Kamala Harris Blames Trump For Immigration Crisis

Kamala, you were only given ONE job, just one job to do!

Don't worry hun, you are not alone in your ineptitude. It seems you have a lot of relatives out there.

Of course she did, the weak minded always looks to someone else, and not themselves
when there is a major clusterfuck. I'm just glad through this there is a backhanded admission
that there is an actual crisis at the border. Further more, only the left's hardliners believe that it's Trump's fault.
The rest of America knows where the blame is to be placed....hence, low approval numbers for
the Brandon administration. Which no doubt, will end up the worst administration ever.

Let's Go Brandon
That guy did everything he could to prevent a illegal (they aren't immigrants) crisis. Stop calling them immigrants.

Democrats even ran their campaign partially on calling him a racist xenophobic when he wanted to close the border and build a wall.
That guy did everything he could to prevent a illegal (they aren't immigrants) crisis. Stop calling them immigrants.

Democrats even ran their campaign partially on calling him a racist xenophobic when he wanted to close the border and build a wall.
Yep.....and don't you dare mention election fraud on Meta.....because they'll ban you.
Weatherman2020 I wonder how pro-Vaxxers feel about Kamala since she used her position to publicly create distrust in the vaccines that President Trump expedited?
These people have short memories.
They aren't even using the same shots Trump pushed.
They're using booster shots that don't do anything but lesson the symptoms of COVID.

Kamala Harris Blames Trump For Immigration Crisis​

Kammy INHERITED a border crisis???

She must mean the one that Stool Sample Biddum managed for eight years as VP then did nothing about for the 40 odd years before that as US Senator! Even Trump's "cages" actually came from Bowels Biddum and his Kenyan Klan-leader, Barry Obumma.
Btw, who thinks this guy should run for president? I do.

Yeah maybe. I'm much more interested to see where Trump goes first. I hope he runs again, but only if he learns from his four years and reinvents himself as Trump 2.0 and comes back taking a better direction, for one thing, learning how to better more concisely answer questions and give comments that make the voter understand the real issues at hand while denying the left their fodder for attack and ridicule.

Too bad I can't go to Mar Y Lago and school him on public speaking. Trump can still be Trump, but the first thing he needs to do is go back and talk to the public, get on national media, and admit his mistakes with contrition and tell people where he went wrong, accept responsibility, quit telling people how he is the best at everything then give credible plans on what must really be done for this country while finding more people like Pompeo whom he can really count on as both a good fit to his agenda as well as being reliable and trustworthy to carry them out, and not just more Washington RINO insiders.
Yeah maybe. I'm much more interested to see where Trump goes first.

Me too, I'm just saying if he wanted to run he already has my vote automatically after that and telling illegals that they'll be shipped off to Delaware if Biden continues to bring them to his state. :D

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