Just a reminder of how we ended up here.

Reading these posts is like watching sausage being made: Enough to make anyone with any intellectual integrity want to puke.

so grab some popcorn and watch the Bush movie and STFU...Mr. intellectual integrity.
The funniest part of this RW myth is that it is premised on the real estate collapse being the fault of the Democrats for...

...get this...

not allowing the Republicans to REGULATE the real estate/finance/banking industry enough.

Saying that Democrats killed the 2005 bill "while Mr. Obama was notably silent" oversimplifies things considerably. The bill made it out of committee in the Senate but was never brought up for consideration. At that time, Republicans had a majority in the Senate and controlled the agenda. Democrats never got the chance to vote against it or to mount a filibuster to block it.

By the time McCain signed on to the legislation, it was too late to prevent the crisis anyway. McCain added his name on May 25, 2006, when the housing bubble had already nearly peaked. Standard & Poor’s Case-Schiller Home Price Index, which measures residential housing prices in 20 metropolitan regions and then constructs a composite index for the entire United States, shows that housing prices began falling in July 2006, barely two months later.
Who Caused the Economic Crisis
Clinton was putting young couples (Hispanics and blacks mostly) into million dollar homes with subprime loans without a thought as to how these people could pay the loans back. Riverside County in Southern California (pop. 2,300,000) was the paradigm example. Young couples, both of whom had Walmart jobs paying $11.50 an hour, were buying million dollar+ homes with no money down, and subprime adjustable rate mortgages that none had a snowball's chance in hell of ever paying back. Very soon, the majority of homes in the county were foreclosed on, or going through the process Another democrat good intention paving the road to hell..

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