July 4th memes

Auld Phart

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 3, 2013
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that happened on July 4th?
/----/ Yes. In fact, it started 15 months earlier.

Where was the first shot of the Revolutionary War fired?

The expression "the shot heard round the world" alludes to the first shot of the battles of Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775, which launched the American Revolutionary War and resulted in the formation of the United States of America. The original phrase appears in a letter written by John Hancock, then president of the Continental Congress, to the governor of Massachusetts regarding taking action against rebels in that state who were resisting the American Revolution.
/----/ Yes. In fact, it started 15 months earlier.

Where was the first shot of the Revolutionary War fired?

The expression "the shot heard round the world" alludes to the first shot of the battles of Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775, which launched the American Revolutionary War and resulted in the formation of the United States of America. The original phrase appears in a letter written by John Hancock, then president of the Continental Congress, to the governor of Massachusetts regarding taking action against rebels in that state who were resisting the American Revolution.
The post showed military shooting indians.

I doubt there were any tepees in Lexington or Concord at that time.
The post showed military shooting indians.

I doubt there were any tepees in Lexington or Concord at that time.
Its part of the history of this country that you people deny ever happened.
This country is not as great as you think it is, but don't let me stop you from sucking each others dicks over it.
I love that. Those red devils got what they wanted!
Before that the indians wiped each other off the face of the earth. Some tribes gone forever in internal wars for hunting grounds.

Then we could go to Mexico where Spain and Portugal brought disease over and killed the Incas and such out of existence.........

Every map in the world is drawn by bloodshed and War. Anyone who pictures one more evil than the other is a idiot.

We celebrate kicking the British out of American once and for all. Same as most of the world kicked them out over time.
Billy. 90% of injuns were wiped out by a silent killer....Called the flu. To Indians, it was like Covid times 10. All unintentional. They never teach that in public skewl indoctrination

2nd. If it didn't happen that way, none of us here would be alive on good ole USMB. Same with slavery, no black or any of us would be here.
Our dilemma is this and I will ask it to you...................If you could change everything for the better in the past, would you choose not being here?

I ask this question here sometimes.....................I never get a yes or no answer. For all of this to happen, you would not be here as today

Billy. You bring out the civility in me
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Its part of the history of this country that you people deny ever happened.
This country is not as great as you think it is, but don't let me stop you from sucking each others dicks over it.
That is irrelevant to America's independence from the tyrant crown.

In fact, you could argue that military killing NAs was a result of deviating from the intent and purpose of the 2nd Amendment by employing a standing army.

Its part of the history of this country that you people deny ever happened.
This country is not as great as you think it is, but don't let me stop you from sucking each others dicks over it.
With the flaws of our nation, most Americans won the world's lottery. We screw with each other and try to reduce it. But politics makes it into much more an ordeal than it needs to be. There is a difference between "diversity" which Progs have benefitted immensely and assimilation which took each group coming here to become part of the greatest experiment in human history.
Before that the indians wiped each other off the face of the earth. Some tribes gone forever in internal wars for hunting grounds.

Then we could go to Mexico where Spain and Portugal brought disease over and killed the Incas and such out of existence.........

Every map in the world is drawn by bloodshed and War. Anyone who pictures one more evil than the other is a idiot.

We celebrate kicking the British out of American once and for all. Same as most of the world kicked them out over time.
Did you know injuns enslaved weaker tribes too???......No shit

These people don't know shit about centuries ago. Google minded morons

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