Just 2 Weeks Ago Liberals Here Said Immigrant Vetting was "Comprehensive" and "Extensive"

What do we need them here for? Would they not be more comfortable in Muslim countries? Why does Saudi Arabia get off the hook?

Why does the million man march look so clean and fresh? you can't walk 50 miles thru LA without looking like you almost dead. Answer the questions?

something ain't right. Any farmer in the midwest would see holes in this story.

What is the cost? per person. From "vetting" thru arrival..........to 5 years out?
Wow...that was an eye opener. Thanks.

Vetting process for refugees: Goes through 4 different agencies, takes 18 months-2 years to be approved.
Vetting process for spousal visas: Goes through 1 agency, takes 24-48 hours.

Ya ever stop to think that maybe we should stop doing that?

Giving out spousal visas?

No, I think we should continue doing that.

Even after San Bernardino?
Obviously we have reason to be scared of the women. And I figure it's only a matter of time before they strap a kid up with a suicide vest.
Oh well,at least they appear to be killing democrats for the most part.

Yeah, even after San Bernadino.

Why is it so hard for you guys to understand that we don't think a single tragic event is reason enough to throw the baby out with the bathwater?

Think about all the arguments you guys use in support of guns every time there's a mass shooting - and try to apply it to this situation.
Remind the anti gun nuts that. they demand instant changes every single time in violation of the law and the Constitution.
Wow...that was an eye opener. Thanks.

Vetting process for refugees: Goes through 4 different agencies, takes 18 months-2 years to be approved.
Vetting process for spousal visas: Goes through 1 agency, takes 24-48 hours.

Ya ever stop to think that maybe we should stop doing that?

Giving out spousal visas?

No, I think we should continue doing that.

Even after San Bernardino?
Obviously we have reason to be scared of the women. And I figure it's only a matter of time before they strap a kid up with a suicide vest.
Oh well,at least they appear to be killing democrats for the most part.

Yeah, even after San Bernadino.

Why is it so hard for you guys to understand that we don't think a single tragic event is reason enough to throw the baby out with the bathwater?

Think about all the arguments you guys use in support of guns every time there's a mass shooting - and try to apply it to this situation.
Wasn't it not long ago that a man/jihadist cut a woman's head off in the work place? Then there is the fort Hood tragedy, and the attempt by the underwear bomber or the shoe bomber, and 9-11, the Boston marathon and now san- bernadena Cali ? On and on it all just goes, but denial by the left is just amazing when one thinks about it. Trump was absolutely right when he said no more... Americans are not guinnea pigs in the lefts experiment from hell, and it just has to stop... Period.
Vetting process for refugees: Goes through 4 different agencies, takes 18 months-2 years to be approved.

Nothing makes sense. Where they stay for 19 months? laying in the dirt? Do we have staff of 100K over there in the dirt talking to them? does Syria have personal files? They just walked 1000 miles pushing strollers thru dirt but they look fresh? What the heck is really going on? There is no Vetting? there can't be vetting, there are not resources.

I may not be a wordsmith or a PHD, but something does not look right. Where do you hold 1mil people for 19 months? I may have reached the limits of my knowledge but common sense say HUH?

They stay in refugee camps. Where do you think all those refugees are right now?

Funny....the Syrians that are in Houston aren't in refugee camps.

Yeah, that's because they've already been vetted, and accepted. They were in refugee camps, while they waited.
Your claim it takes 48 hours for a visa to marry is a lie. It took 3 months for my wife to get hers which included interviews of her her family and friends, criminal background checks and security investigation.
The refugee camps are in Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, and Turkey - and the Syrian refugee crisis has been going on for more than 4 years now.

The what is the million man march we see thru barb wire to Hungary to Germany thru whatever? Boatloads to Greece nonstop. That is not any camp?

So you saying we got many "Vetters" on the ground in Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, and Turkey? Who approved it? who pays them? where do the "vetters" stay? 5 star hotels? unlimited budget?

Those "millions" marching to Germany and Hungary, and travelling by boat to Greece are NOT registered refugees with the UNHRC, they're illegally fleeing into other countries.
Vetting process for refugees: Goes through 4 different agencies, takes 18 months-2 years to be approved.

Nothing makes sense. Where they stay for 19 months? laying in the dirt? Do we have staff of 100K over there in the dirt talking to them? does Syria have personal files? They just walked 1000 miles pushing strollers thru dirt but they look fresh? What the heck is really going on? There is no Vetting? there can't be vetting, there are not resources.

I may not be a wordsmith or a PHD, but something does not look right. Where do you hold 1mil people for 19 months? I may have reached the limits of my knowledge but common sense say HUH?

They stay in refugee camps. Where do you think all those refugees are right now?

Funny....the Syrians that are in Houston aren't in refugee camps.

Yeah, that's because they've already been vetted, and accepted. They were in refugee camps, while they waited.
Your claim it takes 48 hours for a visa to marry is a lie. It took 3 months for my wife to get hers which included interviews of her her family and friends, criminal background checks and security investigation.

It took my brother's wife about a week, but I'm not going to quibble with you. 3 months is still less than 2 years.
The latest outburst of self-righteous indignation directed at Donald Trump is why the people have lost faith in government. They are such hypocritical liars...
Congress is set to approve a bill with broad bipartisan support that would deny visa-free travel to anyone who has been in Iraq or Syria in the past five years.

House votes to scrutinize travel without visas

Are you under the impression that suspending visa waivers is the same as unilaterally declaring that no muslims can enter the country?
The latest outburst of self-righteous indignation directed at Donald Trump is why the people have lost faith in government. They are such hypocritical liars...
Congress is set to approve a bill with broad bipartisan support that would deny visa-free travel to anyone who has been in Iraq or Syria in the past five years.

House votes to scrutinize travel without visas

Are you under the impression that suspending visa waivers is the same as unilaterally declaring that no muslims can enter the country?

No. Are you?
The latest outburst of self-righteous indignation directed at Donald Trump is why the people have lost faith in government. They are such hypocritical liars...
Congress is set to approve a bill with broad bipartisan support that would deny visa-free travel to anyone who has been in Iraq or Syria in the past five years.

House votes to scrutinize travel without visas

Are you under the impression that suspending visa waivers is the same as unilaterally declaring that no muslims can enter the country?

No. Are you?

No, I'm well aware of the difference between the two. Your post implies that they are somehow comparable, though.
The latest outburst of self-righteous indignation directed at Donald Trump is why the people have lost faith in government. They are such hypocritical liars...
Congress is set to approve a bill with broad bipartisan support that would deny visa-free travel to anyone who has been in Iraq or Syria in the past five years.

House votes to scrutinize travel without visas

Are you under the impression that suspending visa waivers is the same as unilaterally declaring that no muslims can enter the country?

The President has full discretion to determine which people can enter as refugees.
You can't possibly be stupid enough to not understand that the vetting process for refugees is not the same vetting process as used for legal immigrants on spousal visas.
Right the vetting process for legal immigrants is supposed to tougher. Further they have access to homes families and friends not available to refuges fleeing fronm a war zone.


The vetting process for a spousal visa is nothing compared to the vetting process for refugees.

There is literally no way to enter this country that is harder than applying for and receiving refugee status.

You know nothing about what's required to get a K-1 visa, obviously.
I heard Mexico is taking in 10K. They plan to house them up in Juarez and Nogales so they can get across easy with the regular flow.
BHO is getting exactly anything he goes for. Race riots coming across Rust Belt, Police targeted, Souther Border Guards ordered to pull back, planes flying desperate ME poor from east? What next?

In 8 years........RINO stop nothing. Give this crazy man a blank check. Now we $20T Debt with millions more poor each year to care for.
Well, well, now we're finding out that, contrary to what we were initially told, Tashfeen Malik may not have been interviewed once, much less twice. She may or may not have been. When questioned about this by House members, government agencies are giving conflicting answers about the nature and extent of Malik's screening.

In any case, we do know that the 600-plus Gitmo detainees who have been released were in fact subjected to a multiyear, multi-interrogation, multi-review-board screening process, a process that often included use of polygraphs. Yet, over 100 of those 600 have returned to jihad.

I seriously doubt that the refugee screening process is more thorough than the one that the military and the FBI used at Gitmo on those 600 detainees.

And then there's the case of the Tsarnaev brothers, who were screened as asylum seekers. Both passed. There is simply no guarantee that Muslim immigrants who pass screening will not turn to jihad once they're in the country. Our current screening and security processes are simply not capable of detecting all would-be or future terrorists.
AND most Amazing of all! Apparently SMART people on this board are CHEERING for more of it? Death to America they chant. More spending, more poor, more taxes, more of it.....gimme more. I must not be smart enough to stay around. I see disaster and they see what they hope for? TAX the RICH!
The latest outburst of self-righteous indignation directed at Donald Trump is why the people have lost faith in government. They are such hypocritical liars...
Congress is set to approve a bill with broad bipartisan support that would deny visa-free travel to anyone who has been in Iraq or Syria in the past five years.

House votes to scrutinize travel without visas

Are you under the impression that suspending visa waivers is the same as unilaterally declaring that no muslims can enter the country?

No. Are you?

No, I'm well aware of the difference between the two. Your post implies that they are somehow comparable, though.

They are comparable. One is smart and the other is incredibly stupid.

The proposed legislation would end visa-free travel from 38 friendly nations like France and Belgium, where Muslims make up a significant minority of the population. Trump’s proposal – actually makes more sense, in that it wouldn’t include a french wine wholesaler on a tourist visa or a Belgian Jewish doctor here to attend a medical conference.
The latest outburst of self-righteous indignation directed at Donald Trump is why the people have lost faith in government. They are such hypocritical liars...
Congress is set to approve a bill with broad bipartisan support that would deny visa-free travel to anyone who has been in Iraq or Syria in the past five years.

House votes to scrutinize travel without visas

Are you under the impression that suspending visa waivers is the same as unilaterally declaring that no muslims can enter the country?

No. Are you?

No, I'm well aware of the difference between the two. Your post implies that they are somehow comparable, though.

They are comparable. One is smart and the other is incredibly stupid.

The proposed legislation would end visa-free travel from 38 friendly nations like France and Belgium, where Muslims make up a significant minority of the population. Trump’s proposal – actually makes more sense, in that it wouldn’t include a french wine wholesaler on a tourist visa or a Belgian Jewish doctor here to attend a medical conference.

The proposed legislation would do no such thing - it would only end visa waivers for people who had travelled to Iraq or Syria in the last 5 years.
Uhmmm, according to testimony today, she went through 5 agencies-
How did Tashfeen Malik slip through U.S. vetting process?
The State Department says Malik was thoroughly questioned during an interview at the U.S. embassy in Pakistan. She also filled out a questionnaire, where she was asked "Do you seek to engage in terrorist activity?" and "Are you a member of a terrorist organization?"

Five U.S. agencies also vetted her, checking her fingerprints against two databases. Neither her name nor image showed up on a U.S. terror watch list.

Malik did give an incomplete home address, which could have raised red flags, but it's not clear if it was intentional.

You can't possibly be stupid enough to not understand that the vetting process for refugees is not the same vetting process as used for legal immigrants on spousal visas.
Wow...that was an eye opener. Thanks.

Vetting process for refugees: Goes through 4 different agencies, takes 18 months-2 years to be approved.
Vetting process for spousal visas: Goes through 1 agency, takes 24-48 hours.

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