Zone1 Khazarians vs. Children of Abraham


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Probably somebody can explain the oxymoron.

God gave Palestine to children of Abraham; (true) Jews and Arabs.
Ten Jewish tribes disappeared six centuries before Christus, two remaining went after the Titus's destruction of Jerusalem to Africa, Italy or Spain ( Sephardic Jews)
Most of Jews in Israel are Khazarian ( Turks who embraced Judaism in the 8th century) Ashkenazi 'Jews' who aren't descendants of Abraham.

Question: Which right allows Khazarians (the thirteen tribe) claim to be True Jews and to rob the country of True Children of Abraham ( Ismael, modern Arabs)?






Now you are on the treasure trail .

But try telling that to Normies and Sheeple who can barely compose a paragraph let alone follow a cogent discussion .
Simplifying :-
We have 96% of claiming Jews who have no trace of Semitic blood .
And the other 4% believing they are a protected species , courtesy of The God .

Namely ,
a very cunning and deceitful tribe has developed a brilliant number of ways to convince Gullibles that they are extra special and totally misunderstood .

And then the match winner .
One word of criticism and you are labelled antisemitic , which has been manipulated to be a Kiss of Death .

That , in a nutshell, is the Khazarian Mafia .
Probably somebody can explain the oxymoron.

God gave Palestine to children of Abraham; (true) Jews and Arabs.
Ten Jewish tribes disappeared six centuries before Christus, two remaining went after the Titus's destruction of Jerusalem to Africa, Italy or Spain ( Sephardic Jews)
Most of Jews in Israel are Khazarian ( Turks who embraced Judaism in the 8th century) Ashkenazi 'Jews' who aren't descendants of Abraham.

Question: Which right allows Khazarians (the thirteen tribe) claim to be True Jews and to rob the country of True Children of Abraham ( Ismael, modern Arabs)?






View attachment 878206

God gave Palestine to children of Abraham; (true) Jews and Arabs.
Ten Jewish tribes disappeared six centuries before Christus, two remaining went after the Titus's destruction of Jerusalem to Africa, Italy or Spain ( Sephardic Jews)
Most of Jews in Israel are Khazarian ( Turks who embraced Judaism in the 8th century) Ashkenazi 'Jews' who aren't descendants of Abraham
This is that damn demon inspired conspiracy theory pushed by the antisemites who revealed themselves so clearly on October 7

Probably somebody can explain the oxymoron.

God gave Palestine to children of Abraham; (true) Jews and Arabs.
Ten Jewish tribes disappeared six centuries before Christus, two remaining went after the Titus's destruction of Jerusalem to Africa, Italy or Spain ( Sephardic Jews)
Most of Jews in Israel are Khazarian ( Turks who embraced Judaism in the 8th century) Ashkenazi 'Jews' who aren't descendants of Abraham.

Question: Which right allows Khazarians (the thirteen tribe) claim to be True Jews and to rob the country of True Children of Abraham ( Ismael, modern Arabs)?






View attachment 878206

Watch this Israeli documentary admitting Palestinians are the indigenous population of Palestine/Israel:

And this:

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Few modern Jews are Jews of the Covenant. Many converted to the Christian sect, which is the primary Jewish sect today, the rest being assorted cults and nothing to do with the pre-Ezra Jews and the Torah of Moses. Some exceptions would be the Karaites, Conservatives, and Samaritans. Some would include the Reformed synagogues.

It was always intended to be a religion, not a racist ethnic cult; it is a universalist theology, abandoned by the Babylonians in favor of personal gain and aggrandizement, meant for all people. Universalism is implicit in monotheism.
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Few modern Jews are Jews of the Covenant. Many converted to the Christian sect, which is the primary Jewish sect today, the rest being assorted cults and nothing to do with the pre-Ezra Jews and the Torah of Moses. Some exceptions would be the Karaites, Conservatives, and Samaritans. Some would include the Reformed synagogues.

They converted to Christianity and later to Islam. You conveniently (disingenuously), "forgot" to mention that. Islam has been there for 1400 years, and actually has a longer, consistent history in the Holy Land than Judaism. The former Jewish Temples stood on the Temple Mount for less time than the Muslim Dome Of The Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque.

The rock that the Dome is built around and on, is the very place where the Holy of Holies of the two Israelite Temples were once located. The Ark Of The Covenant was once there. The Muslims restored the temple mount and it's been in Muslim hands for 1400 years, except for the brief time it was in the hands of the Crusaders, it's been "managed" and maintained by Muslims. To pretend that Muslims don't have a valid claim and connection to the Holy Land is ridiculous and dishonest.
Another thing the antisemites use to discredit the legitimacy of the Jewish State is to ignore the fact that the Sephardic Jews are the majority of the Jewish people in Israel.
Another thing the antisemites use to discredit the legitimacy of the Jewish State is to ignore the fact that the Sephardic Jews are the majority of the Jewish people in Israel.
Cite sources. The secular Jewish, racist state of Israhell, was established by European Ashkanazi Jews, not Middle Eastern or Sephardic Jews. Even then, there's no justification for establishing a Jewish racist ethnostate in the Holy Land, because the native population that never left, is mostly non-Jewish. Muslims and Christians, not Jewish. So Jews shouldn't have the right to take all of the land, the whole cake, for themselves. Everyone, including the Jews should have a "piece of the cake", not just Jews. It shouldn't be a "Jewish State", it should be a state for everyone. When you use the term "anti-Semitic", you become anti-semitic, because how do you figure that such a term, only applies to Jews when Palestinian Arabs are also semitic?

By the way, the so-called Palestinian "Arabs", are mostly "Arab" culturally, not so much genetically, since the pure Arabs come from the Arabian peninsula, not the Levant. Palestinians are just as Semitic and native to the Holy Land as any Jew from Poland or Spain. So your American Evangelical, Zionist Redneck bigotry against the Palestinians amounts to a pile of poop. Nothing. It's a lie, promoted by ZioFascist Evangelicals who want to start Armageddon that way Jesus will supposedly return sooner.
Exactly. Your Palestinian squatters are not in the place they were assigned by God. That is the source of your conflict
You need to improve your reading comprehension. The Palestinians have already been proven genetically to be the indigenous population of the Levant. They mostly descend from Cannanites and Chaldeans. Abraham was from Ur of Chaldea, and in the Bible Jacob is identified as an Aramean or Chaldean. The original Israelites were essentially of Chaldean stock, and that's what the Palestinians are, hence your stupid comment is incoherent and ignores the facts.
The Sephardim make up about 55 percent of Israel's Jewish population and the Ashkenazim about 45 percent
That's not citing your sources. Provide a direct link to the information you're citing, not a website. Go direct to the page, and give information on where that data is on the page, or you haven't supported your claim. To assert that Jews from Spain are more Semitic or native to the Levant, Middle-Eastern region than Palestinians isn't supported by the facts.
The Sephardim make up about 55 percent of Israel's Jewish population and the Ashkenazim about 45 percent

While that is true, the Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox Jews were not Zionists; the Zionist Jews were mostly European and secular Jews. It was the European Jews who carried most of the water re the development of the Jewish state.

Dumbass Arabs and Muslim cretins put the need for a Jewish state over the top; don't leave out their Hitler fan boi fads and assorted atrocities as major incentives for supporting a Jewish state. The more the West was exposed to the homicidal feral animals and their asteroid worship the more it was decided a Jewish state was necessary. It's also why it's necessary to back it to the hilt. Most of the current state is still secular, which is why Netanyahu's catering to the racist Orthodox extremists is a mistake and will cost him politically, and with good reason.
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While that is true, the Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox Jews were not Zionists; the Zionist Jews were mostly European and secular Jews. It was the European Jews who carried most of the water re the development of the Jewish state.

Dumbass Arabs and Muslim cretins put the need for a Jewish state over the top; don't leave out their Hitler fan boi fads and assorted atrocities as major incentives for supporting a Jewish state. The more the West was exposed to the homicidal feral animals and their asteroid worship the more it was decided a Jewish state was necessary. It's also why it's necessary to back it to the hilt. Most of the current state is still secular, which is why Netanyahu's catering to the racist Orthodox extremists is a mistake and will cost him politically, and with good reason.

It's all about the oil for the West, there's nothing noble about them colonizing the Middle East. It's all about power and it's not the "feral animals" of the Middle East who started two world wars and nuked civilians, it's the Western world, under the heel of Zionist imperialists and finance. Making money, maintaining captive markets, cheap labor and raw materials, and destroying whatever is left of Christianity in the West. That's what it's all about for the big-money capitalist, Zionist elites.
Christians didn't settle THE LAND OF ISRAEL. The JEWS, who don't believe these prophecies did. You're grasping

You're spewing gobbledygook. The Palestinian Christians and Muslims, for the most part, have been living there for thousands of years. There are Palestinian Christians and Muslims who can trace their family history and lineage back to the time of Jesus and even before that. I'm not saying Jews don't have a right to live in the Holy Land, they also have a profound connection to that land but, their current arrangement with their "Jewish State", renders all non-Jews second-class citizens at best, and if you're a Palestinian who's not a citizen of the Jewish State, you're not even treated as a human being. Not all Palestinian Christians are citizens of the Jewish State, many of them aren't and are being brutalized by these Zionist Jews.

You're spewing gobbledygook. The Palestinian Christians and Muslims, for the most part, have been living there for thousands of years
Fake news. You people came from Egypt and Jordan. You're puppies fighting over the tiniest of scraps instead of eating from your own big bowl

If you keep fighting the Jews for the land God gave them, there is a time when you will be no more.

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