Just do us all a favor and kill yourselves.

Publish the names of those who get and keep the bonuses and publish their past performance evaluations.

If they really did a good job..........................:lol:
I heard this morning that they weren't performance bonuses but retention bonuses. In other words, so the AIG employees wouldn't leave while the company was being cleaned up.

And we want them to stay why?
Apparently because at least they have some idea of what is going on where entire new people would make matters even worse...the news is so sketchy it's not possible to know what the hell is happening.
No, we haven't gotten to the point where we kill ourself if we shame our group. Is that bravery or a cop out? I can't deal with the shame, so I will kill myself.

That's a little far out and definately stupid for a politician to say since they would all have to kill themselfves.:lol:
Good for him.

I'd be for helping them if they cannot bring themsevles to do the honorable thing, too.

Would you be saying the same thing is someone were calling for other people who have performed poorly and are taking handouts from the government were asked to kill themselves... you know... individuals taking government handouts and benefiting off of failure at the expense of taxpayers?

Just sayin'

I might if they expected to be driven to execution by a chauffer driven limo, yes.

With enormous power comes enormous responsibility, eh?

I'm just saying, too, you know?
I really wish Grassley hadn't backed away from these comments. They're brilliant:

Senator suggests AIG execs should kill themselves

"I suggest, you know, obviously, maybe they ought to be removed," Grassley said. "But I would suggest the first thing that would make me feel a little bit better toward them if they'd follow the Japanese example and come before the American people and take that deep bow and say, I'm sorry, and then either do one of two things: resign or go commit suicide.

I suggest the people who gave them taxpayer money in the first place should resign or go commit suicide.

President Bush and Paulson? :eek:
i don't think the lower level minions had anything to do with this should be punished for this....let's say, anyone getting a retention bonus of less than $20k.....

the others above the $20k probably had their hands in this mess.

And the very top executive, the CEO was just hired in the spring of last year, so he is NEW....the previous ceo who replaced the previous ceo to him in 2006 was replaced by him. All of these ceo's previous to the one AIG has now, resigned for their poor or criminal performances, beginning back in 2005 is what i am finding out.... they still took hundreds of millions in departure packages.... :(

TURNS OUT AIG has been corrupt and using poor business practices for a near decade....
And the line workers at GM weren't responsible for the mess they're in either, are they?

We see the same god damned thing over and over again.

The leaders fuck up, and they skate off with billions leaving the workers to bite the bullet for America.

It's time to start hanging people, folks.
Good for him.

I'd be for helping them if they cannot bring themsevles to do the honorable thing, too.

Would you be saying the same thing is someone were calling for other people who have performed poorly and are taking handouts from the government were asked to kill themselves... you know... individuals taking government handouts and benefiting off of failure at the expense of taxpayers?

Just sayin'

I might if they expected to be driven to execution by a chauffer driven limo, yes.

With enormous power comes enormous responsibility, eh?

I'm just saying, too, you know?

Nice coming off the wall there... but doubt anyone is expecting to be driven to execution in a limo

But... you support execution or suicide of those who you deem evil and rich who take advantage of the taxpayer money... but not others... what's good for the goose is good for the gander..

However, I for one would not want to see or call anyone to commit suicide because of this.... it's pretty classless

Guess that is a difference between us
Good for him.

I'd be for helping them if they cannot bring themsevles to do the honorable thing, too.

Would you be saying the same thing is someone were calling for other people who have performed poorly and are taking handouts from the government were asked to kill themselves... you know... individuals taking government handouts and benefiting off of failure at the expense of taxpayers?

Just sayin'

Yes. Suicide is such an underrated option.
Or if suicide wigs you out too much, how about forcing these executives to stand in front of their factories, wearing sandwich board signs that say, "I'm an utter failure as a human being" while their employees and other random citizens file past and spit on them?

I could totally get behind that idea, too.
I really wish Grassley hadn't backed away from these comments. They're brilliant:

Senator suggests AIG execs should kill themselves

"I suggest, you know, obviously, maybe they ought to be removed," Grassley said. "But I would suggest the first thing that would make me feel a little bit better toward them if they'd follow the Japanese example and come before the American people and take that deep bow and say, I'm sorry, and then either do one of two things: resign or go commit suicide.

God, Grassley is such a mess. Why would he even say something like this?

If he'd said it about the repubs, you'd be saluting him.
i feel that all those in congress have failed us ...... anyone that has been in office prior to nov of 08.....got us into a war and fucked uped the economy.....they should set an example and kill themselves first.....

lead by example for once in your fucking life.....
Oh my gosh. When I saw this on the news, i was :rofl:. No joke. And not just because it's a funny comment. I don't believe that they should go commit suicide, but they should resign and never return to politics again. Ever. They need to go away. Far, far away. Maybe in another galaxy. And if they happen to have powers of time travel, they need to go to a time long, long ago.
Because what is true? In Grassley's opinion someone should go kill themselves over mistakes that were made.... Ok

It's like a scene out of Elizabethtown.

God I love that movie. Although, it was a dark comedy, not something a sitting senator should suggest.

If it's good enough for the Japanese, it's good enough for us.

Yes, and look at the Japanese economy...:eusa_think:
Yes, and look at the Japanese economy...:eusa_think:

Yeah. Because their economy going into the crapper all has to do with payscales, right? Whereas our economy being driven off the cliff really DOES have a lot to do with corporate greed and a lack of personal responsibility on the part of our leaders of finance. It actually DOES. And that's a situation that has been an impending train wreck for decades.

Is that the best you got? You're really going to defend corporate executives running their companies into the ground, accepting government handouts, and then paying themselves multimillion dollar bonuses? Is that REALLY the position you're staking out for yourself here?

Just asking.
I'm not certain if this would be workable, but I'm thinking the government should withdraw all funding, force these companies into bankruptcy (reorganization), which would allow them to void these contracts, and then offer the help under set conditions.

I can't see how the average American is going to swallow paying their taxes toward these idiot's excessive salaries, when they are the cause of the problem in the first place. I understand that letting AIG go under probably isn't the road we want to take. However, this is ridiculous.

I saw Robert Reich on one of the MSNBC shows last night suggesting that we use the antitrust laws to break AIG up. They can sell parts of the company off separately.

Nobody understands nor can they oversee such huge conglomerate corporations. They need to get the bonus money back as well.

I can't believe that I agree with Reich. I need to have my head examined I'm sure I have some terrible disease. I'm probably going to start to shrink down to his size too. :eek:

Anyway, I was having just that discussion and making just that point about 3 weeks ago. You cannot have entities get to a size so large that "they can't fail." That's the frustrating part of all this is that most of our instincts are correct. Companies acted badly (by making deals that were bad for them) and they got caught. So the logical "market" outcome is that they should live and die by that decision. In this case, die. BUT, we have allowed institutions to get so large that the economic system of the country if not the world would be legitimately jeopardized if we did allow them to go under.

So, Reich's bottom line is correct, don't allow them to get so large that you have to have government prop them up. Yech, I hate agreeing with him!

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