Just when all of the sanctions were about to work...

Omri Ceren, the national security advisor for US Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, on Saturday tweeted “The Biden administration is giving Iran a nuclear weapons arsenal,” with a link to a Daily Mail article that declares:” Biden REMOVES some Iran sanctions imposed by Trump - including unfreezing $29B in bank accounts overseas - in bid to return to Obama-era deal that three negotiators have resigned over.”

Yet no link was provided in the story to confirm the allegation by an untrusted site that is the Daily Mail.
There is already two threads on this, great job moderation.
The sanctions waived is at the behest of the UN security council 5+1 which includes the major powers that won WWII..
There is already two threads on this, great job moderation.
The sanctions waived is at the behest of the UN security council 5+1 which includes the major powers that won WWII..
The UN. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
There is already two threads on this, great job moderation.
The sanctions waived is at the behest of the UN security council 5+1 which includes the major powers that won WWII..
Mommy, mommy someone made a thread I don't like, please remove it wanh, wanh,.:rolleyes:
Yes, the organization that has been making decisions for more years than you've lived.
The UN has never once stopped a war from occurring. They sit there in their equipment with pussy blue helmets and watch people kill each other. Prime example was Yugoslavia. If you think they make binding decisions that other nations abide by you have been smoking too much crack.
Now we are giving billions of dollars to the hard liners which will let them hold onto power and build their bomb.
I like REAL news.
I looked on Fox, and no story.

Did you get conned again?
Or is Fox News just way behind in reporting the Bombshell Story.

I'm leaning Fake News from a bullshit RW rag.
Mommy, mommy someone made a thread I don't like, please remove it wanh, wanh,.:rolleyes:
Are you whining to your mommy?
So sad.
RE: Just when all of the sanctions were about to work...
⁜→ frigidweirdo, et al,

In recent decades, Americans (and like cultures) have been increasingly prone to express opinions or to make judgments based on inconclusive evidence or incomplete research (guessing).

Oh were they? Literally going to happen tomorrow huh?

In 1989, when the Iron Curtain collapsed, none of the traditional intelligence apparatus made such a prediction. It is one of those types of events that you do not see coming until it happens.

Sanctions, as they have been applied to Iran, have a definite impact on the Persian Culture, but the outcome is never really certain. The Persians, like any ancient culture, may erupt in various ways. When the Shah of Imperial Iran fell, I was in central Europe and remember the pictures in the newspapers of how the populace fell into this state of animal-like blood lust; not so dissimilar from that of the French Revolution. And while some people predicted that the return of Ayatollah Khomeini would not pass uneventfully, no one seemed to know what to expect.

I am not sure anyone can put a complete picture together on the true effect sanctions have had relative to Iran. But experience has shown us that accurate intelligence that does not reflect the thinking of the Executive Branch seldom surfaces without a major rewrite.

What we do know is that The President was working his way through the ranks of Washington Politics at a time when the philosophy of the day was to throw more money at problems beyond their capacity to solve. And that make-shift solution has been used over and over again for more than half-century.

Just My Thought,

Most Respectfully,

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