Kids and Restaurants.....


Cat Lady =^..^=
Apr 27, 2013
Pizza place in Florida puts out sign, if parents allow their children to run around, scream and misbehave, their party will be asked to leave.

So what is your opinion on this? I, myself, don't like the idea of going to an expensive restaurant and having to put up with a child screaming at the top of his lungs and the parents being oblivious to it. I think all pricey restaurants should have such a policy.

For those that disagree, there are places like Chuck E Cheese and Cici's Pizza among many others.

Did a restaurant owner go too far when he put up a sign telling parents to take care of their kids or face getting kicked out of his restaurant, or do you like it?
Scotter Gabel owns Cappy's Pizzeria in suburban Tampa, Florida.
He says he had a problem with parents letting their kids get out of control.
So he posted a sign that reads, "Parents, for the safety and comfort of everyone, if you allow your children to run, scream or misbehave, your party will be asked to leave."
Reaction has been mixed. Some people applaud the sign and the thought behind it.
Others say it's a little heavy handed.
What do you say?

Restaurant: Keep kids quiet or get kicked out
Pizza place in Florida puts out sign, if parents allow their children to run around, scream and misbehave, their party will be asked to leave.

So what is your opinion on this? I, myself, don't like the idea of going to an expensive restaurant and having to put up with a child screaming at the top of his lungs and the parents being oblivious to it. I think all pricey restaurants should have such a policy.

For those that disagree, there are places like Chuck E Cheese and Cici's Pizza among many others.

Did a restaurant owner go too far when he put up a sign telling parents to take care of their kids or face getting kicked out of his restaurant, or do you like it?
Scotter Gabel owns Cappy's Pizzeria in suburban Tampa, Florida.
He says he had a problem with parents letting their kids get out of control.
So he posted a sign that reads, "Parents, for the safety and comfort of everyone, if you allow your children to run, scream or misbehave, your party will be asked to leave."
Reaction has been mixed. Some people applaud the sign and the thought behind it.
Others say it's a little heavy handed.
What do you say?

Restaurant: Keep kids quiet or get kicked out

The ones who complain are the ones who can't control their kids.
Pizza place in Florida puts out sign, if parents allow their children to run around, scream and misbehave, their party will be asked to leave.

So what is your opinion on this? I, myself, don't like the idea of going to an expensive restaurant and having to put up with a child screaming at the top of his lungs and the parents being oblivious to it. I think all pricey restaurants should have such a policy.

For those that disagree, there are places like Chuck E Cheese and Cici's Pizza among many others.

Did a restaurant owner go too far when he put up a sign telling parents to take care of their kids or face getting kicked out of his restaurant, or do you like it?
Scotter Gabel owns Cappy's Pizzeria in suburban Tampa, Florida.
He says he had a problem with parents letting their kids get out of control.
So he posted a sign that reads, "Parents, for the safety and comfort of everyone, if you allow your children to run, scream or misbehave, your party will be asked to leave."
Reaction has been mixed. Some people applaud the sign and the thought behind it.
Others say it's a little heavy handed.
What do you say?

Restaurant: Keep kids quiet or get kicked out

The ones who complain are the ones who can't control their kids.

How do you figure that? I usually don't complain, but sit there in a snit that parents can be so insensitive to other people and think that everyone thinks their kids are so cute!

If the ones that complain can't control their kids, why would they might want to rethink that.
Pizza place in Florida puts out sign, if parents allow their children to run around, scream and misbehave, their party will be asked to leave.

So what is your opinion on this? I, myself, don't like the idea of going to an expensive restaurant and having to put up with a child screaming at the top of his lungs and the parents being oblivious to it. I think all pricey restaurants should have such a policy.

For those that disagree, there are places like Chuck E Cheese and Cici's Pizza among many others.

Did a restaurant owner go too far when he put up a sign telling parents to take care of their kids or face getting kicked out of his restaurant, or do you like it?
Scotter Gabel owns Cappy's Pizzeria in suburban Tampa, Florida.
He says he had a problem with parents letting their kids get out of control.
So he posted a sign that reads, "Parents, for the safety and comfort of everyone, if you allow your children to run, scream or misbehave, your party will be asked to leave."
Reaction has been mixed. Some people applaud the sign and the thought behind it.
Others say it's a little heavy handed.
What do you say?

Restaurant: Keep kids quiet or get kicked out

The ones who complain are the ones who can't control their kids.

How do you figure that? I usually don't complain, but sit there in a snit that parents can be so insensitive to other people and think that everyone thinks their kids are so cute!

If the ones that complain can't control their kids, why would they might want to rethink that.

I mean complain about the policy, not about the noisy kids.
Pizza place in Florida puts out sign, if parents allow their children to run around, scream and misbehave, their party will be asked to leave.
Adding: after the children are fed an espresso and each given a puppy......
I've been amazed at how useless restaurant managers prefer to offend all the patrons but the shitty parents. A customer should not even have to ask a manager to intervene in cases like this. We have walked out establishments because of child terrorists. One time we left as our food was being served and told the waitress to ask the manager why she didn't get a tip.
The ones who complain are the ones who can't control their kids.

How do you figure that? I usually don't complain, but sit there in a snit that parents can be so insensitive to other people and think that everyone thinks their kids are so cute!

If the ones that complain can't control their kids, why would they might want to rethink that.

I mean complain about the policy, not about the noisy kids.

Okay....that makes sense.....yep, that's what I think, too.
Myself, who at one time had three young children to deal with when on outings to restaurants, I think it's a polite and professional way to 'tell' parents to keep their children under control. And think it's a good idea.
Me being me, I hated it when my kids began to act out...and would take immediate control of the situation.
It's just plain rude to allow your children to run amok when others are trying to enjoy their meal, or a conversation.
Pizza place in Florida puts out sign, if parents allow their children to run around, scream and misbehave, their party will be asked to leave.

It's about time!!!
it is not the kids fault but rather it is the fault of the parents.....
Parents need to have their kids under control and behaving in a responsible manner when out it public.
Pizza place in Florida puts out sign, if parents allow their children to run around, scream and misbehave, their party will be asked to leave.

It's about time!!!
it is not the kids fault but rather it is the fault of the parents.....
Parents need to have their kids under control and behaving in a responsible manner when out it public.

I hope more restaurants start doing that.....there are plenty of children friendly restaurants, so it's not like nobody likes kids.....
Great policy. Bad parents don't know they are bad parents, its fine with me someone tells them
For New Year's Eve my husband and I went to Ruth Chris at a fancy hotel in San Antonio....and of course, there was a couple with a young toddler, who, of course, wanted to play with the silverware and if told no would let out a loud yell........If you can afford to dine out at Ruth Chris, you can afford to pay a sitter.....fortunately, they were at the end of their dinner by the time our meal started arriving, or I would have been pretty miffed......
Pizza place in Florida puts out sign, if parents allow their children to run around, scream and misbehave, their party will be asked to leave.

So what is your opinion on this? I, myself, don't like the idea of going to an expensive restaurant and having to put up with a child screaming at the top of his lungs and the parents being oblivious to it. I think all pricey restaurants should have such a policy.

For those that disagree, there are places like Chuck E Cheese and Cici's Pizza among many others.

Did a restaurant owner go too far when he put up a sign telling parents to take care of their kids or face getting kicked out of his restaurant, or do you like it?
Scotter Gabel owns Cappy's Pizzeria in suburban Tampa, Florida.
He says he had a problem with parents letting their kids get out of control.
So he posted a sign that reads, "Parents, for the safety and comfort of everyone, if you allow your children to run, scream or misbehave, your party will be asked to leave."
Reaction has been mixed. Some people applaud the sign and the thought behind it.
Others say it's a little heavy handed.
What do you say?

Restaurant: Keep kids quiet or get kicked out

The ones who complain are the ones who can't control their kids.

For New Year's Eve my husband and I went to Ruth Chris at a fancy hotel in San Antonio....and of course, there was a couple with a young toddler, who, of course, wanted to play with the silverware and if told no would let out a loud yell........If you can afford to dine out at Ruth Chris, you can afford to pay a sitter.....fortunately, they were at the end of their dinner by the time our meal started arriving, or I would have been pretty miffed......

gosh, what a whiny bitch you are :lol:
All restaurants should do what this place did. Unruly kids can be taken to the park where they can scream their heads off. Personally, I am burnt out on children.
I have never been shy. Screaming brats near me? I don't hestitate to tell their parents they are schmucks for not controlling their brats.
When a person goes out to eat, he/she expects a comfortable atmosphere, not a scene of chaos.

Parents: If you can't control your kids at a restaurant, stay at home!
It is interesting that I have never encountered those "terrorist kids" neither in the restaurants, nor on the plane.
And I have been seated in the plane next to the babies and kids quite a bit.
Less in the restaurants, or I might don't remember.

I was a terrorist kid myself :D
It is interesting that I have never encountered those "terrorist kids" neither in the restaurants, nor on the plane.
And I have been seated in the plane next to the babies and kids quite a bit.
Less in the restaurants, or I might don't remember.

I was a terrorist kid myself :D

Then you're one of the lucky ones.

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