the Muscovites - are not Slavs, but only Russian-speaking Finns.


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
the Muscovites - are not Slavs, but only Russian-speaking Finns. comments ?

Russian Scientists have for the first time in the History of the Study Conducted unheard Russian Gene pool - and Were shocked by the results. In Particular, this Study Fully confirmed as Stated in Our articles, "The Country Moksel" (number 14) and " Non-Russian Russian language »(№ 12) thought that the Russian - is not Slavs, but only Russian-speaking Finns.

Molecular genetic results of the first study in the Russian gene pool of the titular nationality is now being prepared for publication as a monograph "Russian gene pool," which will be released at the end of the year published by "Ray." Magazine "Power" gives some research data. Thus, it appears that Russian - is anything but "Eastern Slavs", and the Finns. By the way, these studies to the nines smashed the proverbial myth of the "Eastern Slavs" - that supposedly Belarusians, Ukrainians and Russian "are a group of East Slavs." The only of the three Slavic nations were only Belarusians, but it turned out that the Belarusians - it does not "eastern Slavs", and Western - because they do not differ genetically from the Poles. So the myth of "related blood Belarusian and Russian" was completely destroyed by the Belarusians were virtually identical to the Poles, Belarusians are genetically very far from the Russian, but very close to the Czechs and Slovaks. But the Finns were to Finland where Russian genetically closer than the Belarusians. Thus, according to Y-chromosome genetic distance between the Russian and Finnish in Finland is only 30 conventional units (close relationship). A genetic distance between the Russian man and so-called Finno-Ugric peoples (Mari, Vepsians, Mordovians, etc.) residing in the territory of the Russian Federation, is 2-3 units. Simply put, they are genetically identical. In this regard, the magazine "Power" remarks: "And a tough statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Estonia on 1 September at the EU Council in Brussels (after the denunciation of the Russian party agreement on the state border with Estonia) about alleged discrimination related to Finns Finno-Ugric peoples in Russia is losing substantial sense . But because of the moratorium Western scholars Russian Foreign Ministry could not convincingly accused Estonia of interfering in our internal, if not closely related, things. " This philippic - only one facet of the mass of contradictions arose. Once the nearest kin to Russian are the Finno-Ugric and Estonians (in fact it is the same people, for the difference in the 2-3 unit belongs only to one nation), the strange Russian jokes about the "inhibited Estonians' when Russian Estonians themselves these are. A huge problem arises for Russia and identity itself as a supposedly "Slavs" for genetically Russian people to the Slavs has nothing to do. In the myth of the "Slavic roots Russian" Russian scientists put the bullet point: anything from the Slavs in Russian no. There are only okoloslavyansky Russian language, but there 60-70% of non-Slavic vocabulary, so Russian people can not understand the language of the Slavs, while the present Slav understand because of the similarity of Slavic languages - anyone (except Russian). The results of the analysis of mitochondrial DNA showed that another Russian closest relatives, other than the Finns of Finland - the Tatars: Russian from Tatars are on the same genetic distance of 30 conventional units that separate them from the Finns. No less sensational and the data were in Ukraine. It was found that genetically population of Eastern Ukraine - a Finno-Ugric: eastern Ukrainians virtually indistinguishable from the Russian and Komi, mordvy, Mari. This is a Finnish people, who had no time and its overall Finnish. But with all the Ukrainians in Western Ukraine was even more unexpected. This does not Slavs, nor "russofinny" Russia and Eastern Ukraine, and a completely different ethnicity: between Ukrainians and Tatars from the city genetic distance of only 10 units.

Such nearest relatives western Ukrainians and Tatars, possibly due Sarmatian roots of the ancient inhabitants of Kievan Rus. Of course, a certain Slavic component in the blood of western Ukrainians have (they are more genetically similar to the Slavs, than Russian), but it's still not Slavs, and Sarmatians. Anthropologically they are inherent high cheekbones, dark hair and brown eyes, dark (not pink as in Caucasians) nipples. The magazine writes: "Can somehow respond to those strictly scientific evidence showing the natural essence of the reference electorates Viktor Yushchenko and Viktor Yanukovych. But blame the Russian scientists in the falsification of the data can not be: if the charge is automatically spread to their Western counterparts, who more than a year have been slow with the publication of these results, each time extending the moratorium. " Journal of rights: These data clearly explain the profound and permanent split in Ukrainian society, where, under the name of "Ukrainian" live in reality are two completely different ethnic group. Moreover, Russian imperialism will take the science in their own blueprint - as another (a weighty and scientific) argument "increment" the territory of Russia in Eastern Ukraine. But what about with the myth about the "Slavic-Russian"?
Recognizing that data and trying to use them, Russian strategists are here with what is popularly called the "double-edged sword": in this case, would have to reconsider the whole national identity of the Russian people as "Slavic" and abandon the concept of "relationship" with Belarus and all the Slavic world - not at the level of scientific research, and at the political level. The magazine also publishes a map showing the area in which there remain "truly Russian" genes (ie Finnish). Geographically, the area "coincides with Russia since Ivan the Terrible" and "clearly shows the arbitrariness of some state borders," writes the magazine. Namely: the population of Bryansk, Kursk and Smolensk is not Russian population (ie Finnish) and the Belarusian-Polish - identical genes, Belarusians and Poles. An interesting fact that in the Middle Ages, the boundary between the ON and Muscovy - was precisely the ethnic boundary between the Slavs and Finns (according to her, by the way, and then the eastern border of Europe). Further Muscovite imperialism, Russia, joined in the surrounding areas, went beyond ethnic Muscovites and others have already captured the ethnic groups.

These new scientific discoveries allow Russia to take another look at the whole policy and medieval Muscovy, including its concept of "Russia." It turns out that the "tug of Russian blanket over the" Moscow is due purely ethnically, genetically. The so-called "Holy Russia" in the concept of the Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow and Russian historians formed upon the rise of Moscow in the Horde, and, as he wrote, for example, Lev Gumilev in his book "From Rus to Russia", according to the same fact, Ukrainians and Belarusians were no longer Ruthenians, ceased to be Rus. It is clear that there were two completely different Russia. One, West, Slavs lived his life, united in the Grand Duchy and the Russian. Other Russia - Eastern Russia (or rather Muscovy - for her then, and did not consider Rus) - has been 300 years in the ethnically closer to her Horde, which then seized power and made her a "Russian" before the conquest of the Horde-Russia Novgorod and Pskov. It is this second Russia - Russia Finnish ethnic group - and called the Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow and Russian historians, "Holy Russia" by denying the rights of western Russia on something "Russian" (even forcing all the people of Kievan Rus did not call themselves Rusyns, and "okraintsami" ). The meaning is clear: these things Finnish Russian - had little to do with the age-old Russian Slavic.
The very age-old rivalry ON and Muscovy (who had seemed to be something common in Russia Rurik in Kiev faith, princes ON-Yuri Vytautas and Jagiello, with the birth of Jacob were Orthodox, were Ruric and the Great Russian princes, no other language other than Russian, not know) - rivalries of different ethnic groups: ON gathered Slavs, and Muscovy - Finns. As a result, many centuries confronted each other two of Russia - ON Slavic and Finnish Muscovy. This explains the one glaring fact that NEVER Muscovy during his stay in the Horde expressed no desire to return to Russia, to find freedom from the Tatars, to join the ON. And it was caused by the capture of Novgorod Novgorod it talks about getting into the ON. This russophobia Moscow and its "masochism" ("Horde's yoke better ON") can only be explained by ethnic differences in age-old Rus and ethnic proximity to the peoples of the Horde. It is this genetic difference is due to the Slavs Muscovy rejection of the European way of life, hatred of the Poles and the ON (ie the Slavs in general), a great love for the East and Asian traditions. Data is the study of Russian scientists have to be reflected in the revision of the historians of their concepts. Including a long time to make to the study of history that Russia was not alone, and two very different: Russia Slavic - Russia and Finnish. This amendment is needed to understand and explain many of the processes of our medieval history, which in the current treatment until seem devoid of any meaning."
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What does an anti-Russian hate troll earn?

i am a " volunteer " of coz, but you are the one for sure
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What does an anti-Russian hate troll earn?

i am a " volunteer " of coz, but you are the one for sure
Sorry, that is a full time job.

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Ask my Bosses Soros and Nuland
Check if your salary arrives indeed. They surely have good excuses. For example wrong bank or wrong-colored umbrella.
I am a Jew too , so we have the same bank , the Rothschild one no worry
What does an anti-Russian hate troll earn?

i am a " volunteer " of coz, but you are the one for sure
Sorry, that is a full time job.

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Raped by Red Army soldiers, they talk for the first time (France 24)

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Ask my Bosses Soros and Nuland
Check if your salary arrives indeed. They surely have good excuses. For example wrong bank or wrong-colored umbrella.
I am a Jew too , so we have the same bank , the Rothschild one no worry
They now send Jews? Low on goyim?
i am a " volunteer " of coz, but you are the one for sure
Sorry, that is a full time job.

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Raped by Red Army soldiers, they talk for the first time (France 24)

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Ask my Bosses Soros and Nuland
Check if your salary arrives indeed. They surely have good excuses. For example wrong bank or wrong-colored umbrella.
I am a Jew too , so we have the same bank , the Rothschild one no worry
They now send Jews? Low on goyim?
Olgino, the Muscovites - are not Slavs, but only Russian-speaking Finns. comments ?
Sorry, that is a full time job.

You just did your next item:
Raped by Red Army soldiers, they talk for the first time (France 24)

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Ask my Bosses Soros and Nuland
Check if your salary arrives indeed. They surely have good excuses. For example wrong bank or wrong-colored umbrella.
I am a Jew too , so we have the same bank , the Rothschild one no worry
They now send Jews? Low on goyim?
Olgino, the Muscovites - are not Slavs, but only Russian-speaking Finns. comments ?
Ask my Bosses Soros and Nuland
Check if your salary arrives indeed. They surely have good excuses. For example wrong bank or wrong-colored umbrella.
I am a Jew too , so we have the same bank , the Rothschild one no worry
They now send Jews? Low on goyim?
Olgino, the Muscovites - are not Slavs, but only Russian-speaking Finns. comments ?
join me here 'Russian" soldiers' captured by ISIS seen battered, bruised and handcuffed after being held in Syria
Check if your salary arrives indeed. They surely have good excuses. For example wrong bank or wrong-colored umbrella.
I am a Jew too , so we have the same bank , the Rothschild one no worry
They now send Jews? Low on goyim?
Olgino, the Muscovites - are not Slavs, but only Russian-speaking Finns. comments ?
join me here 'Russian" soldiers' captured by ISIS seen battered, bruised and handcuffed after being held in Syria
Ridiculous thread.
I am a Jew too , so we have the same bank , the Rothschild one no worry
They now send Jews? Low on goyim?
Olgino, the Muscovites - are not Slavs, but only Russian-speaking Finns. comments ?
join me here 'Russian" soldiers' captured by ISIS seen battered, bruised and handcuffed after being held in Syria
Ridiculous thread.

so the Muscovites - are not Slavs, but only old-Bulgarian -speaking Finns?

so the Muscovites - are not Slavs, but only old-Bulgarian -speaking Finns?
Since you are in denial of Russia, the answer would probably displease you.

so the Muscovites - are not Slavs, but only old-Bulgarian -speaking Finns?
Since you are in denial of Russia, the answer would probably displease you.
no i dont , Russia (Rus´) is Ukraine . Muscovy is ulus of juchi

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