Judge rules against Trump in records dispute with Congress

WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge in Washington ruled Monday against President Donald Trump in a financial records dispute with Congress.

U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta, who was appointed by President Barack Obama, said Trump cannot block a House subpoena of financial records. He said the Democratic-led House committee seeking the information has said it believes the documents would help lawmakers consider strengthening ethics and disclosure laws, among other things.

The committee's reasons were "valid legislative purposes," Mehta said, and it was not for him "to question whether the Committee's actions are truly motivated by political considerations."
Judge rules against Trump in records dispute with Congress

Does a higher court overturn this ruling?

How much longer can the Trump Administration stonewall the Congress.

Trump's accounting firm is not a part of the Gov't, so he can't use executive powers.
Oh, look...yet another Obama appointee more loyal to Obama than to the law.

…...and you said that with a straight face. The AG is Trump's personal lawyer, but that is ok in the mind of a Trump Humper.

The judge is following the law. Good to see some in our government still do that.

And because YOU said it, it must be truth.

Based on your consistent record of being wrong, the chances that judge is following the law are still bigger than chances that you're not leftist shill.

I'm glad you again removed all the doubts. Not that there were any...

Anything come from a Trump Humper can be dismissed as trash.

Yet you still have to prove me wrong.
WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge in Washington ruled Monday against President Donald Trump in a financial records dispute with Congress.

U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta, who was appointed by President Barack Obama, said Trump cannot block a House subpoena of financial records. He said the Democratic-led House committee seeking the information has said it believes the documents would help lawmakers consider strengthening ethics and disclosure laws, among other things.

The committee's reasons were "valid legislative purposes," Mehta said, and it was not for him "to question whether the Committee's actions are truly motivated by political considerations."
Judge rules against Trump in records dispute with Congress

Does a higher court overturn this ruling?

How much longer can the Trump Administration stonewall the Congress.

Trump's accounting firm is not a part of the Gov't, so he can't use executive powers.

This judge followed the Constitution. The only way this is overturned is if a judge decides to legislate from the bench. The Congress has broad oversight powers.

Separation of powers, checks and balances, three branches of government.

Broad yes, absolute no.

Absolute yes.

Where, in Venezuela?

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