Katrina damage Race related?


May 5, 2004
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Danny Bakewell, publisher of the Los Angeles Sentinel, a black newspaper, said the gathering was “a glaring symbol of the possibilities that are in front of black people. This is not the end, it’s a beginning.'’
Bakewell added: “Of course we think today about Katrina. If New Orleans doesn’t do right by black people there, we must paralyze that city. We have to do honor to people who built that city.'’

The Rev. Al Sharpton, a former presidential candidate, criticized President Bush for the war in Iraq and the response to the devastation of Katrina.
“Broken levees are weapons of mass destruction,'’ Sharpton said.

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who organized the march, has repeatedly speculated that a bomb may have destroyed the protective levees, helping to flood some black neighborhoods in New Orleans following Katrina.
Farrakhan appears to be broadening his message beyond those of concern specifically to black Americans and the poor.

Dyan French, also known as “Mama D,” is a New Orleans Citizen and Community Leader. She testified before the House Select Committee on Hurricane Katrina on Tuesday.
“I was on my front porch. I have witnesses that they bombed the walls of the levee, boom, boom!” Mama D said, holding her head. “Mister, I’ll never forget it.”

“Certainly appears to me to be an act of genocide and of ethnic cleansing,” Leah Hodges, another New Orleans citizen, told the committee.

Similar statements, sometimes couched as rumors, have also been voiced by Louis Farrakhan, leader of the nation of Islam, and director Spike Lee.

Well Statistics are in and it was race related.

You can read the rest of the story and Statistics here
so tell me do you agree or disagree that "Katrina damage is Race related"

why do you belive what you belive?

what proof do you have to support your belief?
RAGE said:
Danny Bakewell, publisher of the Los Angeles Sentinel, a black newspaper, said the gathering was “a glaring symbol of the possibilities that are in front of black people. This is not the end, it’s a beginning.'’
Bakewell added: “Of course we think today about Katrina. If New Orleans doesn’t do right by black people there, we must paralyze that city. We have to do honor to people who built that city.'’

The Rev. Al Sharpton, a former presidential candidate, criticized President Bush for the war in Iraq and the response to the devastation of Katrina.
“Broken levees are weapons of mass destruction,'’ Sharpton said.

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who organized the march, has repeatedly speculated that a bomb may have destroyed the protective levees, helping to flood some black neighborhoods in New Orleans following Katrina.
Farrakhan appears to be broadening his message beyond those of concern specifically to black Americans and the poor.

Dyan French, also known as “Mama D,” is a New Orleans Citizen and Community Leader. She testified before the House Select Committee on Hurricane Katrina on Tuesday.
“I was on my front porch. I have witnesses that they bombed the walls of the levee, boom, boom!” Mama D said, holding her head. “Mister, I’ll never forget it.”

“Certainly appears to me to be an act of genocide and of ethnic cleansing,” Leah Hodges, another New Orleans citizen, told the committee.

Similar statements, sometimes couched as rumors, have also been voiced by Louis Farrakhan, leader of the nation of Islam, and director Spike Lee.

Well Statistics are in and it was race related.

You can read the rest of the story and Statistics here

for my Irish Stew for tonight...I could not help but to dismiss this diatribe...being a VN vet and former Law enf officer..hey dude you insult all minorities whom I served with..they were considered bros to me...and I covered their backs as they did mine...Rev Sharpton is a joke and a self serving phoney...get a grip dude!
Actually, the majority of the Katrina victims were white. In fact, the percentage of white victims was greater than the percentage of the population that was white before the hurricane hit, so there goes the race theory. The levee that broke was also near a white neighborhood, not a black one. The hurricane did not target race, it hit the stupid and the lazy who wouldn't evacuate when they were told, plain and simple.
I read his post, he was pointing out the hypocrisy of Sharpton and others. He had the stats to back it up, unless I'm missing something here?

He listed black % of pop. and the current % of whites killed, which far exceeded their % of pop.
I thought that was what I was pointing out when I posted that his stats were right: More whites than blacks were affected on a % basis.

I'm glad we read it the same way.

Still think he was pointing traffic to his blog though. Which is alright I guess.
BATMAN said:
I thought that was what I was pointing out when I posted that his stats were right: More whites than blacks were affected on a % basis.

I'm glad we read it the same way.

Still think he was pointing traffic to his blog though. Which is alright I guess.
Me too, regarding the bold, but from what I could tell, no monetary reward, removing it would just perpetuate the fallacy of responses.
I'll have to go back and reread I guess, I just scammed through it, maybe when I saw the name's Blackwell and Sharpton, I didn't really see anything else. If I was mistaken, then apologize to you, rage.
Stephanie said:
I'll have to go back and reread I guess, I just scammed through it, maybe when I saw the name's Blackwell and Sharpton, I didn't really see anything else. If I was mistaken, then apologize to you, rage.

Hobbit posted:

The hurricane did not target race, it hit the stupid and the lazy who wouldn't evacuate when they were told, plain and simple.

If it were any plainer, or simpler, well, Sharpton and his "crew" wouldn`t be able to figure it out.

Mother Nature doesn`t play the "race card", people do, make of it whatever you want.
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