Joe Ligon. He’s 83 years old. ⁣ African American.⁣ He just got out of prison yesterday. ⁣ ⁣After serving 68 years, since he was 15


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

Dwight Eisenhower was President. ⁣

Rosa Parks hadn’t even taken her seat yet and Dr. King hadn’t helped lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott. ⁣

Before all of that, Philadelphia sentenced a 15 year old boy to life in prison. ⁣

He didn’t kill anyone. He was just there when someone else did. ⁣

And the papers and police and prosecutors literally called them animals and wolves. Sent a child to prison and never looked back. ⁣

No child in American history ever spent more time in prison than Joe. ⁣

It’s an abomination. That’s the word for it. ⁣

Dwight Eisenhower was President. ⁣

Rosa Parks hadn’t even taken her seat yet and Dr. King hadn’t helped lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott. ⁣

Before all of that, Philadelphia sentenced a 15 year old boy to life in prison. ⁣

He didn’t kill anyone. He was just there when someone else did. ⁣

And the papers and police and prosecutors literally called them animals and wolves. Sent a child to prison and never looked back. ⁣

No child in American history ever spent more time in prison than Joe. ⁣

It’s an abomination. That’s the word for it. ⁣

I would need more information.

You say he didn't kill anyone, but he was there when someone did?

Who did? A friend? One of his gang buddies?

What did he do when someone was killed? Did he call police? Did he tell everyone? Did he try and stop it?

Or was he egging people on? Was he on the side celebrating it?

Gotta be honest with you, if you witness a murder by a friend, and you say nothing, then in my book you are equally guilty.

So I need more information. And by the way, was he tried by a group of his peers? Was the jury from that area? Then who are you to say the people who were affected by this crime, were wrong?

It's easy to say something that happened somewhere else, that never affected you personally, was wrong. I trust the words of those who lived in the area that this crime happened, more.

Dwight Eisenhower was President. ⁣

Rosa Parks hadn’t even taken her seat yet and Dr. King hadn’t helped lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott. ⁣

Before all of that, Philadelphia sentenced a 15 year old boy to life in prison. ⁣

He didn’t kill anyone. He was just there when someone else did. ⁣

And the papers and police and prosecutors literally called them animals and wolves. Sent a child to prison and never looked back. ⁣

No child in American history ever spent more time in prison than Joe. ⁣

It’s an abomination. That’s the word for it. ⁣
You know how to avoid being put in jail for the rest of your life? Dont put yourself in a compromising situation like this guy did, by hanging around with people who liked to commit crimes and killed 2 people. Do you think those 2 people who died will get to be set free? How do you think the families of those 2 killed feel? Dont do the crime, you wont do the time....
No child in American history ever spent more time in prison than Joe. ⁣

At 83, he's hardly a child.

Anyone who has been sentenced to prison at age 14 or younger until their 18th birthday has literally spent more time in prison, as a child, than Joe.

Dwight Eisenhower was President. ⁣

Rosa Parks hadn’t even taken her seat yet and Dr. King hadn’t helped lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott. ⁣

Before all of that, Philadelphia sentenced a 15 year old boy to life in prison. ⁣

He didn’t kill anyone. He was just there when someone else did. ⁣

And the papers and police and prosecutors literally called them animals and wolves. Sent a child to prison and never looked back. ⁣

No child in American history ever spent more time in prison than Joe. ⁣

It’s an abomination. That’s the word for it. ⁣
Sounds like he should had even put to death long ago, an accomplice to murder. Fuck him.

Dwight Eisenhower was President. ⁣

Rosa Parks hadn’t even taken her seat yet and Dr. King hadn’t helped lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott. ⁣

Before all of that, Philadelphia sentenced a 15 year old boy to life in prison. ⁣

He didn’t kill anyone. He was just there when someone else did. ⁣

And the papers and police and prosecutors literally called them animals and wolves. Sent a child to prison and never looked back. ⁣

No child in American history ever spent more time in prison than Joe. ⁣

It’s an abomination. That’s the word for it. ⁣

I would guess he TOTALLY deserved life in prison. So many of these types do.

I think if they want us to treat them with lots of loving kindness, they stop with the horrendous murdering crimes they constantly do.
he must have been bad ass in prison since he got no time off for good behavior

Dwight Eisenhower was President. ⁣

Rosa Parks hadn’t even taken her seat yet and Dr. King hadn’t helped lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott. ⁣

Before all of that, Philadelphia sentenced a 15 year old boy to life in prison. ⁣

He didn’t kill anyone. He was just there when someone else did. ⁣

And the papers and police and prosecutors literally called them animals and wolves. Sent a child to prison and never looked back. ⁣

No child in American history ever spent more time in prison than Joe. ⁣

It’s an abomination. That’s the word for it. ⁣
What a disgrace to our country

What is he supposed to do after spending his whole life in prison?

Dwight Eisenhower was President. ⁣

Rosa Parks hadn’t even taken her seat yet and Dr. King hadn’t helped lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott. ⁣

Before all of that, Philadelphia sentenced a 15 year old boy to life in prison. ⁣

He didn’t kill anyone. He was just there when someone else did. ⁣

And the papers and police and prosecutors literally called them animals and wolves. Sent a child to prison and never looked back. ⁣

No child in American history ever spent more time in prison than Joe. ⁣

It’s an abomination. That’s the word for it. ⁣
What a disgrace to our country

What is he supposed to do after spending his whole life in prison?
He is 68, he can collect Social Security and write a screenplay
Not enough information given to make a sound judgement. I wouldn't promote he deserves released or put back.

Dwight Eisenhower was President. ⁣

Rosa Parks hadn’t even taken her seat yet and Dr. King hadn’t helped lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott. ⁣

Before all of that, Philadelphia sentenced a 15 year old boy to life in prison. ⁣

He didn’t kill anyone. He was just there when someone else did. ⁣

And the papers and police and prosecutors literally called them animals and wolves. Sent a child to prison and never looked back. ⁣

No child in American history ever spent more time in prison than Joe. ⁣

It’s an abomination. That’s the word for it. ⁣
What a disgrace to our country

What is he supposed to do after spending his whole life in prison?
He is 68, he can collect Social Security and write a screenplay

You need to pay in to Social Security to collect

Dwight Eisenhower was President. ⁣

Rosa Parks hadn’t even taken her seat yet and Dr. King hadn’t helped lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott. ⁣

Before all of that, Philadelphia sentenced a 15 year old boy to life in prison. ⁣

He didn’t kill anyone. He was just there when someone else did. ⁣

And the papers and police and prosecutors literally called them animals and wolves. Sent a child to prison and never looked back. ⁣

No child in American history ever spent more time in prison than Joe. ⁣

It’s an abomination. That’s the word for it. ⁣
You know how to avoid being put in jail for the rest of your life? Dont put yourself in a compromising situation like this guy did, by hanging around with people who liked to commit crimes and killed 2 people. Do you think those 2 people who died will get to be set free? How do you think the families of those 2 killed feel? Dont do the crime, you wont do the time....

In my early 20s I hung out with a certain dude who fancied himself a thug although in reality he was just a poser-ass wannabe. One night we swing by to pick up one of his other friends, and immediately alarm bells started going off in my head. This guy is trouble...he's the real deal. Anyway I politely bow out of our planned festivities for the night and accepted my "friend's" mockery. The next day I learn both of them had robbed at gunpoint the house we had planned to party at.

My poser friend ended up serving a 5 or six year sentence and was not at all the same person I knew when he stopped by to visit after he was released. Could have been me.
Made a bad choice when he was 15? Jesus.

In a just world a bunch of people would have gone to prison for this. Prosecution types, mainly.

Dwight Eisenhower was President. ⁣

Rosa Parks hadn’t even taken her seat yet and Dr. King hadn’t helped lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott. ⁣

Before all of that, Philadelphia sentenced a 15 year old boy to life in prison. ⁣

He didn’t kill anyone. He was just there when someone else did. ⁣

And the papers and police and prosecutors literally called them animals and wolves. Sent a child to prison and never looked back. ⁣

No child in American history ever spent more time in prison than Joe. ⁣

It’s an abomination. That’s the word for it. ⁣
What a disgrace to our country

What is he supposed to do after spending his whole life in prison?
He is 68, he can collect Social Security and write a screenplay

You need to pay in to Social Security to collect
Or be an addict

Dwight Eisenhower was President. ⁣

Rosa Parks hadn’t even taken her seat yet and Dr. King hadn’t helped lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott. ⁣

Before all of that, Philadelphia sentenced a 15 year old boy to life in prison. ⁣

He didn’t kill anyone. He was just there when someone else did. ⁣

And the papers and police and prosecutors literally called them animals and wolves. Sent a child to prison and never looked back. ⁣

No child in American history ever spent more time in prison than Joe. ⁣

It’s an abomination. That’s the word for it. ⁣
What a disgrace to our country

What is he supposed to do after spending his whole life in prison?
He is 68, he can collect Social Security and write a screenplay

You need to pay in to Social Security to collect
Well than that sucks for him

Dwight Eisenhower was President. ⁣

Rosa Parks hadn’t even taken her seat yet and Dr. King hadn’t helped lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott. ⁣

Before all of that, Philadelphia sentenced a 15 year old boy to life in prison. ⁣

He didn’t kill anyone. He was just there when someone else did. ⁣

And the papers and police and prosecutors literally called them animals and wolves. Sent a child to prison and never looked back. ⁣

No child in American history ever spent more time in prison than Joe. ⁣

It’s an abomination. That’s the word for it. ⁣

Your thread makes for a heartbreaking headline for the far-left liberals but then, as they say, "the devil is in the details" or, in this case, the REST of the article.

From your source and link.

" He never applied for commutation, though he could have had a strong chance at clemency in the 1970s when hundreds of Pennsylvania lifers were released."

Humans are extremely adaptable to their environment. He was probably afraid to go out on his own. He had a job he liked in prison and he didn't have to worry about anything. He was offered parole and didn't like that because he'd have to check in with a parole officer.

There is no indication that he was innocent of the crime of which he was convicted. He and a gang had committed a string of robberies, assaults, and two murders.

It seems that he made the decision to be there all those years. I'll not lose any sleep.
"i will find you hope
and i won't let you choke
on the noose around your neck
you need freedom now!'


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