Keep DeLay, or pay the price
Tony Blankley
April 13, 2005
Tony Blankley
April 13, 2005
I understand why the Democrats are going after Tom DeLay. Snakes gotta slither, mosquitoes gotta bite, hyenas gotta laugh, and Democrats without a blooming idea in their heads gotta go negative.
I also understand why the New York Times is out soliciting Bob Livingston to write an attack op-ed against Delay (he refused), and why they report legal, ethical, common and specifically Ethics Committee-approved activity like Delay employing relatives on his campaign -- as if it were a crime. The owner and staff of that once great paper are so overwhelmingly committed to the Democratic Party that they are willing to destroy in a short decade the paper's reputation, which was over a hundred years in the making -- to advance the great cause of soft-headed liberalism. (There must be ancient Sulzbergers and Timesmen in their graves crying yet-human tears at the sight of their heirs' profligacy.)
But, as to the couple of Republicans up for re-election in a difficult Northeast district and state who, in the name of their consciences, have said slightly rude things about the majority leader of their party, I can only quote that shrewd discerner of character, Oscar Wilde: "Conscience is but the name which cowardice Fleeing the battle scrawls upon its shield."
I have been a card-carrying Republican since 1963, when my candidate Barry Goldwater suggested cutting off the northeast and letting it float out to sea. It was a good idea back then, and it still has some merit. Too many Republicans up there are born without backbones -- which in the Republican Party is a communicable disease. Any other Republicans currently feeling their knee muscles turning to jelly should wrap their knees tightly, stick a ramrod up their dorsal side and get back in the fight.