Kentucky limits no-knock warrants after Breonna Taylor death


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
Kentucky limits no-knock warrants after Breonna Taylor death
Kentucky limits no-knock warrants after Breonna Taylor death
“This is meaningful change,” Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear said. “It will save lives, and it will move us in the right direction."

It seems to me that no-knock warrants are inherently dangerous to the officers anyway, but more importantly the fact that our courts have ruled them to not be a violation of the 4th Amendment's prohibition on unreasonable search & seizure is more troubling.
Kentucky limits no-knock warrants after Breonna Taylor death
Kentucky limits no-knock warrants after Breonna Taylor death
“This is meaningful change,” Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear said. “It will save lives, and it will move us in the right direction."

It seems to me that no-knock warrants are inherently dangerous to the officers anyway, but more importantly the fact that our courts have ruled them to not be a violation of the 4th Amendment's prohibition on unreasonable search & seizure is more troubling.
This puts police lives in danger. Id rather the criminals inside die than them. Breonna should have died. Thats what happens when you are part of a criminal enterprise and you shoot at the cops.
This shows you what a terrible disservice the media is doing...they knocked at Breonna's house....and they shouted POLICE so loud that they were heard inside the home across the street....
No knock warrants should be illegal. There are too many stories of cops raiding the wrong house.
Really?...tell us about them stories most cases knocking leads to cops getting shot....if the FBI can no knock at Rodger Stone's home then cops can no knock at armed violent drug dealers homes too IMO....
No knock warrants should be illegal. There are too many stories of cops raiding the wrong house.
Really?...tell us about them stories most cases knocking leads to cops getting shot....if the FBI can no knock at Rodger Stone's home then cops can no knock at armed violent drug dealers homes too IMO....

The Roger Stone raid is a perfect example of why no-knock warrants should be illegal.

Here's another good example...

No knock warrants should be illegal. There are too many stories of cops raiding the wrong house.
Really?...tell us about them stories most cases knocking leads to cops getting shot....if the FBI can no knock at Rodger Stone's home then cops can no knock at armed violent drug dealers homes too IMO....

The Roger Stone raid is a perfect example of why no-knock warrants should be illegal.

Here's another good example...

Rarely do deaths occur in raids...they are used by design to take the occupants by surprise preventing them from arming saves lives in nine out of ten cases....taking away tactics for law enforcement may make people feel good but people will die because of it....I guarantee it....
No knock warrants should be illegal. There are too many stories of cops raiding the wrong house.
Really?...tell us about them stories most cases knocking leads to cops getting shot....if the FBI can no knock at Rodger Stone's home then cops can no knock at armed violent drug dealers homes too IMO....

The Roger Stone raid is a perfect example of why no-knock warrants should be illegal.

Here's another good example...

Rarely do deaths occur in raids...they are used by design to take the occupants by surprise preventing them from arming saves lives in nine out of ten cases....taking away tactics for law enforcement may make people feel good but people will die because of it....I guarantee it....

If one innocent person dies, it's one too many and is grounds enough to outlaw no-knock warrants.
The term "no knock" is generally misunderstood. Search warrants and arrest warrants are reviewed by a prosecutor or D.A. and signed by a judge. Anybody who thinks the Police should send a letter of intent or phone a dangerous felon or knock on the door announcing their intent to search or arrest a dangerous felon is a fool. If you don't trust a judge and a prosecutor to make the correct interpretation you need to elect a different person.
No knock warrants should be illegal. There are too many stories of cops raiding the wrong house.
Really?...tell us about them stories most cases knocking leads to cops getting shot....if the FBI can no knock at Rodger Stone's home then cops can no knock at armed violent drug dealers homes too IMO....
Maybe stories like this?
Nashville police officers who conducted search warrant at wrong Edgehill apartment face demotion, dismissal
or this?
Qualified immunity: Police off the hook for no-knock raid on wrong house
•Sep 10, 2020

They walked past the house listed on the no-knock warrant, and arrested an innocent elderly neighbor. Now a federal judge says the officers have immunity. More on this investigation:

Maybe this?
Father Shot 2 Officers Who Mistakenly Served Warrant at His Home
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A search warrant is reviewed by a prosecutor and a judge before he signs it. If the freaking address is wrong it ain't the fault of the Cops is it?
When tragic mistakes are made the media is justifiably outraged and that outrage translates to the public but what happens when the media isn't outraged and defends mistakes? Case in point the Branch Dividians in Waco Texas. The judge who signed the federal search warrant should have been impeached when the allegations on the warrant were so outrageous that they couldn't have been true and were not true when the ruins of the compound were sifted. It was alleged based on the most flimsy evidence that Dividians were rebuilding WW2 junk into functional automatic weapons. There were no such weapons found but the media outrage shifted to the victims killed in the final assault.
The term "no knock" is generally misunderstood. Search warrants and arrest warrants are reviewed by a prosecutor or D.A. and signed by a judge. Anybody who thinks the Police should send a letter of intent or phone a dangerous felon or knock on the door announcing their intent to search or arrest a dangerous felon is a fool. If you don't trust a judge and a prosecutor to make the correct interpretation you need to elect a different person.

There was zero evidence that Breonna Taylor was dangerous. There was actually zero evidence she was guilty of anything. The cops lied to get a warrant. Sadly no one has been charged with that.

Hopefully more people arm themselves and start blasting away anytime someone breaks into a home.
The term "no knock" is generally misunderstood. Search warrants and arrest warrants are reviewed by a prosecutor or D.A. and signed by a judge. Anybody who thinks the Police should send a letter of intent or phone a dangerous felon or knock on the door announcing their intent to search or arrest a dangerous felon is a fool. If you don't trust a judge and a prosecutor to make the correct interpretation you need to elect a different person.

There was zero evidence that Breonna Taylor was dangerous. There was actually zero evidence she was guilty of anything. The cops lied to get a warrant. Sadly no one has been charged with that.

Hopefully more people arm themselves and start blasting away anytime someone breaks into a home.
The judge doesn't work for the Cops, the Cops work for the prosecutor and the judge. It's the prosecutor's and the judge's job to sift through the bullshit. It makes no sense that Police Officers would deliberately target an individual citizen but that's not always true about the Feds. It seems that federal agencies will create pure fiction to make headlines during budget time and Ruby Ridge and the Branch Dividian tragedy proves it. The problem for the public is that the liberal media tends to take the side of federal agencies especially during democrat administrations.
The term "no knock" is generally misunderstood. Search warrants and arrest warrants are reviewed by a prosecutor or D.A. and signed by a judge. Anybody who thinks the Police should send a letter of intent or phone a dangerous felon or knock on the door announcing their intent to search or arrest a dangerous felon is a fool. If you don't trust a judge and a prosecutor to make the correct interpretation you need to elect a different person.

There was zero evidence that Breonna Taylor was dangerous. There was actually zero evidence she was guilty of anything. The cops lied to get a warrant. Sadly no one has been charged with that.

Hopefully more people arm themselves and start blasting away anytime someone breaks into a home.
The judge doesn't work for the Cops, the Cops work for the prosecutor and the judge. It's the prosecutor's and the judge's job to sift through the bullshit. It makes no sense that Police Officers would deliberately target an individual citizen but that's not always true about the Feds. It seems that federal agencies will create pure fiction to make headlines during budget time and Ruby Ridge and the Branch Dividian tragedy proves it. The problem for the public is that the liberal media tends to take the side of federal agencies especially during democrat administrations.

You said a lot of things without actually addressing what I said.
Kentucky limits no-knock warrants after Breonna Taylor death
Kentucky limits no-knock warrants after Breonna Taylor death
“This is meaningful change,” Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear said. “It will save lives, and it will move us in the right direction."

It seems to me that no-knock warrants are inherently dangerous to the officers anyway, but more importantly the fact that our courts have ruled them to not be a violation of the 4th Amendment's prohibition on unreasonable search & seizure is more troubling.
Breonna should have died.
Should Ashli Babbett have died?
Kentucky limits no-knock warrants after Breonna Taylor death
Kentucky limits no-knock warrants after Breonna Taylor death
“This is meaningful change,” Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear said. “It will save lives, and it will move us in the right direction."

It seems to me that no-knock warrants are inherently dangerous to the officers anyway, but more importantly the fact that our courts have ruled them to not be a violation of the 4th Amendment's prohibition on unreasonable search & seizure is more troubling.

The conservatives who control the court ruled that no knock warrants are constitutional. Which I totally disagree. It violates the 4th Amendment.

At the time I said it was too dangerous for the police. Especially in the south where everyone is armed and will shoot an intruder. Which everyone has a right to do.

If I owned a weapon and some men were crashing through my door, I would be aiming that weapon to kill. And kill as many of the intruders as possible. And I would not be prosecuted for killing them. We have a right to protect ourselves and our home. As long as the people are actually in the home and the owner feels threatened.

No knock warrants are unconstitutional and put police in unnecessary jeopardy of being injured or even killed.

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