Kansas affirms transgender surgery for minors

Kansas was also the state that had tons of women show up when roe v was overturned. Kansas women overwhelmingly said FUCK YOU Republicans.

They were offended that their right to kill was in jeopardy. This country is in a dangerous precarious position and is about to be corrected. It ain't gonna be pretty.
That would have landed a doctor in prison 20 years ago but now it's ok for doctors to cut off minors body parts and go along with the fantasy. It's sickening. I don't even think they were doing this in sodom and gomorrah.
As I see the Left chant death to the Jews around the country at universities, places our future leaders will come from, and now support mutilating the genitals of children, I have to say, there is nothing the Left can't normalize since they have full control of the media, government, and academia.

I predict saying the term pedophile will soon be labeled hate speech

They can now go no lower than they are.
Kansas was also the state that had tons of women show up when roe v was overturned. Kansas women overwhelmingly said FUCK YOU Republicans.
Yep, women love being the only people with the ability to murder with no recourse! Still have no idea how men do not get equal protection under abortion laws
Yep, women love being the only people with the ability to murder with no recourse! Still have no idea how men do not get equal protection under abortion laws
So Republicans really believe that garbage? Or is it just something to say to promote their anti-abortion position…
In dimocrap scum-land, "TONS OF WOMEN" might be two or three.

Remember this is Kansas we're talking about. 2010 midterms

In a reliably conservative state, a state where then-President Donald Trump won in 2020 by 15 points over Joe Biden, an amendment that would deny women the right to an abortion under the state constitution was soundly defeated on Tuesday, delivering a striking victory to supporters of abortion access.

59% of Kansas voters cast a ballot to keep the right to an abortion constitutionally protected in the state, according to the preliminary results from the secretary of state's office. Only 41% voted to remove that constitutional protection.

60 to 40%.

Hey, please keep being stupid. I love it. You're helping my cause.
What needs to be done is for adults who were mutilated or given sex hormones by doctors who suffered damages because they decided they weren't transgender is for them to sue.

That could discourage doctors from doing these kinds of frankenstein surgeries and major hospitals from allowing them on their property.

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