Kasich, Enjoy Your moment; it is Your Last and Only State Win


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Kasich going on and on about his life and promising to fight to get workers jobs in Ohio, which he knows will be one job gained for every four lost to outsourcing and offshoring. He promises to win the nomination of the GOP and win the Presidency. That is mathematically implausible.

What a fucking liar. He makes me so sick to my stomach.

But has earned his moment, but I cant wait till he shuts the hell up and blows away.
Kasich going on and on about his life and promising to fight to get workers jobs in Ohio, which he knows will be one job gained for every four lost to outsourcing and offshoring. He promises to win the nomination of the GOP and win the Presidency. That is mathematically implausible.

What a fucking liar. He makes me so sick to my stomach.

But has earned his moment, but I cant wait till he shuts the hell up and blows away.

And if you listen to wailing gail......you can hear the words whispered on the wind...

I heard he'd have to get 110% of all remaining states to even hit second place... So the question is, who's he working for? Trump (via splitting the anti-trump R votes) or Hillary (because they feel Hillary can beat Trump but maybe not Cruz), OR the R establishment (it's rumored that his voters would go Trump rather than Cruz, which could enable Trump to get the necessary delegates.)

What an interesting race this year...
Kasich going on and on about his life and promising to fight to get workers jobs in Ohio, which he knows will be one job gained for every four lost to outsourcing and offshoring. He promises to win the nomination of the GOP and win the Presidency. That is mathematically implausible.

What a fucking liar. He makes me so sick to my stomach.

But has earned his moment, but I cant wait till he shuts the hell up and blows away.

Kasich is the best of the the GOP clown show. He does know how to govern, is a true conservative, civil and sane. Republicans voters hate principles, sanity, facts, achievement, civility and America.

We should not be kicking Kasich around as much as we should be kicking the Republican base around. Destroy the body and the head will die.
Kasich going on and on about his life and promising to fight to get workers jobs in Ohio, which he knows will be one job gained for every four lost to outsourcing and offshoring. He promises to win the nomination of the GOP and win the Presidency. That is mathematically implausible.

What a fucking liar. He makes me so sick to my stomach.

But has earned his moment, but I cant wait till he shuts the hell up and blows away.

Kasich is the best of the the GOP clown show. He does know how to govern, is a true conservative, civil and sane. Republicans voters hate principles, sanity, facts, achievement, civility and America.

We should not be kicking Kasich around as much as we should be kicking the Republican base around. Destroy the body and the head will die.
Take advice from Leftist loons like you? I don't think so.
Kasich is the guy the party should have been backing all this time.

But: How Kasich’s Religion Is Hurting Him With Conservatives

The irony here is not just that the most pious Republican candidate has been largely overshadowed in a campaign for which Christianity is a major calling card. As Kasich makes what could be his last big campaign push to win Ohio’s primary on Tuesday, his devout faith might actually be hurting him. The governor’s faith appears to drive his politically moderate stances on immigration, climate change and gay marriage—positions that alienate him from mainstream conservatives whose support Kasich needs to have a chance at the nomination.

And an interesting quote from Rubio:

“There will be a reckoning,” he warned. “There will be a reckoning in the mainstream media, where all these networks and cable networks are going to have to ask themselves why did they give so much coverage for the sake of ratings,” he said. “There will be a reckoning in the conservative movement, where a lot of people who for a long time have espoused conservative principles seem to not care about those anymore in rallying around Donald Trump because they like his attitude.

“I think there are a lot of people in the conservative movement who are going to spend years and years explaining to people how they fell into this and how they allowed this to happen.”

Inside Marco’s Hollow Campaign
Kasich going on and on about his life and promising to fight to get workers jobs in Ohio, which he knows will be one job gained for every four lost to outsourcing and offshoring. He promises to win the nomination of the GOP and win the Presidency. That is mathematically implausible.

What a fucking liar. He makes me so sick to my stomach.

But has earned his moment, but I cant wait till he shuts the hell up and blows away.

Just can't wait to lose in the general eh? Kasich could have won, trump has no chance. But at least you guys support the candidate who agrees with the Dems about bush. Bet he agrees with the Dems on a lot more than you thnk.
Kasich is the guy the party should have been backing all this time.

No way in hell. If the GOP is best represented by an Open Borders Free-For-All-Trade zealot who wants to give an amnesty to the 12 million criminals that have sneaked intpo our country, then I will find another party and so will tens of millions of other voters.

But: How Kasich’s Religion Is Hurting Him With Conservatives

The irony here is not just that the most pious Republican candidate has been largely overshadowed in a campaign for which Christianity is a major calling card. As Kasich makes what could be his last big campaign push to win Ohio’s primary on Tuesday, his devout faith might actually be hurting him. The governor’s faith appears to drive his politically moderate stances on immigration, climate change and gay marriage—positions that alienate him from mainstream conservatives whose support Kasich needs to have a chance at the nomination.

And an interesting quote from Rubio:

“There will be a reckoning,” he warned. “There will be a reckoning in the mainstream media, where all these networks and cable networks are going to have to ask themselves why did they give so much coverage for the sake of ratings,” he said. “There will be a reckoning in the conservative movement, where a lot of people who for a long time have espoused conservative principles seem to not care about those anymore in rallying around Donald Trump because they like his attitude.

“I think there are a lot of people in the conservative movement who are going to spend years and years explaining to people how they fell into this and how they allowed this to happen.”

Inside Marco’s Hollow Campaign

Bwahahahahahah, says Rubio. As if his lies about the Gang of 8 Amnesty Bill had nothing to do with it, or his own sleazy mockery of the front runner in the last few weeks.
Just can't wait to lose in the general eh? Kasich could have won, trump has no chance. But at least you guys support the candidate who agrees with the Dems about bush. Bet he agrees with the Dems on a lot more than you thnk.
Lol, you still dont get it.

This is not about winning the general election, which we will win, BTW.

IT is about taking the GOP back from the neocons and swindlers and corporate crony bastards who have been betraying the American people with trade treaties that stomp all over the Middle Class. IT is about taking the party back from conservative ideologues who think that the working American Middle Class deserves to die off.

Just can't wait to lose in the general eh? Kasich could have won, trump has no chance. But at least you guys support the candidate who agrees with the Dems about bush. Bet he agrees with the Dems on a lot more than you thnk.
Lol, you still dont get it.

This is not about winning the general election, which we will win, BTW.

IT is about taking the GOP back from the neocons and swindlers and corporate crony bastards who have been betraying the American people with trade treaties that stomp all over the Middle Class. IT is about taking the party back from conservative ideologues who think that the working American Middle Class deserves to die off.


And trump is your candidate? The guy even imported his wife. Those immigrants are always doing the jobs nobody else wants to do.
The GOP establishment still don't get it.
They still believe someone in the party is going to ride up on a white horse and throw Trump to the curb.
The next Primaries are going to be dominated by Trump.
Kasich will sneak away a few delegates here or there. So will Cruz but even between then they still can't get enough to change the outcome.
Forget any fantasy of a 'brokered convention'.
Won't happen.
Those immigrants are always doing the jobs nobody else wants to do.
Bullshit. Those jobs are jobs that have been held by Americans for generations, from the meat packing industry, to the ranches and assembly lines.

You liars are found out, exposed and no one buys your bullshit any more expect ideologues and morons.
Those immigrants are always doing the jobs nobody else wants to do.
Bullshit. Those jobs are jobs that have been held by Americans for generations, from the meat packing industry, to the ranches and assembly lines.

You liars are found out, exposed and no one buys your bullshit any more expect ideologues and morons.

I was talking about his wife.
The GOP establishment still don't get it.
They still believe someone in the party is going to ride up on a white horse and throw Trump to the curb.
The next Primaries are going to be dominated by Trump.
Kasich will sneak away a few delegates here or there. So will Cruz but even between then they still can't get enough to change the outcome.
Forget any fantasy of a 'brokered convention'.
Won't happen.

Watching FOX while I ate my breakfast this morning, and they had on one 'expert' after another who said a brokered convention was good, or inevitable because now Trump has to 'win 60% of the remaining delegates'. Lolol, as if that will be hard with all the remaining Winner-take-all stats coming up. In fact, with Trumps opposition divided between Kasich and Cruz, they make Trumps nomination inevitable and they are too stupid to realize it or Trump is not the disaster they claim he is and they are just lying about it.
Those immigrants are always doing the jobs nobody else wants to do.
Bullshit. Those jobs are jobs that have been held by Americans for generations, from the meat packing industry, to the ranches and assembly lines.

You liars are found out, exposed and no one buys your bullshit any more expect ideologues and morons.

I was talking about his wife.
Lol, 70% of unmarried women would take that 'job' too, numb nuts.

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