Kraft Zesty Dressing Ad Offends 'One Million Moms,' Sparks Debate

I think the ad itself is a byproduct of man's worsening moral downfall. The ad itself isn't causing it, but it's a symptom of the larger problem. At times I wonder what may happen once the downfall has passed through deeper depths. Maybe humans are the problem, or maybe there is hope that humankind as a whole could learn to respect their bodies and their dignities?

Maybe humans are the problem ? Humans are the only creature that even use that word. How are things supposed to be and according to what standard?

Humans are an anomaly. They're animals, mammals, with nails and hair and the ability to produce milk, among other things. If it's true that Earth is the only rock in existence to contain life, then we're abnormal, and the norm is cold, lifeless death. We create standards, laws, morals, etc. Laws and such are just words written on paper, that are expected to be followed by other humans.

Ya I know all that obvious stuff-----which standard, law or set of morals are you using to pronounce the downfall of man because there is a semi naked one in an advertisement ?
Maybe humans are the problem ? Humans are the only creature that even use that word. How are things supposed to be and according to what standard?

Humans are an anomaly. They're animals, mammals, with nails and hair and the ability to produce milk, among other things. If it's true that Earth is the only rock in existence to contain life, then we're abnormal, and the norm is cold, lifeless death. We create standards, laws, morals, etc. Laws and such are just words written on paper, that are expected to be followed by other humans.

Ya I know all that obvious stuff-----which standard, law or set of morals are you using to pronounce the downfall of man because there is a semi naked one in an advertisement ?


However, considering the fact that we're amoral animals who create our own laws and morals, I will answer your question with a question:

"Which standard, law or set of morals do people use to denounce anything, including child rape?"
Humans are an anomaly. They're animals, mammals, with nails and hair and the ability to produce milk, among other things. If it's true that Earth is the only rock in existence to contain life, then we're abnormal, and the norm is cold, lifeless death. We create standards, laws, morals, etc. Laws and such are just words written on paper, that are expected to be followed by other humans.

Ya I know all that obvious stuff-----which standard, law or set of morals are you using to pronounce the downfall of man because there is a semi naked one in an advertisement ?


However, considering the fact that we're amoral animals who create our own laws and morals, I will answer your question with a question:

"Which standard, law or set of morals do people use to denounce anything, including child rape?"

In other words----you don't have an answer or refuse to offer it.
I think the ad itself is a byproduct of man's worsening moral downfall. The ad itself isn't causing it, but it's a symptom of the larger problem. At times I wonder what may happen once the downfall has passed through deeper depths. Maybe humans are the problem, or maybe there is hope that humankind as a whole could learn to respect their bodies and their dignities?

Maybe humans are the problem ? Humans are the only creature that even use that word. How are things supposed to be and according to what standard?

Humans are an anomaly. They're animals, mammals, with nails and hair and the ability to produce milk, among other things. If it's true that Earth is the only rock in existence to contain life, then we're abnormal, and the norm is cold, lifeless death. We create standards, laws, morals, etc. Laws and such are just words written on paper, that are expected to be followed by other humans.

(My bold)

I like to see thinking in print. Meanwhile, back @ the original topic:

You all realize that Kraft & its ad agency are sporting king-size erections from this debate? There is simply nothing better in ad circles than the chum discussing the infinite variations on the bait - whether it's sexual, religious, decadent, yadda-yadda-yadda. See Network, the movie. Where is Paddy Chayevsky when we actually need him?

If you really want to impair these flingers of poo - battalions of baboons? Nah, too studied - if you really want to offend them, ignore them as completely as you can.

I swear, given that it's Phillip Morris that we're dealing with here, I am willing to bet that they slip some unhush money to Focus on the Family, Ralph Reed, the 700 Club et al., just to make sure that the hounds bay @ them, the villagers come out in full regalia with pitchforks, scythes, torches, to assault the bastions of the haughty overlords as they swill their Dom Perignon ... after all, it's working for the fossil fuel industry, & worked miracles for the tobacco vicelords.
Maybe humans are the problem ? Humans are the only creature that even use that word. How are things supposed to be and according to what standard?

Humans are an anomaly. They're animals, mammals, with nails and hair and the ability to produce milk, among other things. If it's true that Earth is the only rock in existence to contain life, then we're abnormal, and the norm is cold, lifeless death. We create standards, laws, morals, etc. Laws and such are just words written on paper, that are expected to be followed by other humans.

(My bold)

I like to see thinking in print. Meanwhile, back @ the original topic:

You all realize that Kraft & its ad agency are sporting king-size erections from this debate? There is simply nothing better in ad circles than the chum discussing the infinite variations on the bait - whether it's sexual, religious, decadent, yadda-yadda-yadda. See Network, the movie. Where is Paddy Chayevsky when we actually need him?

If you really want to impair these flingers of poo - battalions of baboons? Nah, too studied - if you really want to offend them, ignore them as completely as you can.

I swear, given that it's Phillip Morris that we're dealing with here, I am willing to bet that they slip some unhush money to Focus on the Family, Ralph Reed, the 700 Club et al., just to make sure that the hounds bay @ them, the villagers come out in full regalia with pitchforks, scythes, torches, to assault the bastions of the haughty overlords as they swill their Dom Perignon ... after all, it's working for the fossil fuel industry, & worked miracles for the tobacco vicelords.

But I really don't want to impair them. If people are stupid enough to buy the shit it's their own damn fault.

But I really don't want to impair them. If people are stupid enough to buy the shit it's their own damn fault.

(My bold)

There are breakfast cereals that are @ 50% sugar. We all pay into Medicare & Medicaid, & salt sugar fat - & the ghouls who sell us the stuff for incredible profits & damn the health cost - are perfectly aware of the inputs & results. The people & corps who manufacture this stuff don't eat it themselves, don't serve it in their cafeterias, wouldn't dream of poisoning their cossetted bodies with these slow poisons (in the amounts they're pushing on us).

Yah, it's an education issue. & one of the first things these beasts in nice suits & haircuts did was to take over the Home Ec curricula & associations across the country - in the '50s & '60s, & turn them into cheerleaders for corp food. Fast food rose to prominence in the same period, & manufactured food feeds right into that.

These outfits are perfectly willing to kill us all in order to make a buck, but slowly, so that we can turn over our last disposible income to them. Then they dispose of us, & call "Next!" Under the guise of "freedom of choice", we're all marching to the guillotine.

People mistake getting in the tumbril for the last ride with getting a super-sized max Happy Meal. Instead of bright primary colors, Ronald McDonald should be dressed as a Judas goat. Maybe if we put ribspreader & liposuction & triple-coronary bypass footage up in fast food joints ...

But I really don't want to impair them. If people are stupid enough to buy the shit it's their own damn fault.

(My bold)

There are breakfast cereals that are @ 50% sugar. We all pay into Medicare & Medicaid, & salt sugar fat - & the ghouls who sell us the stuff for incredible profits & damn the health cost - are perfectly aware of the inputs & results. The people & corps who manufacture this stuff don't eat it themselves, don't serve it in their cafeterias, wouldn't dream of poisoning their cossetted bodies with these slow poisons (in the amounts they're pushing on us).

Yah, it's an education issue. & one of the first things these beasts in nice suits & haircuts did was to take over the Home Ec curricula & associations across the country - in the '50s & '60s, & turn them into cheerleaders for corp food. Fast food rose to prominence in the same period, & manufactured food feeds right into that.

These outfits are perfectly willing to kill us all in order to make a buck, but slowly, so that we can turn over our last disposible income to them. Then they dispose of us, & call "Next!" Under the guise of "freedom of choice", we're all marching to the guillotine.

People mistake getting in the tumbril for the last ride with getting a super-sized max Happy Meal. Instead of bright primary colors, Ronald McDonald should be dressed as a Judas goat. Maybe if we put ribspreader & liposuction & triple-coronary bypass footage up in fast food joints ...

the jig is up--you can't stop them.
But I really don't want to impair them. If people are stupid enough to buy the shit it's their own damn fault.

(My bold)

There are breakfast cereals that are @ 50% sugar. We all pay into Medicare & Medicaid, & salt sugar fat - & the ghouls who sell us the stuff for incredible profits & damn the health cost - are perfectly aware of the inputs & results. The people & corps who manufacture this stuff don't eat it themselves, don't serve it in their cafeterias, wouldn't dream of poisoning their cossetted bodies with these slow poisons (in the amounts they're pushing on us).

Yah, it's an education issue. & one of the first things these beasts in nice suits & haircuts did was to take over the Home Ec curricula & associations across the country - in the '50s & '60s, & turn them into cheerleaders for corp food. Fast food rose to prominence in the same period, & manufactured food feeds right into that.

These outfits are perfectly willing to kill us all in order to make a buck, but slowly, so that we can turn over our last disposible income to them. Then they dispose of us, & call "Next!" Under the guise of "freedom of choice", we're all marching to the guillotine.

People mistake getting in the tumbril for the last ride with getting a super-sized max Happy Meal. Instead of bright primary colors, Ronald McDonald should be dressed as a Judas goat. Maybe if we put ribspreader & liposuction & triple-coronary bypass footage up in fast food joints ...

the jig is up--you can't stop them.

(My bold)

It's possible that it's too late to stop the juggernaut that is fast food in the US & all the attendant ills. But I won't grease the skids so that under-educated, ill-fed & -nurtured children & families perish with a smile on their face, just so long as they have a Big Gulp in their clutches when they cross into that McDonald's in the sky.

"To the last we grapple with thee.
No ... No, you can't get away. From Hell's heart I stab at thee.
For hate's sake, I spit my last breath, at thee ..."
It's an advertisement, hellloooo... ads are intentionally provocative. If they weren't, they wouldn't work.

Morals are not corrupted by ads. More so they're corrupted by people enslaved to the mentality of letting ads and other voices in their heads tell them what to think.

They can be provocative without being morally decadent, Pogo. It's not true that the only way you can sell ranch dressing is to have an almost-naked man on the table. Do you think provocative ads can only work when it involves showing off human skin? If anything, ads can be examples of people who lack morals, respect, and self-restraint. Saying the decadent ads have been corrupted by the very people who find them to be decadent is, unfortunately, an absurd notion. The problem is that some people like to push the line and disrespect themselves and others by showing how loose, raunchy, and uncontrolled they really are. It's a sign of low self-esteem to not respect yourself to the point of having modesty and control.

If you want to sell salad dressing, pair it with a salad, not a practically naked body.

It's not the only way---It's just one way. It will work or it won't. It's the companies right to advertise the way they want. If they get rich off of "morally decadent" people so be it. may be right, there ARE many morally decadent people in the I'm sure they sell lots of dressing to them There were enough morally decadent people that voted Obama back in as President, I can see them buying dressing just because there's a naked person advertising it, they' re just that smart.
They can be provocative without being morally decadent, Pogo. It's not true that the only way you can sell ranch dressing is to have an almost-naked man on the table. Do you think provocative ads can only work when it involves showing off human skin? If anything, ads can be examples of people who lack morals, respect, and self-restraint. Saying the decadent ads have been corrupted by the very people who find them to be decadent is, unfortunately, an absurd notion. The problem is that some people like to push the line and disrespect themselves and others by showing how loose, raunchy, and uncontrolled they really are. It's a sign of low self-esteem to not respect yourself to the point of having modesty and control.

If you want to sell salad dressing, pair it with a salad, not a practically naked body.

It's not the only way---It's just one way. It will work or it won't. It's the companies right to advertise the way they want. If they get rich off of "morally decadent" people so be it. may be right, there ARE many morally decadent people in the I'm sure they sell lots of dressing to them There were enough morally decadent people that voted Obama back in as President, I can see them buying dressing just because there's a naked person advertising it, they' re just that smart.


Leave it to this board to find some way to tie O'bama in with salad dressing and naked people...:disbelief:
Kraft Zesty Dressing Ad Offends 'One Million Moms,' Sparks Debate

A new ad for Kraft Zesty Italian Dressing is a little too spicy for one group of "concerned" women.

A "let's get zesty" ad showing a naked man with a strategically placed picnic blanket protecting his modesty allegedly ran as a print ad in a recent issue of People, causing conservative group "One Million Moms" to write a press release calling the ad "disgusting" and saying that the company has "gone too far."

Also, note the line, "silverware optional, let's zesty".

What do y'all think?


My opinion - That salad dressing doesn't go well with the wine, bread, bruschetta, grapes and thou menu.

Why do you hate women?

because Woman dont like Dudley?.....:dunno:
How many phallic symbols did everyone count? ;)

And, notice the direction they point.

Does anyone else remember Subliminal Seduction?

Last year, I got dragged to a lecture about it. Pretty lame, nothing new. Used all the old images from the original book.
It's a pretty safe bet if Kraft features The Last Supper or Moses parting the Red Sea in a commercial, LuddlyNumbNuts would have an aneurysm.

And I bet Christmas commericals making him very unhappy.

Why do ignorant rw's ALWAYs have to resort to trolling and childish name calling?

Oh yeah, because that's all they got.

This is actually an interesting subject. Why don't you try for a real comment.

As to Kraft - I'm off to the Mennonite community to buy organic produce. Have a nice day, troll.

i guess Dudley forgets how he resorts to name calling in many of his posts.....but he is at that age where you not only shit your pants....but you forget things....
Ya I know all that obvious stuff-----which standard, law or set of morals are you using to pronounce the downfall of man because there is a semi naked one in an advertisement ?


However, considering the fact that we're amoral animals who create our own laws and morals, I will answer your question with a question:

"Which standard, law or set of morals do people use to denounce anything, including child rape?"

In other words----you don't have an answer or refuse to offer it.

I respect you, dillo, but I don't really agree with you philosophically. I think my question in response to your does suffice, because you ask me what law or set of morals I'm using to pronounce the downfall of man, when one has to wonder what those same things can be used for anything else.

My answer may not be the one you wished to hear, but it's an answer nonetheless. Any actons can be justified by cynically questioning the created laws and/or morals of those very same people.
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Good for them. People need to stop putting up with these oversexualized advertisements.

If you have to use sex to sell your product, it really doesn't speak much about your products.
Good for them. People need to stop putting up with these oversexualized advertisements.

If you have to use sex to sell your product, it really doesn't speak much about your products.

Shouldn't that include the advertising that uses hyper-sexualized use of women and children too?

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