John Kelly says Trump wanted to nuke North Korea and blame it on another country, risking nuclear war

Let me point out, that Trump did the EXACT SAME THING, when it came to the hush money payments to Stormy Daniels.

Trump blamed the payments on Michael Cohen, and then they were able to trace the payments right back to the checks Trump write to Cohen.

So Trump has done the same thing before.

Hush payments equal NUclear War. You are an idiot.
The sharpie thing was a big nothing and you fell for it like a typical rube libtard.
I just typed out about 3 paragraphs of my opinion, then deleted them. But I will listen to why you think it was nothing, I have been wrong before. Convince me.
I just typed out about 3 paragraphs of my opinion, then deleted them. But I will listen to why you think it was nothing, I have been wrong before. Convince me.
Ok. I’ll make it brief. (And I have had difficulty finding the prior reporting that led him to show the previously reported hurricane “cone of uncertainty.” But it had been reported.

That previously reported Cone of Uncertainty absolutely had shown the possible scope of the risk leading further inland.

If I can dig it up later, I will.
Ok, please do. If I recall correctly, Trump simply made a mistake talking about states it might hit. But he was not man enough to say ooops, I made a mistake. He simply sharpied it in. Honestly I would feel better if you corrected me. I cannot believe a clown that would sharpie in a weather map because he was such an insecure twit to admit he made a mistake had his finger on the nuclear button...I think I will have another beer and quit thinking about this.
Ok. I’ll make it brief. (And I have had difficulty finding the prior reporting that led him to show the previously reported hurricane “cone of uncertainty.” But it had been reported.

That previously reported Cone of Uncertainty absolutely had shown the possible scope of the risk leading further inland.

If I can dig it up later, I will.
Ok. A little digging resulted in a piece where the lede is a bit buried:

Relative to the supposedly “altered” cone of uncertainty, Trump made reference to a previously reported “cone.” The weather folks quibbled. They said that a prior come showing Alabama wasn’t the “official” one. But take careful note. That’s an admission that there indeed HAD been a previous version which did include Alabama.

“Just so everyone is clear. This forecast cone was from 5 days ago. Alabama was NEVER in the official cone ….”

So it wasn’t the “official” one. And it was from 5 days prior. Ok. But it still existed.
Credibility and integrity are essential. If he can't prove it he lied.
Like I said, credibility is a foreign concept to you. If you refuse to believe anything that isn’t “proven” then credibility is meaningless.
John Kelly says Trump wanted to nuke North Korea and blame it on another country, risking nuclear war

Trump just wanted to do what his Mega-Republicons wanted him to do.

Thank God Dump changed his mind before doing the unbelievable.
Trump then retorts, give me a second chance and I will light up the night sky.
Ok. I’ll make it brief. (And I have had difficulty finding the prior reporting that led him to show the previously reported hurricane “cone of uncertainty.” But it had been reported.

That previously reported Cone of Uncertainty absolutely had shown the possible scope of the risk leading further inland.

If I can dig it up later, I will.

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