John Durham probe largely focused on FBI: report


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2020

Another millions of dollars on another.useless investigation!.
This is absolutely unbelievable, DOJ, CIA,FBI, what do they do ? I MEAN , judicial watch gets more evidence then our premier law enforcement agencies. If you can' not find a crime investigating a politician, I'm sorry , you ain't looking.
So I guess that's it , the great uncompromisable John Durham just couldn' find a shred of evidence against the Obama criminal enterprise. Or there is two sets of rules for two type of people . The rich elite, and we the people . Black , white, brown , green, red, yellow or orange. Color don't matter , it's your social status. Millions upon millions of dollars investigating their own . And nobody is held accountable and there will be zero consequences. Just like always. Are we past the point of no return?
Changed title of thread to match the subject matter. Please title threads so the subject is at least somewhat evident before it's clicked so that we don't get duplicate threads created on the same topic. "It's Happening Again" could be about anything. Thanks.
Another millions of dollars on another.useless investigation!.
This is absolutely unbelievable, DOJ, CIA,FBI, what do they do ? I MEAN , judicial watch gets more evidence then our premier law enforcement agencies. If you can' not find a crime investigating a politician, I'm sorry , you ain't looking.
So I guess that's it , the great uncompromisable John Durham just couldn' find a shred of evidence against the Obama criminal enterprise. Or there is two sets of rules for two type of people . The rich elite, and we the people . Black , white, brown , green, red, yellow or orange. Color don't matter , it's your social status. Millions upon millions of dollars investigating their own . And nobody is held accountable and there will be zero consequences. Just like always. Are we past the point of no return?

" If you can not find a crime investigating a politician, I'm sorry , you ain't looking. "

That's not the way it is supposed to work. I know the democrats do it, but it ain't the way our system of justice should work. You don't try to find a crime, you follow the evidence tht a crime was committed and look for who did what. You're not supposed to go looking or something to pin on a politician or anyone else.

"the great uncompromisable John Durham just couldn' find a shred of evidence against the Obama criminal enterprise"

You don't know that; in fact, at this point you and the rest of us really don't know shit. I believe Durham found plenty of evidence, but the question is whether it admissable in court and sufficient to indict somebody.

" Or there is two sets of rules for two type of people . The rich elite, and we the people "

No shit, Sherlock. I doubt that is going to change anytime soon.

" Black , white, brown , green, red, yellow or orange. Color don't matter "

Lotsa people would disagree with that. And you forgot to mention gender, sexual orientation, and religion.

" it's your social status "

It's also your political affiliation.

" And nobody is held accountable and there will be zero consequences. "

Sad but true. The concept of innocent until proven guilty can be a bitch sometimes. Too often the guilty go free, even politicians. Especially the ones we don't like.

" Are we past the point of no return? "

Man it feels like it. But the real problem and the fix to it, is us. We have to vote the lyin', cheatin' bastards out at every level of gov't but we ain't doing it. One of the reasons why Trump was elected was to drain the swamp, remember? There's A LOT of people out there who do not believe in or trust their gov't, and he tapped into that. Maybe that feeling with grow into a movement towards restoring honor and integrity in gov't. I hope so.

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