John Kennedy Comedy Gold

Put it up...or stop running your mouth.

Trump said it out loud.
Why can't you just own it and move on?
It's been considered since 1867, but Trump is the only president to mention it?

are you an actual moron, or do you just play one on the internet?

Go away, little boy.
It's been considered since 1867, but Trump is the only president to mention it?

are you an actual moron, or do you just play one on the internet?

Go away, little boy.
Son, just put up a quote from a former President that alluded to...or hell, even skated by purchasing Greenland..and I'll go quietly.

Outside of Truman sending his SOS to make an offer...oh up and give me a quote. LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
Bullshit. But hey, we can all be what we want to be on the Internet...right? :)
Trump is the ONLY President who said it out loud..why?..because he's a moron.
Why can't you just accept that and move on?

>Trump is ... a moron.

Excuse me, but not only is he a billionaire, he won the Presidency with no political prior history, even though the whole world was against him - most media, academia, most foreign leaders, both political parties, social media, US intelligence agencies, etc.

That take brilliance to accomplish.

He did it because he had a message that resonated with Americans. America first, American citizens first.

I have stronger support for Trump today than when I voted for him. He fulfilled most of his important promises. That is something very few politicians ever do.

Obnoxious at times, Trump can be. But moron he is not. Biden is a probably a moron by your standard, but I think the term is too harsh since he is obviously suffering from a debilitating age-related mental condition.

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