John Kelly says Trump wanted to nuke North Korea and blame it on another country, risking nuclear war

I know. And it is hilarious. Cultists are the best fodder when they doubble- and triple-down. Comedy gold. Comedians are literally making their livings on it. See: YouTube.
Zzz. How do you get a liberal tk laugh? Get some other liberal to tell any alleged joke. Actual humor or wit absolutely not required.
meanwhile in reality it’s xiden that has the world on the edge of actual nuclear war
I dont know

The lib news media could seek him out and put him on record

Have they?
If the story is false Kelly can speak out. He doesn't need to be led by the hand by the "lib news media" as you called it or anyone else including Trump's propoganda network Fox News. IF they've even covered the story which is doubtful.
If the story is false Kelly can speak out. He doesn't need to be led by the hand by the "lib news media" as you called it or anyone else including Trump's propoganda network Fox News. IF they've even covered the story which is doubtful.
What if the story false and Kelly is part of the “joke?”

Its well known that he does not like Trump

Letting others tell the lie while he remains silent keeps his hands free
Zzz. How do you get a liberal tk laugh? Get some other liberal to tell any alleged joke. Actual humor or wit absolutely not required.
Oops, you confused yourself again. We can make any normal noncultist laugh by just asking you cultist questions. You will always say the dumbest shit.
Oops, you confused yourself again. We can make any normal noncultist laugh by just asking you cultist questions. You will always say the dumbest shit.
See? There is never a danger of any liberal actually being funny.

But I tell ya what. Out of my enormous concern for your well being, I can tell even a complete jerkoff scumbag like you what your ideal heart rate is, Farty.

It’s zero.
This country is so fucked up. To think dumb Don could be potus again is beyond crazy, but than I remember dumb old lying Joe Biden is currently potus. CRAZY!!
On Trump nuking China:

Pelosi: “This is bad, but who knows what he (trump) might do? He’s crazy. You know he’s crazy. He’s been crazy for a long time. So don’t say you don’t know what his state of mind is.”

General Milley: “Madam Speaker, I agree with you on everything.”

(from Woodward's book)

Someone please explain to me why it is that these bombshell revelations are never spoken....until someone brings it up in their new book they just released?? with as much Trump hate there is being spread around, its amazing there are any negative stories about him that have been unspoken, yet here we are, another "surprise!". I would have thought that everyone would have spilled their guts on Trump by now, in order to do as much damage as possible.

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