Kerry, Kissinger, Syria, and Three 911s


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Last Wednesday, 9/11/2013, John Kerry met with the architect (if not the engineer) of Operation Condor to plot how to best bring democracy to Syria.

Amy Goodman and Democracy Now have the details:

"As President Barack Obama’s attack on Syria appears to have been delayed for the moment, it is remarkable that Secretary of State John Kerry was meeting, on Sept. 11, with one of his predecessors, Henry Kissinger, reportedly to discuss strategy on forthcoming negotiations on Syria with Russian officials.

"The Kerry-Kissinger meeting, and the public outcry against the proposed attack on Syria to which both men are publicly committed, should be viewed through the lens of another Sept. 11 ... 1973.

"On that day, 40 years ago, the democratically elected president of Chile, Salvador Allende, was violently overthrown in a U.S.-backed coup. Gen. Augusto Pinochet took control and began a 17-year dictatorial reign of terror, during which more than 3,000 Chileans were murdered and disappeared—about the same number killed on that later, fateful 9/11, 2001.

"Allende, a socialist, was immensely popular with his people.

"But his policies were anathema to the elites of Chile and the United States, so President Richard Nixon and his secretary of state and national-security adviser, Henry Kissinger, supported efforts to overthrow him."

Forty years later, Kerry, Kissinger, and their fellow travelers llike Bandar Bush, for example, would have you believe Fundamentalist Islam poses the same threat to Democracy as Godless Communism on the day Salvador Allende took his life.

In fact, those who get rich by controlling the natural resources of Chilean copper or Arab oil will always project their greed and corruption upon their victims.

"Eventually, under increasing global condemnation and growing internal, nonviolent resistance, the Pinochet regime was forced to hold a plebiscite, a national vote, on whether Pinochet would continue as Chile’s dictator. With a resounding “No!” the public rejected him, ushering in the modern, democratic era in Chile."

Think of it as a "Chilean Spring."
I'd heard that Kerry consulted Kissinger .. not encouraging.
Kerry seems to be committed to the same 1% of the population that Kissinger, Nixon, Obama, and Pinochet were/are:

"In 1976, Orlando Letelier, a Chilean opponent of the Pinochet regime, was assassinated in Washington, D.C. with a car bomb. Previously, Kissinger had helped secure his release from prison,[47] but had chosen to cancel a letter to Chile warning them against carrying out any political assassinations[48] The U.S. ambassador to Chile, David H. Popper, said that Pinochet might take as an insult any inference that he was connected with assassination plots.[49]"

Henry Kissinger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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