Kohain and Levite "genes" are a myth

The investigation of Levites found high frequencies of multiple distinct markers, suggestive of multiple origins for the majority of non-Aaronid Levite families. One marker, however, present in more than 50% of Eastern European (Ashkenazi) Jewish Levites points to a common male ancestor or very few male ancestors within the last 2000 years for many Levites of the Ashkenazi community. This common ancestor belonged to the haplogroup R1a1 which is typical of Eastern Europeans or West Asians, rather than the haplogroup J of the Cohen modal haplotype, and most likely lived at the time of the Ashkenazi settlement in Eastern Europe,[4][43][44] and thus was not really a Levite.

Y-chromosomal Aaron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Meaningless drivel. People in Caucasus have higher frequency of this gene 80% and 90% than the Arabs. There goes your European Jews are Khazar converts theory.

You see with every bullshit you post, more holes are punched into your idiotic theories.

The Caucasus has areas of both high and low J-M267 frequency. The J-M267 in the Caucasus is also notable because most of it is not within the J-P58 subclade.
Population Sample size Total J-M267 J-M267(xP58) J-P58 [collapse] Publication
Avars 115 59.0% 58.0% 1.0% Balanovsky 2011
Dargins 101 70.0% 69.0% 1.0% Balanovsky 2011
Kubachi 65 99.0% 99.0% 0.0% Balanovsky 2011
Kaitak 33 85.0% 85.0% 0.0% Balanovsky 2011
Lezghins 81 44.4% 44.4% 0.0% Balanovsky 2011

You stupid Zionist pig, this is the LEVITE gene!!!! Not the Kohain gene.

When did Israelis become such morons?

And by the way, if the highest percentage of people with the Levite gene live in the Caucasus, that suggests that the origin of the Levitz were the Khazars whow were a Caucasus people.
SHADAP ya illiterate IslamNazi moron, here is your own link:

"Men from this lineage share a common paternal ancestor, which is demonstrated and defined by the presence of the SNP mutation referred to as M267, which was announced in (Cinnioğlu 2004).
In Genetic genealogy and human genetics, Y DNA haplogroup J-M267, also commonly known as Haplogroup J1 is a subclade (branch) of Y-DNA haplogroup J-P209, (commonly known as Haplogroup J) along with its sibling clade Y DNA haplogroup J-M172 (commonly known as Haplogroup J2). (All these haplogroups have had other historical names listed below.[Phylogenetics 1][Phylogenetics 2])
Men from this lineage share a common paternal ancestor, which is demonstrated and defined by the presence of the SNP mutation referred to as M267, which was announced in (Cinnioğlu 2004). This haplogroup is found today in significant frequencies in many areas in order near the Middle East, and parts of the Caucasus, Sudan and the Horn of Africa. It is also found in high frequencies in parts of North Africa and amongst Jewish groups, especially those with Cohen surnames. It can also be found much less commonly, but still occasionally in significant amounts, in Europe and as far east as Central Asia and the Indian Subcontinent."

The tables you keep referring to:

Population Sample size J*(xJ-M172) total J-M267 J-M267(xP58) J-P58 publication [collapse] previous research on same samples
Algeria (Arabs from Oran) 102 NA 22.5% NA NA Robino 2007
Algeria 20 NA 35% NA NA Semino 2004
Egypt 147 NA 21.1% 1.4% 19.7% Chiaroni 2009 Luis 2004
Egypt 124 NA 19.8% NA NA El-Sibai 2009
Egypt (Western Desert) 35 NA 31.4% NA NA Kujanová 2009
Libya (Tuareg) 47 NA 0.0% NA NA Ottoni 2011
Morocco (Amizmiz Valley) 33 NA 0% NA NA Alvarez 2009
Morocco 51 NA 19.6% NA NA Onofri 2008
Morocco (Arabs) 49 NA 10.2% NA NA Semino 2004
Morocco (Arabs) 44 NA 13.6% NA NA Semino 2004
Morocco (Berbers) 64 NA 6.3% NA NA Semino 2004
Morocco (Berbers) 103 NA 7.8% NA NA Semino 2004

Population Sample size Total J-M267 J-M267(xP58) J-P58 Publication [collapse] Previous research on same samples
Syria 554 33.6% NA NA El-Sibai 2009 Zalloua 2008
Druzes (Djebel Druze) 34 14.7% 2.9% 11.8% Chiaroni 2009
Syria (Sunni from Hama) 36 47.2% 2.8% 44.4% Chiaroni 2009
Syria (Ma'loula Aramaean) 44 6.8% 4.5% 2.3% Chiaroni 2009
Syria (Sednaya Syriac Catholic) 14 14.3% 0.0% 14.3% Chiaroni 2009
Syrian Catholic Damascus 42 9.5% 0.0% 9.5% Chiaroni 2009
Alawites Syria 45 26.7% 0.0% 26.7% Chiaroni 2009
Assyrian NE Syria 30 3.3% 0.0% 3.3% Chiaroni 2009

the table I added as proof that your claims are MEANINGLESS DRIVEL :

The Caucasus has areas of both high and low J-M267 frequency. The J-M267 in the Caucasus is also notable because most of it is not within the J-P58 subclade.
Population Sample size Total J-M267 J-M267(xP58) J-P58 [collapse] Publication
Avars 115 59.0% 58.0% 1.0% Balanovsky 2011
Dargins 101 70.0% 69.0% 1.0% Balanovsky 2011
Kubachi 65 99.0% 99.0% 0.0% Balanovsky 2011
Kaitak 33 85.0% 85.0% 0.0% Balanovsky 2011

so you see, the Caucasian areas has higher numbers of the same genes.


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The data shows that the Levite gene is shared by many Gentiles in Eastern Europe and northcentral India.

The data shows that the Kohain gene is shared by many Syrians, Yemenites, Jordanians, Palestinians, and other Levantines.

These genes clearly are not proof of Israelite descent. Not unless all these folks with the Kohain gene are descended from Israelites.

As for the Levite gene, it is only proof of descendance from Aaron if Aaron was born in Minsk or Moscow.
The data shows that the Levite gene is shared by many Gentiles in Eastern Europe and northcentral India.

The data shows that the Kohain gene is shared by many Syrians, Yemenites, Jordanians, Palestinians, and other Levantines.

These genes clearly are not proof of Israelite descent. Not unless all these folks with the Kohain gene are descended from Israelites.

As for the Levite gene, it is only proof of descendance from Aaron if Aaron was born in Minsk or Moscow.
Who cares, blind dumb one! The same genes that you boasted about the Arabs having occur in higher frequency in the Caucasus areas.

There goes Defeat67's claim! People in Turkmenistan are more a jewish than Arabs! Ha ha ha ho ho ho.

Meaningless drivel.
Yes, and I'm sure if Arabs wanted to, they could site "studies" as to how Shanghai belongs to Moooslems. Look, I found common genes. What a coincidence! Shanghai belongs to the Palestinians!
Problem is, we just made Swiss cheese out of your claim and you don't realize it!

The data from 2009 which I posted, is much more accurate than the data from 1997, you dumb AshkeNAZI.
Who cares, blind dumb one! The same genes that you boasted about the Arabs having occur in higher frequency in the Caucasus areas.

Just more proof that having the Kohain gene isn't proof of being an Israelite.
Problem is, we just made Swiss cheese out of your claim and you don't realize it!

The data from 2009 which I posted, is much more accurate than the data from 1997, you dumb AshkeNAZI.
Yeah and a 2011 study shows the Caucasus has higher frequencies. And what's the "interpretation" of that as to how this whole "study" ties into who is and isn't a Jew? Again, MEANINGLESS DRIVEL!
Who cares, blind dumb one! The same genes that you boasted about the Arabs having occur in higher frequency in the Caucasus areas.

Just more proof that having the Kohain gene isn't proof of being an Israelite.
Also proves that Palestinians are Arab invaders. More similarities between Palestinians and other Arabs.

In fact, they're the same.

Did we break you're Pali heart? Awwwwwww.
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The Babylonian, Greek and Roman conquests resulted in millions of Jews, including members of the Tribe of Levi, being sent into exile.
Where do you think they were sent? The U.S.?
They were dispersed throughout Asia and Europe.
Many, like the Moranos, converted and/or assimilated under threat of torture and death.
A very high percentage did extremely well and were promoted to positions of authority.

One thing is for sure, they spread their genes like wildfire.
I can imagine non-Jews desiring Jews because of their education and hygiene.

The shame...
The Yid genes dispersed into the Islamic population has had little to no impact on the Islamic people who refuse to behave like humans.
Without sarcasm, I can imagine the agony of Avraham, Yitzchaz and Yaakov watching their genetic progeny having no regard for human life.

It also reinforces a point many Jew haters miss...
It is NOT the gene that makes you JewISH, it's the Torah and it's Heritage.
Its time for the Jews to stop using these genes as evidence that people are descended from Jews.

These genes are all over the place and do not prove Jewish ancestry.
Also proves that Palestinians are Arab invaders.

It does no such thing, you ignorant AshkeNAZI.
Sure it does. Proves that Palestinians are more Arabs than Jews. Wild you like me to post data on how the Palestinians are the same as their neighboring Arabs? They really have nothing in common with the Jews. They have less in common with the Jews than even other Arabs.

Don't make me embarrass you more.
Its time for the Jews to stop using these genes as evidence that people are descended from Jews.

These genes are all over the place and do not prove Jewish ancestry.

Do you believe history books that cover the Roman conquest of the Middle East?
Its time for the Jews to stop using these genes as evidence that people are descended from Jews.

These genes are all over the place and do not prove Jewish ancestry.
It's time for these so called Palestinians to stop bullshitting the world and just admit that they are Arab invaders out to conquer land that doesn't belong to them, just like the rest of the Arabs who invaded and pillaged lands throughout history.
It's time for these so called Palestinians to stop bullshitting the world and just admit that they are Arab invaders out to conquer land that doesn't belong to them, just like the rest of the Arabs who invaded and pillaged lands throughout history.

Just like a Holocaust denier you lie about history.

Stop lying and accept the facts about Jewish genetics being nothing special, you AshkeNAZI
Its time for the Jews to stop using these genes as evidence that people are descended from Jews.

These genes are all over the place and do not prove Jewish ancestry.
It's time for these so called Palestinians to stop bullshitting the world and just admit that they are Arab invaders out to conquer land that doesn't belong to them, just like the rest of the Arabs who invaded and pillaged lands throughout history.

I have been attempting for about a week to get an answer from vic on what he considers to be the earliest valid history books.

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