Just saw a report the Trump Admin has been holding 38 pregnant girls to force them to give birth.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
DC court blocks for now immigrant teen's access to abortion

Millett wrote that the girl "has already been forced by the government to continue an unwanted pregnancy for almost four weeks, and now, as a result of this order, must continue to carry that pregnancy for multiple more weeks."

The U.S. government can't hold undocumented pregnant teens hostage when they want an abortion

Pregnant women in prison who request an abortion get treated better than this.

Nor is this about barring federal dollars from subsidizing abortions. Doe’s transportation to a clinic and funding for the abortion are being provided by private sources. All the shelter operators have to do is let her leave to get the procedure. Until they do, they are effectively holding her hostage.


I just saw this girl interviewed. She said they were taking her to a clinic but instead, they took her to a church and told her to pray. She said she fled her parents because they were abusive, so Republicans felt the need to call the parents and put this girl in danger. Did they think that was funny?

Then the reporter said there have been 38 other cases like this in the last 7 months, but we don't know what happened to those other women. Who they were or where they are.

And here we have USMB Republicans saying it's Democrats who don't respect the constitution. How many concrete examples do we need to show the country who the Republicans are? They are a dirty party with no respect for Americans.

Now Republicans, end healthcare, kick grandma out of the old folks homes and give tax cuts to billionaires so you Republicans can show how Christ like you are.
Totally believable ...

They are in Federal custody for entering the country illegally. The government under the Hyde Amendment cannot legally use taxpayer money to fund abortions.

"The Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of federal funds to pay for abortion except to save the life of the woman, or if the pregnancy arises from incest or rape."
Hyde Amendment - Wikipedia

Mystery solved in less than 30 seconds.

If the undocumented (illegal) migrant girls' abortions are to be paid for by private funds I have no problem with that. But the big remaining question is what happens next? Who takes care of the girls after the abortions? If there are no private funds set aside for that, then deport the girls to their homelands immediately after their operations

Aside from that, I believe abortions should be provided for all non-White American citizens. But White Americans should no longer be permitted to abort their pregnancies.
Let them get their asses home to kill their babies.
Illegal Aliens should be TATTOOED on their foreheads before being shipped back to their country of origin.
The forehead tattoo idea is a bit extreme and so would never be implemented. But a tiny, inconspicuous tattoo for all deportees is a very good idea. On the back, for example.
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Read what these Republicans are saying.

I told you so.

These are some awful people. Where do they come from? It has to be damp.
If you don’t want a baby don’t get pregnant.

If you want to butcher your own child, go back to whatever shithole country you came from.

Not paying for your desire to murder isn’t holding you “hostage” you sycophant.
I won't even weigh in on the abortion issue, but if the child is actually born it's going to be a poster child. I can just see the right parading the baby around asking the left why they were so intent on killing it.
Illegal Aliens should be TATTOOED on their foreheads before being shipped back to their country of origin.
The forehead tattoo idea is a bit extreme and so would never be implemented. But a tiny, inconspicuous tattoo for all deportees is a very good idea. On the back, for example.
No. It has to be visible to everyone at a glance.
Illegal Aliens should be TATTOOED on their foreheads before being shipped back to their country of origin.
The forehead tattoo idea is a bit extreme and so would never be implemented. But a tiny, inconspicuous tattoo for all deportees is a very good idea. On the back, for example.
No. It has to be visible to everyone at a glance.
I believe it need only be visible to ICE officials looking for repeat offenders.
Illegal Aliens should be TATTOOED on their foreheads before being shipped back to their country of origin.
The forehead tattoo idea is a bit extreme and so would never be implemented. But a tiny, inconspicuous tattoo for all deportees is a very good idea. On the back, for example.
No. It has to be visible to everyone at a glance.
I believe it need only be visible to ICE officials looking for repeat offenders.
It should ve visible to everyone. Employers, people that see them on the street. Everyone.
They are in Federal custody for entering the country illegally. The government under the Hyde Amendment cannot legally use taxpayer money to fund abortions.

"The Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of federal funds to pay for abortion except to save the life of the woman, or if the pregnancy arises from incest or rape."
Hyde Amendment - Wikipedia

Mystery solved in less than 30 seconds.

After 8 years of Obama, liberal's don't understand that the government must follow the laws on the books.

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