JUST IN: White Christian veteran who beheaded Satanic statue at Iowa Capital charged with hate crime

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
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Insanity strikes again.
The inmates are running the asylum.

A satanic statue is offensive hate crime against hundreds(thousands) more people than the few who support and placed it there.

State of Iowa engaged a hate crime in giving permission for an offensive and anti-humane "religious" image to be placed in the state capital. Also a violation of 1st Amendment since it is State support of a religion at exclusions of others.
This is how they are abusing the First Amendment. The First was NEVER intended to protect Satanism, or any pagan crap. It was intended for Christians. Now look at the shit from Somalia and Palestine in Congress using a political system known as Mohammedanism as a wedge against America.
This is how they are abusing the First Amendment. The First was NEVER intended to protect Satanism, or any pagan crap. It was intended for Christians. Now look at the shit from Somalia and Palestine in Congress using a political system known as Mohammedanism as a wedge against America.

And people laugh because they are far too stupid to realize they're being destroyed from within, as Lincoln warned would be the only way America would fall, from within.

Useful idiots laughing at their own demise.
We need to rally around and support Michael Cassidy, a patriotic alpha male White American Christian. He was doing the work of God!

You support lawlessness, vandalism, destruction of public property?

Good to know; I thought y'all were L/O types.
This is how they are abusing the First Amendment. The First was NEVER intended to protect Satanism, or any pagan crap. It was intended for Christians. Now look at the shit from Somalia and Palestine in Congress using a political system known as Mohammedanism as a wedge against America.
The easy solution is for the state to not permit any religious icons in line with the First Amendment.

Felony criminal mischief seems appropriate. He intentionally attacked another groups expression of free speech.
Radical A-holes were released without bail for kicking and beating NYPD officers and they charge a citizen with a hate crime for vandalizing a statue of satan? WTF?
Yep, the government is targeting white Christian men. No wonder this is resulting in more support for Trump.

But when violent hedonistic and godless blacks and non blacks working in their name destroy statues and vandalize them absolutely nothing is done to those people.

I was proud when I was in the army and I was proud I made it through what I did, but these days? I'm ashamed of this country and what it has become.

Even just 10 years ago if you told that what's going on now would happen in America I wouldn't have believed it for a moment. Even 5 years ago I wouldn't.

Current America is a disgrace to everything we have done for hundreds of years. It's an offensive slap in the face.
Radical A-holes were released without bail for kicking and beating NYPD officers and they charge a citizen with a hate crime for vandalizing a statue of satan? WTF?
Straw man totally unrelated to anything says what?

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