KOSOVO: MUSCOVITE TROOPS STANDOFF WITH NATO TROOPS. it was so soft reaction from our side to maskal


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017

WHY it was so soft reaction from our side to maskal bamboostan provocation?

Russian troops blocked a road near the airport in the Kosovo capital of Pristina to British K-FOR tanks and soldiers on Saturday at around 2200 gmt. As daylight broke the impasse continued with the Russians allowing local traffic through their makeshift checkpoint, but refusing K-FOR troops access along the road, to their local headquarters and to the airport. Reporters at the scene said that there was at least one more Russian A-P-C further along the road. There has been contact between British and Russian soldiers but at this stage the Russians are showing no signs of allowing the troops to pass.
You mean the Swedish soldiers there?
Kosovo (KFOR) - Swedish Armed Forces

KFOR is a NATO-led multi-national force responsible for establishing and maintaining peace and security in Kosovo. This includes maintaining general law and order, and ensuring that agreements that have been reached between factions at the end of the Kosovo war are adhered to.

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