, Ernst Haeckel, invested nature-worship with the belief that all matter was alive and possessed mental attributes. In ‘monism,’ he brought together hostility to Christianity and propaganda for Darwinism, a nature cult and theories of hygiene and selective breeding."
J.W. Burrow, “The Crisis of Reason: European Thought, 1848-1914,” p. 218-19

Liberalism, ecology, 'peak oil,'....Krugman.....all fish in the same barrel.
The Wall Street Journal is owned by Rupert Murdoch.

Sorry PC, I'm at work today, and videos are blocked here.

What did the video tell us?

It told us that PC has a classic double standard when it comes to liberal bias in the media vs. conservative bias.
Yesterdays theme was about Liberalism's attempts to make everyone a victim, claiming all sorts of dire events are imminent if they are not kept in power. And a prominent perveyer of the 'imminent disaster' thesis is Paul Krugman.

I do so enjoy it when one of the Liberal frauds gets his just deserts, and even more so when the fraud in question is this shifty-eyed pipsqueak, Krugman.

And not just because he is the personification of the Liberal plan of conquest....
...but because of the awards the rest of his clique bestows on him...unjustly.

And because of how frequently he is wrong in exactly those areas where he is getting said awards!!

Disater du jour....'run for your lives! We'll soon have no more oil!!'

1. A former editor of the Chicago Tribune "used to advise writers to try to attack so deftly that their target doesn’t know he’s been decapitated until he tries to walk away. He was speaking figuratively, which we note because of the rough-and-tumble nature of Chicago newspapering. It’s going to be something, in any event, to see Paul Krugman try to walk away from the latest sally by the Wall Street Journal.

He may stagger around for a while, but eventually he’ll topple."

2. The Wall Street Journal " dealt with him in an editorial debunking “Peak Oil.” It began by noting that it’s been “216 years since Thomas Malthus gave birth to the idea that mankind’s appetite for natural resources would outstrip nature’s capacity to supply them.

There have since been regular warnings that the world is running out of soybeans,helium,chocolate,tungsten, you name it—and that population growth has become unsustainable.

The warnings create a political or social panic for a while, only to be proved wrong.”
Peak Krugman - The New York Sun

3. Which brings us to the "peak oil" trope.... " Peak oil, an event based on M. King Hubbert's theory, is the point in time when the maximum rate of extraction of petroleum is reached, after which the rate of production is expected to enter terminal decline."
Peak oil - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. " December 2010 Mr. Krugman had announced that “peak oil has arrived.” ....
Mr. Krugman as saying: “What the commodity markets are telling us is that we’re living in a finite world, in which the rapid growth of emerging economies is placing pressure on limited supplies of raw materials, pushing up their prices. And America is, for the most part, just a bystander in this story.”
NYSun, Op. Cit.

4. Now....why would this Lib lead the hand-wringers in this manner?

a. " Rahm's Rule: 'Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste'"
Rahm s Rule Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste PERC The Property and Environment Research Center

b. It plays right into the fairy tale that only subscribing to the "Green Economy" scam will save the world!

5. And it fits nicely into the bigger picture, the motivation for Progressive worldviews:
"One spin-off of the Enlightenment was the desire to find new myths that would transcend daily existence and take one to a higher level of purification.
Proto-fascist, and founder of ecology, Ernst Haeckel, invested nature-worship with the belief that all matter was alive and possessed mental attributes. In ‘monism,’ he brought together hostility to Christianity and propaganda for Darwinism, a nature cult and theories of hygiene and selective breeding."
J.W. Burrow, “The Crisis of Reason: European Thought, 1848-1914,” p. 218-19

Liberalism, ecology, 'peak oil,'....Krugman.....all fish in the same barrel.
The Wall Street Journal is owned by Rupert Murdoch.

Sorry PC, I'm at work today, and videos are blocked here.

What did the video tell us?

It told us that PC has a classic double standard when it comes to liberal bias in the media vs. conservative bias.
Thank God I've been doing this long enough to disbelieve both
The Wall Street Journal is owned by Rupert Murdoch.

Sorry PC, I'm at work today, and videos are blocked here.

What did the video tell us?

"So what?" to your post.
Well...Rupert Mordoch, and the policies of Newscorp, have changed the WSJ.

They used to be a balanced financial trade journal when they were family owned.

How much attention would you pay to a hit piece about Mitt Romney if the New York Times put it out?

So, you position is that the source of the revelations about Krugman, rather than his actual words, represent the relevant material?

There's no award for stop competing.
No, you misunderstood.

My position is NOT that the source of the revelations about Krugman, rather than his actual words, represent the relevant material.

My position is that the WSJ is no different than Fox News in terms of op eds written by their righty writers...and would dissmiss editorials, out of hand, written by lefties.

I only have so much down time between projects here, and unwinding/analyzing that editorial would take too much investment of time, additionally you wouldn't consider anything offered to counter what you've posted.
Sorry PC, I'm at work today, and videos are blocked here.

What did the video tell us?

"So what?" to your post.
Well...Rupert Mordoch, and the policies of Newscorp, have changed the WSJ.

They used to be a balanced financial trade journal when they were family owned.

How much attention would you pay to a hit piece about Mitt Romney if the New York Times put it out?

So, you position is that the source of the revelations about Krugman, rather than his actual words, represent the relevant material?

There's no award for stop competing.
No, you misunderstood.

My position is NOT that the source of the revelations about Krugman, rather than his actual words, represent the relevant material.

My position is that the WSJ is no different than Fox News in terms of op eds written by their righty writers...and would dissmiss editorials, out of hand, written by lefties.

I only have so much down time between projects here, and unwinding/analyzing that editorial would take too much investment of time, additionally you wouldn't consider anything offered to counter what you've posted.

Work hard, be well.
Answering only yes or no, is crude oil a non-renewable resource?


It isn't? Where is previously non-existent crude coming from?

Can you show us empirically that there is no more oil being made anywhere on/in the earth?

Now setting aside the impossibility of finding empirical answers to either of our questions, we didn't have the Bakken discovery a decade ago.

Peak Oil was a theory that was avant-garde at the time but it was wrong.

Oil by the known nature of its creation has to be non-renewable.

Nope, sorry.

As long as earth is inhabited by carbon life forms that live and die oil will continue through the ages.

Beyond that you have no idea what has not been discovered yet, I suspect that there is plenty to go around....just as the Bakken suggests.

Did this guy ever answer as to where newly produced oil is being pumped.

...I mean newly formed, not newly found...
Yesterdays theme was about Liberalism's attempts to make everyone a victim, claiming all sorts of dire events are imminent if they are not kept in power. And a prominent perveyer of the 'imminent disaster' thesis is Paul Krugman.

I do so enjoy it when one of the Liberal frauds gets his just deserts, and even more so when the fraud in question is this shifty-eyed pipsqueak, Krugman.

And not just because he is the personification of the Liberal plan of conquest....
...but because of the awards the rest of his clique bestows on him...unjustly.

And because of how frequently he is wrong in exactly those areas where he is getting said awards!!

Disater du jour....'run for your lives! We'll soon have no more oil!!'

1. A former editor of the Chicago Tribune "used to advise writers to try to attack so deftly that their target doesn’t know he’s been decapitated until he tries to walk away. He was speaking figuratively, which we note because of the rough-and-tumble nature of Chicago newspapering. It’s going to be something, in any event, to see Paul Krugman try to walk away from the latest sally by the Wall Street Journal.

He may stagger around for a while, but eventually he’ll topple."

2. The Wall Street Journal " dealt with him in an editorial debunking “Peak Oil.” It began by noting that it’s been “216 years since Thomas Malthus gave birth to the idea that mankind’s appetite for natural resources would outstrip nature’s capacity to supply them.

There have since been regular warnings that the world is running out of soybeans,helium,chocolate,tungsten, you name it—and that population growth has become unsustainable.

The warnings create a political or social panic for a while, only to be proved wrong.”
Peak Krugman - The New York Sun

3. Which brings us to the "peak oil" trope.... " Peak oil, an event based on M. King Hubbert's theory, is the point in time when the maximum rate of extraction of petroleum is reached, after which the rate of production is expected to enter terminal decline."
Peak oil - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. " December 2010 Mr. Krugman had announced that “peak oil has arrived.” ....
Mr. Krugman as saying: “What the commodity markets are telling us is that we’re living in a finite world, in which the rapid growth of emerging economies is placing pressure on limited supplies of raw materials, pushing up their prices. And America is, for the most part, just a bystander in this story.”
NYSun, Op. Cit.

4. Now....why would this Lib lead the hand-wringers in this manner?

a. " Rahm's Rule: 'Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste'"
Rahm s Rule Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste PERC The Property and Environment Research Center

b. It plays right into the fairy tale that only subscribing to the "Green Economy" scam will save the world!

5. And it fits nicely into the bigger picture, the motivation for Progressive worldviews:
"One spin-off of the Enlightenment was the desire to find new myths that would transcend daily existence and take one to a higher level of purification.
Proto-fascist, and founder of ecology, Ernst Haeckel, invested nature-worship with the belief that all matter was alive and possessed mental attributes. In ‘monism,’ he brought together hostility to Christianity and propaganda for Darwinism, a nature cult and theories of hygiene and selective breeding."
J.W. Burrow, “The Crisis of Reason: European Thought, 1848-1914,” p. 218-19

Liberalism, ecology, 'peak oil,'....Krugman.....all fish in the same barrel.

Krugman has only been "decapitsted" in the rightwingnut imagination.

Poor dear.

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