Joe Biden Faces 'Backlash' For Saying 'America Was An IDEA We've Never Lived Up To'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"America was an idea, an idea," Biden said. "'We hold these truths to be self evident.' We've never lived up to it, but we've never walked away from it before. And I just think we have to be more honest. Let our kids know, as we raise them, what actually did happen. Acknowledge our mistakes so we don't repeat them."
-- Former Vice President Joe Biden

Amazing...HYPOCRITICAL...words, coming from Joe Biden.

There is no doubt that America is - was always - far from a 'perfect' country, but it is the greatest nation in the history of mankind, continuing to exist far longer than any government, based on the greatest Constitution ever written. It is the greatest free nation in the world - DESPITE all of our problems and issues people from around the world come here, risk their lives to come here.

It is DESPITE corrupt, criminal Pieces of Shite like Joe Biden that this nation remains a free democratic nation whose citizens have guaranteed protected (supposed to be) Constitutional and Civil Rights and a system of law.

It is BECAUSE of greedy, corrupt, criminal, self-serving, power-hungry, self-appointed ruling class elitist politicians like Joe Biden who care nothing for our citizens but only for more power and to wield that privilege and power over the American people that those Constitutional and Civil Rights have been trampled under their boot.
- Using the IRS as a weapon against citizens, illegally spying on American citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, political opponents, and even newly elected Presidents.
- Selling pout this nation to criminals and to enemies of this nation....Like Diane Feinstein who was caught facilitating Chinese espionage for Decades...or like Joe Biden who sold out to China - telling the American people they are not our competition or a threat, that they are good people AFTER it was proven they created COVID-19 and unleashed it on the world, as he defended them and blamed the virus on the President.

It is BECAUSE of greedy, corrupt, criminal, self-serving, power-hungry, self-appointed ruling class elitist politicians like Joe Biden who have elevated themselves above the very laws and edicts they make and pass for the American people, citizens who they consider beneath them, consider themselves to be smarter than, citizens they openly mock by calling them such names as 'Deplorables' while hiring thugs to beat and bloody those who do not agree with them, their agenda, and ideology.

America has continued to strive to be better, to succeed, to lead the world, and to continue to be a shining light of freedom in a very dark world. America has not 'failed to live up to that'. Every-growing greedier, more corrupt, more power-hungry traitors who have decided to shed themselves of their role as Servants f the People and instead appoint themselves Masters...rulers...have BETRAYED that goal, betrayed our Founding Father's goal, betrayed the Constitution and Rule of Law, and betrayed the American people.

Proven criminal traitor Joe Biden has served as a 'Servant of the People' for 47 years based on the promise to Americans citizens and under the oath to diligently serve his constituents, serve his country, to work for what is best for the American people and the country every day he wakes up as an elected US Senator and VP. At some point in his 47 year career Joe Biden decided being a US Senator was not enough, that being a member of the Democratic Party was more important. At some point Joe decided being a 'Servant' to the American people was not enough, did not pay enough, so he went into business for himself to gain money and power for his OWN family - screw the American people.

It is not that America did not live up to this nation's promise / potential - the truth is along the way our politicians betrayed this country, betrayed us all, shredded the Checks and Balances and other mechanisms (laws) that allowed the American people to hold them accountable to their oaths of office, their promises, and the very laws they themselves created and imposed on American citizens.

Along the way politicians became a CANCER, a THREAT to that American 'idea', to our constitution, to our Constitutional and Civil Rights, to 'Equal Justice' our Legal system is supposed to provide / protect, and to our very FREEDOM.

It is not that American did not strive to meet and exceed the 'idea' / our goals and potential. The fact is corrupt / criminal traitors betrayed us, sold out.

While Joe Biden encourages us to teach our kids we as a nation have failed, he is in the midst of attempting to survive...the exposed truth that HE betrayed this country, sold out to criminals and enemies of this nation, because gaining more and ore wealth for himself and his family became more important than the oath he took 47 years ago and after every election since then. Joe wants us to place the burden ... the LIE ... of 'failure' as a nation on our children while he and his corrupt party, the media, and big tech social media desperately fight to keep the truth that Joe Biden betrayed that 'idea', this nation, the American people...our children.

F* you, Joe Biden. America has not / did not fail - YOU DID!

Plugs is so fucking dumb, and yet he's crafted one of the most prolific crime families in our history. That requires a TON of protection and enabling. Putting his lowlife crackhead sprog in charge of the extortion and money laundering was the plot twist that we didn't see coming. LOL

I wonder where that lowlife fuck is hunkered down at now. I'll bet Killery's goons are just looking for a clean shot.

"America was an idea, an idea," Biden said. "'We hold these truths to be self evident.' We've never lived up to it, but we've never walked away from it before. And I just think we have to be more honest. Let our kids know, as we raise them, what actually did happen. Acknowledge our mistakes so we don't repeat them."
-- Former Vice President Joe Biden

Amazing...HYPOCRITICAL...words, coming from Joe Biden.

There is no doubt that America is - was always - far from a 'perfect' country, but it is the greatest nation in the history of mankind, continuing to exist far longer than any government, based on the greatest Constitution ever written. It is the greatest free nation in the world - DESPITE all of our problems and issues people from around the world come here, risk their lives to come here.

It is DESPITE corrupt, criminal Pieces of Shite like Joe Biden that this nation remains a free democratic nation whose citizens have guaranteed protected (supposed to be) Constitutional and Civil Rights and a system of law.

It is BECAUSE of greedy, corrupt, criminal, self-serving, power-hungry, self-appointed ruling class elitist politicians like Joe Biden who care nothing for our citizens but only for more power and to wield that privilege and power over the American people that those Constitutional and Civil Rights have been trampled under their boot.
- Using the IRS as a weapon against citizens, illegally spying on American citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, political opponents, and even newly elected Presidents.
- Selling pout this nation to criminals and to enemies of this nation....Like Diane Feinstein who was caught facilitating Chinese espionage for Decades...or like Joe Biden who sold out to China - telling the American people they are not our competition or a threat, that they are good people AFTER it was proven they created COVID-19 and unleashed it on the world, as he defended them and blamed the virus on the President.

It is BECAUSE of greedy, corrupt, criminal, self-serving, power-hungry, self-appointed ruling class elitist politicians like Joe Biden who have elevated themselves above the very laws and edicts they make and pass for the American people, citizens who they consider beneath them, consider themselves to be smarter than, citizens they openly mock by calling them such names as 'Deplorables' while hiring thugs to beat and bloody those who do not agree with them, their agenda, and ideology.

America has continued to strive to be better, to succeed, to lead the world, and to continue to be a shining light of freedom in a very dark world. America has not 'failed to live up to that'. Every-growing greedier, more corrupt, more power-hungry traitors who have decided to shed themselves of their role as Servants f the People and instead appoint themselves Masters...rulers...have BETRAYED that goal, betrayed our Founding Father's goal, betrayed the Constitution and Rule of Law, and betrayed the American people.

Proven criminal traitor Joe Biden has served as a 'Servant of the People' for 47 years based on the promise to Americans citizens and under the oath to diligently serve his constituents, serve his country, to work for what is best for the American people and the country every day he wakes up as an elected US Senator and VP. At some point in his 47 year career Joe Biden decided being a US Senator was not enough, that being a member of the Democratic Party was more important. At some point Joe decided being a 'Servant' to the American people was not enough, did not pay enough, so he went into business for himself to gain money and power for his OWN family - screw the American people.

It is not that America did not live up to this nation's promise / potential - the truth is along the way our politicians betrayed this country, betrayed us all, shredded the Checks and Balances and other mechanisms (laws) that allowed the American people to hold them accountable to their oaths of office, their promises, and the very laws they themselves created and imposed on American citizens.

Along the way politicians became a CANCER, a THREAT to that American 'idea', to our constitution, to our Constitutional and Civil Rights, to 'Equal Justice' our Legal system is supposed to provide / protect, and to our very FREEDOM.

It is not that American did not strive to meet and exceed the 'idea' / our goals and potential. The fact is corrupt / criminal traitors betrayed us, sold out.

While Joe Biden encourages us to teach our kids we as a nation have failed, he is in the midst of attempting to survive...the exposed truth that HE betrayed this country, sold out to criminals and enemies of this nation, because gaining more and ore wealth for himself and his family became more important than the oath he took 47 years ago and after every election since then. Joe wants us to place the burden ... the LIE ... of 'failure' as a nation on our children while he and his corrupt party, the media, and big tech social media desperately fight to keep the truth that Joe Biden betrayed that 'idea', this nation, the American people...our children.

F* you, Joe Biden. America has not / did not fail - YOU DID!

The egos of these people. And Joe was taught history. He was taught about the depravity humans can do. Of course Joe never experienced it himself. In his personal life he lived good. And loves death and destruction of others while not exactly involving himself in the carnage and putting his own life in danger. But he can bullshit good. And with the Prog powers, this is dangerous. And the dumb asses who vote for the actual changing of America into something else will rue the day. The oldest may be the luckiest.
The Republic of the United States of America is the first, and in functional terms, the only nation established purely on the idea that THE PEOPLE should rule and enjoy the blessings of Freedom.

The voting franchise was not extended to everyone at first for various reasons, but at least it was given to broad sectors of the public (land owning white males) while the rest of the Earth was ruled by autocratic Monarchs like Germany and Russia, with the exceptions of France and the UK. Over time our franchise grew, always among the most generous among all the nations of the world. We fought the bloodiest war in our nation's history to free the slaves and established in the 14th amendment the guarantee of liberty to all citizens of our country.

And these Critical Race Theory Marxist ideologues are nothing more than bald-faced liars who have infiltrated their way into control of the Democratic party, and after the Democrats are humiliated in this election they need to purge these bastards and return to the fold of American patriotism and Centrism or else languish as a permanent Third Party.
This to the left is called Loving America. If there is a race problem, look to the left to start it, keep it going and blame someone else for their own evil.
How did we ever elect a president who is so anti American? It's obvious that Joe doesn't comprehend any part of the idea that is America.
Biden is right. And for us to achieve this idea, to live up to it, we need to admit our mistakes and improve. Biden is not facing any backash from sane American citizens. Only you delusional disnformation believing crackpots on the right are whining about it.
The settlers allowing Jewish slave traders bringing Blacks was the original sin of America. Bringing Blacks civilized by Southerners back to Africa to establish their own country, Liberia, confirmed the inevitable. Biology always wins. Long story short the civilized Blacks were soon overrun by uncivilized Blacks and slaughtered like Blacks did to Whites in Haiti back in the day.
The settlers allowing Jewish slave traders bringing Blacks was the original sin of America. Bringing Blacks civilized by Southerners back to Africa to establish their own country, Liberia, confirmed the inevitable. Biology always wins. Long story short the civilized Blacks were soon overrun by uncivilized Blacks and slaughtered like Blacks did to Whites in Haiti back in the day.
Yes! We smell you! Ewwwww! Change your colostomy bag son! Its overflowing!
I must have wandered into the wrong section of the forum! You can cut the HATE with a butter knife!
"America was an idea, an idea," Biden said. "'We hold these truths to be self evident.' We've never lived up to it, but we've never walked away from it before. And I just think we have to be more honest. Let our kids know, as we raise them, what actually did happen. Acknowledge our mistakes so we don't repeat them."
-- Former Vice President Joe Biden

Amazing...HYPOCRITICAL...words, coming from Joe Biden.

There is no doubt that America is - was always - far from a 'perfect' country, but it is the greatest nation in the history of mankind, continuing to exist far longer than any government, based on the greatest Constitution ever written. It is the greatest free nation in the world - DESPITE all of our problems and issues people from around the world come here, risk their lives to come here.

It is DESPITE corrupt, criminal Pieces of Shite like Joe Biden that this nation remains a free democratic nation whose citizens have guaranteed protected (supposed to be) Constitutional and Civil Rights and a system of law.

It is BECAUSE of greedy, corrupt, criminal, self-serving, power-hungry, self-appointed ruling class elitist politicians like Joe Biden who care nothing for our citizens but only for more power and to wield that privilege and power over the American people that those Constitutional and Civil Rights have been trampled under their boot.
- Using the IRS as a weapon against citizens, illegally spying on American citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, political opponents, and even newly elected Presidents.
- Selling pout this nation to criminals and to enemies of this nation....Like Diane Feinstein who was caught facilitating Chinese espionage for Decades...or like Joe Biden who sold out to China - telling the American people they are not our competition or a threat, that they are good people AFTER it was proven they created COVID-19 and unleashed it on the world, as he defended them and blamed the virus on the President.

It is BECAUSE of greedy, corrupt, criminal, self-serving, power-hungry, self-appointed ruling class elitist politicians like Joe Biden who have elevated themselves above the very laws and edicts they make and pass for the American people, citizens who they consider beneath them, consider themselves to be smarter than, citizens they openly mock by calling them such names as 'Deplorables' while hiring thugs to beat and bloody those who do not agree with them, their agenda, and ideology.

America has continued to strive to be better, to succeed, to lead the world, and to continue to be a shining light of freedom in a very dark world. America has not 'failed to live up to that'. Every-growing greedier, more corrupt, more power-hungry traitors who have decided to shed themselves of their role as Servants f the People and instead appoint themselves Masters...rulers...have BETRAYED that goal, betrayed our Founding Father's goal, betrayed the Constitution and Rule of Law, and betrayed the American people.

Proven criminal traitor Joe Biden has served as a 'Servant of the People' for 47 years based on the promise to Americans citizens and under the oath to diligently serve his constituents, serve his country, to work for what is best for the American people and the country every day he wakes up as an elected US Senator and VP. At some point in his 47 year career Joe Biden decided being a US Senator was not enough, that being a member of the Democratic Party was more important. At some point Joe decided being a 'Servant' to the American people was not enough, did not pay enough, so he went into business for himself to gain money and power for his OWN family - screw the American people.

It is not that America did not live up to this nation's promise / potential - the truth is along the way our politicians betrayed this country, betrayed us all, shredded the Checks and Balances and other mechanisms (laws) that allowed the American people to hold them accountable to their oaths of office, their promises, and the very laws they themselves created and imposed on American citizens.

Along the way politicians became a CANCER, a THREAT to that American 'idea', to our constitution, to our Constitutional and Civil Rights, to 'Equal Justice' our Legal system is supposed to provide / protect, and to our very FREEDOM.

It is not that American did not strive to meet and exceed the 'idea' / our goals and potential. The fact is corrupt / criminal traitors betrayed us, sold out.

While Joe Biden encourages us to teach our kids we as a nation have failed, he is in the midst of attempting to survive...the exposed truth that HE betrayed this country, sold out to criminals and enemies of this nation, because gaining more and ore wealth for himself and his family became more important than the oath he took 47 years ago and after every election since then. Joe wants us to place the burden ... the LIE ... of 'failure' as a nation on our children while he and his corrupt party, the media, and big tech social media desperately fight to keep the truth that Joe Biden betrayed that 'idea', this nation, the American people...our children.

F* you, Joe Biden. America has not / did not fail - YOU DID!

"America is not exceptional"... really? Then why did the rest of the entire western world change their governance to model ours?
"America is not exceptional"... really? Then why did the rest of the entire western world change their governance to model ours?
If not, why have millions braved perilous journies, Cartels, slavery, rape, being trafficked, and death to get here?

Being exceptional may not be an end point but a countinuous journey, a goal to strive for.

We were a lot closer to that goal before liberals extremists lost their f*ing minds, started selling out to our enemies, abandoned the country/ Americans to focus of self-enrichmentand power, and started destroying the country.
If not, why have millions braved perilous journies, Cartels, slavery, rape, being trafficked, and death to get here?

Being exceptional may not be an end point but a countinuous journey, a goal to strive for.

We were a lot closer to that goal before liberals extremists lost their f*ing minds, started selling out to our enemies, abandoned the country/ Americans to focus of self-enrichmentand power, and started destroying the country.
In my book corporatism/globalism/elitism is the real enemy.
It is true that the leftist are out to destroy and replace American culture with insanity, but it is the corporatist/globalist who are out to destroy and replace everything else. And both parties are equally corrupted by them.

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