Kids Figure Out Tests Graded by AI, Start Getting 100’s


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Does anyone disagree with me on this point—that the grade that any student gets for any class, or any assignment, in order to be valid, •MUST• be a fair representation of how well the student is learning the material that he is intended to be taught?

It seems clear, from this story, that Edginuity's grading method fails to meet this criterion, that students were found to receive failing grades for turning in work that showed that they did, in in fact, learn the material that they were intended to be learning, and that students have found a way to easily game the system by providing nonsense answers that do not show them to have learned the material at all, but which get perfect grades.

At best, it seems, Edginuity has been selling a defective service.

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