John Kennedy, Castro and La Cosa Nostra


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Organized crime, and politics…..or is that redundant….

Both, in this thread.

1. “I Heard You Paint Houses,” a fascinating book by Charles Brandt. The book is a documentary, of sorts, covering the life of mob hit-man and close associate of Jimmy Hoffa.

“Frank "The Irishman" Sheeran (October 25, 1920 – December 14, 2003) was a labor union official who was accused of having links to the Bufalino crime family.
In his capacity as a high official in the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Sheeran was a leading figure in the corruption of unions by organized crime. Shortly before his death, Sheeran claimed to have killed Teamster leader Jimmy Hoffa. Author Charles Brandt detailed what Sheeran told him about Hoffa in the non-fiction book I Heard You Paint Houses (2004).”
Frank Sheeran - Wikipedia

2. "I heard you paint houses" are the first words Jimmy Hoffa ever spoke to Frank "the Irishman" Sheeran. To paint a house is to kill a man. The paint is the blood that splatters on the walls and floors.
Just the sort of guy Hoffa could use when he needed matters attended to.

3. The book is an excellent primer on the close association between the mobs and the union labor movement, and it also adds the overlay of both with politics.
Power is power, and it has no morality.

4. About a hundred pages into the book we learn of organized crime’s enmity toward Fidel Castro, as he took away their lucrative casinos and racetracks in Cuba.
Seems that Joseph Kennedy, father of Bobby and John, was involved with many of the leaders of La Cosa Nostra, going back to his time as a bootlegger.

The result of said friendships was Illinois being put in John Kennedy’s column in the presidential election.
But everyone knows that.

And it influenced geopolitical events, too…..Cuba...and the Bay of Pigs Invasion.

Next post....

Interesting stuff there UNTIL the last sentence.LOL The only thing that Kennedys presidential election influenced on Cuba and the Bay of pigs invasion is the outcome in the fact that kennedy INHERITED the bay of pigs invasion from Eisenhower.

The CIA drew up the plans of the invasion under Eisenhower,the Plan they originally presented to Eisenhower where it called for a successful invasion,was vastly different than the plan they presented to Kennedy where it was designed to fail and they lied to him about everything saying that the invasion would not require military support.ect,ect which they KNEW was BS.

and if you have a few hours to spare.couple great ones right here.:thup:

the ENTIRE TRUTH on the bay of pigs invasion in these FOUR excellent informative videos layed out here. :thup::beer:

and the BEST one for last.:banana::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Kennedy had inherited Eisenhower’s CIA campaign to train and equip a guerilla army of Cuban exiles, but he had some doubts about the wisdom of the plan.
Bay of Pigs Invasion - Cold War -

On March 17, 1960, President Eisenhower approved the basic policy paper "A Program of Covert Action Against the Castro Regime." This policy document, developed by the Central Intelligence Agency and indorsed by the "Special Group," i.e. a nondescript euphemism for a creation of that National Security Council, provided for a program divided into four parts to bring about the replacement of the Castro regime by covert means. They were:

"a) The creation of a responsible and unified Cuban

opposition to the Castro regime located outside of Cuba.

"b) The development of means for mass communication to the

Cuban people as a part of a powerful propaganda offensive.

"c) The creation and development of a covert intelligence

and action organization within Cuba which would be

responsive to the orders and directions of the exile

opposition, and...

"d) The development of a paramilitary force outside of Cuba

for future guerrilla action."

Shortly after the approval of this policy paper by President Eisenhower, the latter section was further modified, as follows:

Bay of Pigs: CIA's 'Perfect Failure' Video - Bay of Pigs Invasion -
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5. “ …John F. Kennedy, maintained that Castro posed no real threat to America, but the new president believed that masterminding the Cuban leader’s removal would show Russia, China and skeptical Americans that he was serious about was serious about winning the Cold War.

Kennedy had inherited Eisenhower’s CIA campaign to train and equip a guerilla army of Cuban exiles, but he had some doubts …

…he did not want to “abandon Cuba to the communists,” he said, he would not start a fight that might end in World War III.”
Bay of Pigs Invasion - Cold War -

6.According to mob scuttlebutt, John Kennedy's lackluster support for the plan was merely his father’s insistence that he repay the mob for aiding his election.
After all, Castro's confiscation of the mob's casinos and racetracks was reason for a vendetta.

The invasion.....successful or not….

Favor repaid.
Here is a really short 14 minute video for the folks that dont have the patience to sit through those excellent informative videos i posted in my previous post.;)

this person who posted this below in the comments section so much nailed it.:clap2:The CIA totally screwed up and bungled the operation in this evil act of theirs that was drawn up under Eisenhowers administration and which Kennedy inherited from him. and that they are always engaged in,they need to be abolished.It is LONG overdue.:mad:

At the beginning of the Cold War, the United States owned the world. The CIA marched into whatever country they pleased, and forcibly imposed the will of the most powerful country in the world onto third-world countries that could hardly even defend themselves. All that changed on April 17th, 1961 when the CIA invaded Cuba, and that tiny little island said "No. This is our country, we have every right to practice whatever system we want, and we don't need your permission." And they won! That tiny little island broke the unbreakable power of the US, showing the entire world that Cuba was going to do its own thing, and it wasn't going to care what the rest of the world thought.

if that short video piqued your interest and want to learn even more of the suppressed truth on the bay of pigs invasion Kennedy inherited from Eisenhower,then I strongly suggest and urge everyone to look at these excellent and informative 4 links below as well.:thup: Its a lot more reading but well worth it.:):up:

LATE OCTOBER 1959: President Eisenhower approves a program proposed by the Department of State, in agreement with the CIA, to support elements in Cuba opposed to the Castro government. The operations are intended to make Castro's downfall seem to be the result of his own mistakes. As a part of this program, Cuban exiles mount sea borne raids against Cuba from U.S. territory. (Wyden, pp.28-29; Gleijeses, p.3; Taylor Report, pp.3-4)
Bay of Pigs Chronology

Also, according to the late Col. L. Fletcher Prouty, it was McGeorge Bundy who called the CIA to stop the second air strikes despite what he [Prouty] claims was Kennedy's approval. He cites the book Zapata which is a copy of the follow up report about the failure of the operation.

at the 15 minute mark he gets into the bay of pigs,first 15 minutes is just on the assassination.
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7. But there were immense unintended consequences to the series of events that culminated in the failed Bay of Pigs invasion.

The Democrats in Congress saw an opportunity to co-opt a part of government that had a large, unaccounted for, budget: the Intelligence Agencies…..specifically the CIA.

“In the summer of 1975 the US Senate held closed-door hearings on the mob’s involvement in both the Bay of Pigs invasion and a plot to assassinate Fidel Castro….The Senate select Committee was chaired by [Democrat] Senator Frank Church of Idaho….heard evidence…regarding suspected mob ties…to the Bay of Pigs invasion and to a suspected mob-CIA plot to assassinate Fidel Castro.

…the CIA admitted….[both]….called Operation Mongoose.”
Charles Brandt, “I Heard You Paint Houses p.130-131

And the actions the Congress took had unexpected repercussions, at the cost of thousands of Americans’ lives.

Guess where and when.
8. “A few days before is scheduled testimony before the Church Committee, Sam “Momo” Giancana was assassinated….
Giancana’s lieutenant….Johnny Roselli testified under oath at length behind closed doors. A few months after his testimony, Johnny Roselli was assassinated and his body stuffed in an oil drum.”
Charles Brandt, “I Heard You Paint Houses,” p.131

9.The Democrat Church Committee went on to ‘do the right thing,’...

....... and cost 3,000 American lives.

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10.“While the [Democrat] Church Committee was conducting its closed hearings, Time magazine reported in its June 9, 1975, issue that Russell Bufalino and Sam “Momo” Giancana were the crime bosses behind the mob’s ties to the CIA and to the anti-Castro invasion and to the assassination plot to poison Castro.

As a result of its independent findings and the CIA’s confession, the Church Committee drafted legislation restricting the CIA’s involvement in the affairs of a sovereign nation. This legislation passed.

The Church Committee’s work, its findings, and its legislative reforms of the CIA became the subject of much debate Church Committee had gone too far in restricting the activities of the CIA.”
Sam Giancana Is silenced -

Shouldn’t we be able expect those elected officials to be able to walk and chew gum…..

….to recognize what the mandate of the CIA is/was…..and have allowed them to pursue enemies of America in the only ways possible??????
/11. The Democrat Church Committee went on to ‘do the right thing,’ the ‘noble thing,’ preventing any American government agency…the CIA…..from doing what is was designed to do- protect America and Americans…..

…..and the Democrat’s grandstanding cost 3,000 American lives on 9/11.

“In the wake of the September 11th terror attack, some legislators are now proclaiming their commitment to unleashing the CIA and rebuilding its human “assets.” Just a short while ago these same legislators were leading the charge to curtail the agency.

One such convert is the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Democrat Joseph Biden. The Delaware Democrat was one of seventeen Senators who voted in 1974 to ban all covert operations, and proudly noted during his 1988 campaign for president that he had threatened to “go public” with covert action plans by the Reagan administration, causing them to cancel the operations.

Hopefully Senator Biden, and other congressional converts, are undergoing a genuine epiphany. Perhaps they now realize, as Henry Kissinger once observed about the Church Committee, that it is an illusion that “tranquility can be achieved by an abstract purity of motive for which history offers no example.” It is precisely this illusion which has prevailed in congressional circles since the heyday of (Democrats) Frank Church and Otis Pike. As Church himself once argued, the United States should not “fight fire with fire . . . evil with evil.”
Congressional Oversight and the Crippling of the CIA
12. Imagine, if the CIA had been allowed to infiltrate the Islamoterrorist groups in the years before 9/11….to do what should have been necessary…

Just imagine.

“[Democrat] Congressional meddling is primarily responsible for this new CIA ethos, transforming it from an agency willing to take risks, and act at times in a Machiavellian manner, into just another sclerotic Washington bureaucracy.

This cautious, legalistic attitude has crippled the agency’s effectiveness and will not change unless the oversight committees of Congress acknowledge the uniquely executive character of intelligence and covert operations, and start to dismantle the cumbersome oversight apparatus erected during the last twenty five years.”
Congressional Oversight and the Crippling of the CIA


“Here at home, the [Hussein] Obama administration has gravely impaired our capability to gather human intelligence by declassifying hundreds of pages of documents that explain our interrogation techniques—information that is now probably in al-Qaeda training manuals.” 404 Not Found

And, so once again, we learn that Democrat ‘good intentions pave the road to hell.’

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