Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...

Muslims blow up a Christian church in Pakistan killing more than 100 people who have done nothing wrong other than practice a religion other than Islam.

Muslims attack a mall in Kenya, killing over 80 non Muslims and counting. Running around like wild animals asking innocent shoppers taken as hostages if they are Muslims, and if so to prove it by reciting prayers, before they murder them.

Oh wait, "all religions have fanatics", right? RIIIIIIIIIGHT. <snicker>

Better yet, "Islam is not at war with us", WE ARE AT WAR WITH ISLAM, right?

It's all our fault, WE MADE THEM DO IT.
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Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...

Muslims blow up a Christian church in Pakistan killing more than 100 people who have done nothing wrong other than practice a religion other than Islam.

Muslims attack a mall in Kenya, killing over 80 non Muslims and counting. Running around like wild animals asking innocent shoppers taken as hostages if they are Muslims, and if so to prove it by reciting prayers, before they murder them.

Oh wait, "all religions have fanatics", right? RIIIIIIIIIGHT. <snicker>

Better yet, "Islam is not at war with us", WE ARE AT WAR WITH ISLAM, right?

It's all our fault, WE MADE THEM DO IT.

America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.

.....Barack Obama June 4th, 2009

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I don't see too many Muslim people denouncing this shit when it happens.
That'll only happen if anybody dares say anything negative about Islam. Then cities will start burning and tons of people get killed.



Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...

Muslims blow up a Christian church in Pakistan killing more than 100 people who have done nothing wrong other than practice a religion other than Islam.

Muslims attack a mall in Kenya, killing over 80 non Muslims and counting. Running around like wild animals asking innocent shoppers taken as hostages if they are Muslims, and if so to prove it by reciting prayers, before they murder them.

Oh wait, "all religions have fanatics", right? RIIIIIIIIIGHT. <snicker>

Better yet, "Islam is not at war with us", WE ARE AT WAR WITH ISLAM, right?

It's all our fault, WE MADE THEM DO IT.

It's the NRA, but I still blame Bush!!
oh great, another irrational hate-Muslims thread.

You know what punk, I think we are all about sick an tired of your PC bullshit. The savages depicted in this thread deserve every bit of hate they've earned including racial slurs. Fuck them, and fuck you if you don't like it. There is nothing "irrational" about hating certain members of ANY race based on their actions. It's not an all inclusive hate fest you ignorant dolt.
The only one that is irrational are the muslims that have to kill for their god....

yes, and they are a very very small minority of Muslims.

not even .001%.

and yet bigots want to judge all 1 billion Muslims by the extremist .001%
The only one that is irrational are the muslims that have to kill for their god....

yes, and they are a very very small minority of Muslims.

not even .001%.

and yet bigots want to judge all 1 billion Muslims by the extremist .001%
Nobody cares to listen to, or believes in the asinine justifications, false comparisons, and Islamist propaganda people like you spew any longer.
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the vast majority of Muslims are peaceful people.

less than .001% of them are violent extremists.
This level of anti-Muslim hate is frightening, considering the vast majority of them are peaceful people.

I now understand how all the hatred and bloodlust let up to the Holocaust.

We see that kind of evolving hatred today in Europe and the USA.

all the world needs is a major Depression, and Muslims will be the new Juden.
the vast majority of Muslims are peaceful people.

less than .001% of them are violent extremists.

So you'd have us believe that only 100 thousand Muslims across the world are violent extremists? Where did you obtain this number?

The U.S. has 700 bases of some kind in the "Arab" world alone. That's a lot of well deserved hate for a rogue nation such as the United States. You'd expect the number to be much higher.
The victims of Islamist terrorist savages haven't been buried yet.

Let's wait a day or two before we start lying for Islam, Abdul Mohammad Bin Lying.
the vast majority of Muslims are peaceful people.

less than .001% of them are violent extremists.

So you'd have us believe that only 100 thousand Muslims across the world are violent extremists? Where did you obtain this number?

The U.S. has 700 bases of some kind in the "Arab" world alone. That's a lot of well deserved hate for a rogue nation such as the United States. You'd expect the number to be much higher.
He pulled this number out of his terrorist worshiping Mohammad. These people will do and say anything to defend this behavior. Meanwhile, we have a church bombings and innocent victims in a Kenyan mall and not a peep out of them.
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So you'd have us believe that only 100 thousand Muslims across the world are violent extremists? Where did you obtain this number?

The U.S. has 700 bases of some kind in the "Arab" world alone. That's a lot of well deserved hate for a rogue nation such as the United States. You'd expect the number to be much higher.

100,000 violent Muslim extremists seems to be a reasonable number, considering the conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Africa.

OK fine, make it 250,000.

that's still less than .05% of all Muslims.

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