Just found a box full of ammo


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2009
Reaction score
Duke City
Cleaning out as much as I can out of my garage and found a heavy plastic bin. On top was packed some old t-shirts and socks, underneath were two boxes, one with black powder supplies including a large box of .44 caliber lead balls. The other box was full of 7.62x39, 7.62x25, 9mm Mak rounds and 4 boxes of .38 Special wadcutters. There were even some loose 12 gauge shells. I had completely forgotten all about that not to mention I had sold my .38 back in 2013.
So now I have 4 boxes of 38 ammo to get rid of and no I'm not going to buy a 38 just because I have ammo for it unless I can get a great one for under $200..........
Cleaning out as much as I can out of my garage and found a heavy plastic bin. On top was packed some old t-shirts and socks, underneath were two boxes, one with black powder supplies including a large box of .44 caliber lead balls. The other box was full of 7.62x39, 7.62x25, 9mm Mak rounds and 4 boxes of .38 Special wadcutters. There were even some loose 12 gauge shells. I had completely forgotten all about that not to mention I had sold my .38 back in 2013.
So now I have 4 boxes of 38 ammo to get rid of and no I'm not going to buy a 38 just because I have ammo for it unless I can get a great one for under $200..........
Trade with someone who does.
Cleaning out as much as I can out of my garage and found a heavy plastic bin. On top was packed some old t-shirts and socks, underneath were two boxes, one with black powder supplies including a large box of .44 caliber lead balls. The other box was full of 7.62x39, 7.62x25, 9mm Mak rounds and 4 boxes of .38 Special wadcutters. There were even some loose 12 gauge shells. I had completely forgotten all about that not to mention I had sold my .38 back in 2013.
So now I have 4 boxes of 38 ammo to get rid of and no I'm not going to buy a 38 just because I have ammo for it unless I can get a great one for under $200..........

In before he posts a well used Taurus within the next couple of days.....That's about the only .38 special you might get for $200.00.

Speaking of 9mm Makarov I was digging around one day a year or so ago and found a bag full of East German Mak mags and a rain drop EG holster. I must have bought them sometime in the 90s when they were dirt cheap. I kept the holster, put a few mags back for my EG Mak so I would have eight for it and sold the rest.
You know you are a "gun nut" when you save a nice holster you find on the off-chance you will find a handgun for it. ;)

LOL!!! Can't say I've ever done that!

I had a holster made for the Colt .380 I carry, which used to be my Dad's. A local company, Noriega Holsters, makes custom holsters at a really nice price. They were doing a promotional event at a local Harley dealer and I got it made for, if I recall, $60 or so. The owner of the company is a St. Augustine, Florida police officer, and she owns the company with her husband.

I had my Dad's initials, "JP" embossed on the holster. I'm never getting rid of the gun, so I'll never be getting rid of that holster...
LOL!!! Can't say I've ever done that!

I had a holster made for the Colt .380 I carry, which used to be my Dad's. A local company, Noriega Holsters, makes custom holsters at a really nice price. They were doing a promotional event at a local Harley dealer and I got it made for, if I recall, $60 or so. The owner of the company is a St. Augustine, Florida police officer, and she owns the company with her husband.

I had my Dad's initials, "JP" embossed on the holster. I'm never getting rid of the gun, so I'll never be getting rid of that holster...

LOL.....Some years ago I found a old flapped holster made of pigskin that nothing would fit and tossed it in my footlocker-o-holsters.....Fast forward to last year and I bought a 20s era German .32 Ortgies pistol and while looking for a holster I came across the pigskin one....Perfect fit!....It even had the slide serrations pressed into the leather.

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LOL.....Some years ago I found a old flapped holster made of pigskin that nothing would fit and tossed it in my footlocker-o-holsters.....Fast forward to last year and I bought a 20s era German .32 Ortgies pistol and while looking for a holster I came across the pigskin one....Perfect fit!....It even had the slide serrations pressed into the leather.

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That's awesome!

Nice piece, too!
Then you are not a real gun nut like the rest of us.

I once built an entire AR because I had an extra charging handle.
Ahhhh, I'm not a real gun nut eh? I recently did 2 AR47s because I had the ammo and nothing to shoot it out of and an AR15 because I had an extra upper.......... Kinda blows away "you're not a real gun nut......."
Right now money's the issue and I'm happy with my current collection.
Are leather holsters shaped and formed to fit your various guns difficult to find?

I'm on a leatherworkers forum and they talk about making holsters all the time. Wasn't sure if they were that difficult to locate or very expensive.
You know you are a "gun nut" when you save a nice holster you find on the off-chance you will find a handgun for it. ;)
I was an MP for a short time about 50 years ago. I kept all of my white gear and the holster for my .45. I just recently came across a 1972 M1911 and picked it up for a cool $500--all because I had the holster for it. LOL
That's awesome!

Nice piece, too!
I got the .32 and .25 versions, now I "need" the much rarer .380.....It's the same size as the .32. I also happened across a flapped holster for the .25.....I found it in a box of holsters at my LGS. It's much newer than the .32 holster but very well made and of the break-away design like the soft P-38 holster.

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The Ortgies pistols were never German military issue but so many were made (hundreds of thousands) that they found their way into military/paramilitary use by and by.

All the holsters were made by other concerns as Ortgies was pretty much shut down by the allied powers that were worried about so many pistols were being made. They were only in operation from 1919-24.

It was not uncommon at all for a .25 pistol to be worn in a holster back then.

Ortgies Semi-Automatic Pistol - Wikipedia
Are leather holsters shaped and formed to fit your various guns difficult to find?

I'm on a leatherworkers forum and they talk about making holsters all the time. Wasn't sure if they were that difficult to locate or very expensive.

I don't think you'll walk into your local gun store and find holsters to perfectly fit every gun you might own. I searched for a long time for a holster for the .380 before ordering the Noriega.

Custom holsters aren't that expensive, and they'll fit your gun perfectly...
I don't think you'll walk into your local gun store and find holsters to perfectly fit every gun you might own. I searched for a long time for a holster for the .380 before ordering the Noriega.

Custom holsters aren't that expensive, and they'll fit your gun perfectly...
Well I know how to make custom holsters and was just curious.
In before he posts a well used Taurus within the next couple of days.....That's about the only .38 special you might get for $200.00.

Speaking of 9mm Makarov I was digging around one day a year or so ago and found a bag full of East German Mak mags and a rain drop EG holster. I must have bought them sometime in the 90s when they were dirt cheap. I kept the holster, put a few mags back for my EG Mak so I would have eight for it and sold the rest.
Why would I want a "well used" Taurus? It might be one of the old models before Taurus changed hands. No thanks.
Why would I want a "well used" Taurus? It might be one of the old models before Taurus changed hands. No thanks.
I had a .22 Taurus revolver that I bought in the 80s. Big mistake, it was a lead shaving POS. Gave it to my bro in law to use for home defense and it was subsequently stolen from him--I hope it blew up in the thief's face. I wouldn't own a Taurus on a bet, but what can you expect for a $50 Saturday night special.
I had a .22 Taurus revolver that I bought in the 80s. Big mistake, it was a lead shaving POS. Gave it to my bro in law to use for home defense and it was subsequently stolen from him--I hope it blew up in the thief's face. I wouldn't own a Taurus on a bet, but what can you expect for a $50 Saturday night special.
Around 2013 Taurus was bought by another Brazilian company, CBC which makes Magtech, Sellier & Bellot (S&B), and MEN. They came in and wiped out the entire management team and started outsourcing some parts from reputable American manufacturers. They also brought in Anthony Acitelli, to be president and CEO. Acitelli has over 20 years of experience in the U.S. firearms industry. He was previously a senior vice president of sales at Colt.
He brought in American engineers to fix the problems. The Taurus you used to know is not the Taurus of today. Granted they're still budget guns but the new ones are light years better than the old ones. In fact one of the most acclaimed budget pistols these days is the Taurus G line. I have a G2 which is an excellent pistol, never had a hiccup even with it's less than stellar trigger, the G3s and new Gx4s are even better. Even their modern revolvers are getting great reviews from all quarters.

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