Kagan Transparency.. DENIED

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Does The Obama Administration control the left wing media? You decide...afterall..this is the new age, the big change, the open and transparent times..:rofl:


Want to Talk to Kagan’s Family? Permission Denied

White Houses traditionally put a muzzle on their Supreme Court nominees, to keep them from saying anything that might jeopardize Senate confirmation. But the Obama White House has taken it one step further. It is limiting, if not blocking, access to the nominee’s family.

The New York Times received permission on Tuesday from Hunter College High School in Manhattan, Elena Kagan’s alma mater, to observe a constitutional law class there taught by her brother Irving. We thought it would be intriguing to watch the give and take between Mr. Kagan, who is known as a passionate and interactive educator, and his students on his first day back after witnessing his sister’s nomination in Washington.

Mr. Kagan, who is also a Hunter alumnus, did not have a problem with the idea, a school spokeswoman said, but she added that all media requests now had to be given final approval by the White House. The times were tentatively set: there was either an 8:52 a.m. class or a 9:36 a.m. class on Wednesday. “I thought it would have been great,” said the spokeswoman, Meredith Halpern.

But when presented with the idea by The Times, the White House balked.

Joshua Earnest, a White House spokesman, said that the administration was “uncomfortable with the idea at this time.”

(more to the article)

Want to Talk to Kagan’s Family? Permission Denied - City Room Blog - NYTimes.com
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The Obama Administration uses the Orwellian Big Brother Dictionary.

You're calling the White House "Big Brother" because they wouldn't let reporters into a HIGH SCHOOL CLASSROOM? Where the BROTHER of a Supreme Court nominee teaches? Who the fuck cares?

Irving Kagan is apparently a wonderful teacher (my brother had him at HCHS), but I really don't see how his class is the slightest bit relevant to Kagan's "transparency".

Grow the fuck up.
Does The Obama Administration control the left wing media? You decide...afterall..this is the new age, the big change, the open and transparent times..:rofl:


Want to Talk to Kagan’s Family? Permission Denied

White Houses traditionally put a muzzle on their Supreme Court nominees, to keep them from saying anything that might jeopardize Senate confirmation. But the Obama White House has taken it one step further. It is limiting, if not blocking, access to the nominee’s family.

The New York Times received permission on Tuesday from Hunter College High School in Manhattan, Elena Kagan’s alma mater, to observe a constitutional law class there taught by her brother Irving. We thought it would be intriguing to watch the give and take between Mr. Kagan, who is known as a passionate and interactive educator, and his students on his first day back after witnessing his sister’s nomination in Washington.

Mr. Kagan, who is also a Hunter alumnus, did not have a problem with the idea, a school spokeswoman said, but she added that all media requests now had to be given final approval by the White House. The times were tentatively set: there was either an 8:52 a.m. class or a 9:36 a.m. class on Wednesday. “I thought it would have been great,” said the spokeswoman, Meredith Halpern.

But when presented with the idea by The Times, the White House balked.

Joshua Earnest, a White House spokesman, said that the administration was “uncomfortable with the idea at this time.”

(more to the article)

Want to Talk to Kagan’s Family? Permission Denied - City Room Blog - NYTimes.com

Imagine that... Obama and his admin telling people when they can have access to something... Hope this isn't what health care is going to look like in 10 years.
If the Bush Administration had performed a similar maneuver, you'd still be whinging about it.
The Obama Administration uses the Orwellian Big Brother Dictionary.

Obama.. he is a God.. Too BIG to fail.. the wave of his hand and the late great New York Times... shuts up... but at least it snivels about it...:lol:
Is it just me or does anyone else think that Elena Kagan is hot?

I am not surprised in the least.

I would bet and win that she is already 'IN' the Supreme Court, whatever Obama wants Obama gets, it would seem. I don't know if she is going to be a credit to the Supreme Court and America or not, I am trying to read up on her past,which at first glance is impressive, Is the media being limited to the amount of information relevant to her, in my opinion, "In the Bag", position,OR,is this just another Obama 'original birth certificate' mystery growing to increase market shares with various media outlets, Oh my.

Guess I will wait for "the rest of the story".
Does The Obama Administration control the left wing media? You decide...afterall..this is the new age, the big change, the open and transparent times..:rofl:


Want to Talk to Kagan’s Family? Permission Denied

White Houses traditionally put a muzzle on their Supreme Court nominees, to keep them from saying anything that might jeopardize Senate confirmation. But the Obama White House has taken it one step further. It is limiting, if not blocking, access to the nominee’s family.

The New York Times received permission on Tuesday from Hunter College High School in Manhattan, Elena Kagan’s alma mater, to observe a constitutional law class there taught by her brother Irving. We thought it would be intriguing to watch the give and take between Mr. Kagan, who is known as a passionate and interactive educator, and his students on his first day back after witnessing his sister’s nomination in Washington.

Mr. Kagan, who is also a Hunter alumnus, did not have a problem with the idea, a school spokeswoman said, but she added that all media requests now had to be given final approval by the White House. The times were tentatively set: there was either an 8:52 a.m. class or a 9:36 a.m. class on Wednesday. “I thought it would have been great,” said the spokeswoman, Meredith Halpern.

But when presented with the idea by The Times, the White House balked.

Joshua Earnest, a White House spokesman, said that the administration was “uncomfortable with the idea at this time.”

(more to the article)

Want to Talk to Kagan’s Family? Permission Denied - City Room Blog - NYTimes.com

Imagine that... Obama and his admin telling people when they can have access to something... Hope this isn't what health care is going to look like in 10 years.

:lol:.. yes indeed
Does The Obama Administration control the left wing media? You decide...afterall..this is the new age, the big change, the open and transparent times..:rofl:


Want to Talk to Kagan’s Family? Permission Denied

White Houses traditionally put a muzzle on their Supreme Court nominees, to keep them from saying anything that might jeopardize Senate confirmation. But the Obama White House has taken it one step further. It is limiting, if not blocking, access to the nominee’s family.

The New York Times received permission on Tuesday from Hunter College High School in Manhattan, Elena Kagan’s alma mater, to observe a constitutional law class there taught by her brother Irving. We thought it would be intriguing to watch the give and take between Mr. Kagan, who is known as a passionate and interactive educator, and his students on his first day back after witnessing his sister’s nomination in Washington.

Mr. Kagan, who is also a Hunter alumnus, did not have a problem with the idea, a school spokeswoman said, but she added that all media requests now had to be given final approval by the White House. The times were tentatively set: there was either an 8:52 a.m. class or a 9:36 a.m. class on Wednesday. “I thought it would have been great,” said the spokeswoman, Meredith Halpern.

But when presented with the idea by The Times, the White House balked.

Joshua Earnest, a White House spokesman, said that the administration was “uncomfortable with the idea at this time.”

(more to the article)

Want to Talk to Kagan’s Family? Permission Denied - City Room Blog - NYTimes.com

With all the illiterate yahoos running around locked and loaded, access to her FAMILY should be provided? Yeah, right...
If the Bush Administration had performed a similar maneuver, you'd still be whinging about it.

The difference is that Democrats don't think a person's home life is top priority for job performance, whereas Republicans will ALWAYS try to dig up some dirt, first.
Does The Obama Administration control the left wing media? You decide...afterall..this is the new age, the big change, the open and transparent times..:rofl:


Want to Talk to Kagan’s Family? Permission Denied

White Houses traditionally put a muzzle on their Supreme Court nominees, to keep them from saying anything that might jeopardize Senate confirmation. But the Obama White House has taken it one step further. It is limiting, if not blocking, access to the nominee’s family.

The New York Times received permission on Tuesday from Hunter College High School in Manhattan, Elena Kagan’s alma mater, to observe a constitutional law class there taught by her brother Irving. We thought it would be intriguing to watch the give and take between Mr. Kagan, who is known as a passionate and interactive educator, and his students on his first day back after witnessing his sister’s nomination in Washington.

Mr. Kagan, who is also a Hunter alumnus, did not have a problem with the idea, a school spokeswoman said, but she added that all media requests now had to be given final approval by the White House. The times were tentatively set: there was either an 8:52 a.m. class or a 9:36 a.m. class on Wednesday. “I thought it would have been great,” said the spokeswoman, Meredith Halpern.

But when presented with the idea by The Times, the White House balked.

Joshua Earnest, a White House spokesman, said that the administration was “uncomfortable with the idea at this time.”

(more to the article)

Want to Talk to Kagan’s Family? Permission Denied - City Room Blog - NYTimes.com

Do you realize the "left wing media" stuff is a joke that got latched onto the bandwagon of idiocy by people like yourself who repeat shit you think sounds cool?

Eta: I bet a lot of people pointing to this are the same ones who said Palin's family is off limits. Same as with no-Dick Cheney's gay daughter. I bet if Biden had a gay daughter there would have been bitching about that.

Also, who is being nominated? Kagan or her family?
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