Just want to say I am thoroughly impressed with Carlson Tuckers show. He's come a long way


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I remember him in his bowtie on CNN. I was never a big fan but I always respected him as a quick mind with a sharp ability to argue.

His show on Fox initially didn't go well for me, he was pressing too much, understandable getting a key hour (and now a repeat at 11). He was too fast for his guests and cut in too much, trying to be like O'Reilly in some respects.

Of late he has really improved his show. More time with guests (something I had suggested on this forum would be a boon for him, well done), more patient and reciprocal in his debates. Most of all, still standing by his views and strong arguments.

I'm big enough to admit I was wrong, well, I felt I personally might not like his show. Now I really enjoy it. He takes on all comers, brings on many interesting guests and is a major asset to journalism and, fair and honest conservatism without going over the top. Any journalism student would be wise to watch and learn from him.

That's the end of my bromance. Well done Mr. Tucker. You've given me some class and substance to watch at 8pm every night. :beer:
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I'm seeing him for the first time on Fox. When he replaced O'Reilly, despite O'Reilly's many faults, I was sorry to see him go and Tucker fell far short of O'Reilly's polish, savor faire, and experience, in fact, for a while I stopped watching Tucker altogether finding it weak. But I turned him back on and he has improved greatly, and I really like how he handles his guests and doesn't take any bull. Shades of early Bill O'Reilly, but without his hot temper.

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