Red Dawn
Senior Member
This guy is hilarious. I love this guy. What a classic "concern" troll!
He pretty much lied about everything he claimed to Obama. He's a registered republican, and proud conservative Rush Limbaugh fan, who's only intent was to concern troll Obama at the rope line - to parrot some rightwing talking point he heard from Sean Hannity.
His name's not Joe.
He's not a plumber.
He whines about taxes, but he owes back taxes.
He had no real plans to buy a company.
The company he worked for was nowhere close to being worth 250k, even though he claimed it was,.
HaHa, what a concern troll. Anyone have any idea why so many republicans need to lie about who they are, in order to concern troll some point they're always trying to make? In real life, I don't think I've ever met more than a tiny handful of people who make 250k a year, or who've served three tours of duty in Iraq. Yet, in cyberspace, I'm constantly running across republicans who claim to have served multiple tours in Iraq, or who make over 250k and are "concerned" about Obama's tax plan.
He pretty much lied about everything he claimed to Obama. He's a registered republican, and proud conservative Rush Limbaugh fan, who's only intent was to concern troll Obama at the rope line - to parrot some rightwing talking point he heard from Sean Hannity.
His name's not Joe.
He's not a plumber.
He whines about taxes, but he owes back taxes.
He had no real plans to buy a company.
The company he worked for was nowhere close to being worth 250k, even though he claimed it was,.
According to Wurzelbacher, he was a plumber who was considering buying his boss’s business, which grossed between $250,000 and $280,000 a year. He was worried that Obama’s plan, which would allow the Bush tax cuts for those earning more than $250,000 to lapse, would kick him into a higher tax bracket.
But according to Ohio records, Wurzelbacher doesn’t even have a plumber’s license. He worked under his boss’s license, but that would still require him to have a journeyman’s or apprentice license under Ohio law.
And it turns out he didn’t have a solid plan to buy the business.
It gets worse. According to Ohio tax records, the business only grossed $100,000. That would mean it would probably pay less taxes under Obama’s plan.,0,3306529.story
HaHa, what a concern troll. Anyone have any idea why so many republicans need to lie about who they are, in order to concern troll some point they're always trying to make? In real life, I don't think I've ever met more than a tiny handful of people who make 250k a year, or who've served three tours of duty in Iraq. Yet, in cyberspace, I'm constantly running across republicans who claim to have served multiple tours in Iraq, or who make over 250k and are "concerned" about Obama's tax plan.
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