Joe Biden, you only had TWO jobs to do....


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2014
Two jobs handed down from President Obama. Take care of relations with UKRAINE and CHINA.
And guess which two places in the world your son was able to rake in millions of dollars???

Thats right Ukraine and China, all while the FBI was sitting on top of information which would expose corruption. Course' you were unaware of any of it even as you were getting rid of a Ukrainian prosecutor who could bring out embarrasing revelations.

Can anyone explain why this isnt a larger news story? Some on the left say TRump is Putins Puppet, but I have yet to see how Putin has benefited from a Trump presidency. Meanwhile, China handed the son of the Vice President millions of dollars for what exactly???? And that isnt called bribery? Its not called being a puppet for China? Ukraine?
Please, lets hear more excuses from the Democrats.
Two jobs handed down from President Obama. Take care of relations with UKRAINE and CHINA.
And guess which two places in the world your son was able to rake in millions of dollars???

Thats right Ukraine and China, all while the FBI was sitting on top of information which would expose corruption. Course' you were unaware of any of it even as you were getting rid of a Ukrainian prosecutor who could bring out embarrasing revelations.

Can anyone explain why this isnt a larger news story? Some on the left say TRump is Putins Puppet, but I have yet to see how Putin has benefited from a Trump presidency. Meanwhile, China handed the son of the Vice President millions of dollars for what exactly???? And that isnt called bribery? Its not called being a puppet for China? Ukraine?
Please, lets hear more excuses from the Democrats.
I can easily explain why not a bigger story, the so-called media you have relied upon your whole life is total fucking sham, a naked political asset of the democrats, and it always has been! I am very sharp, very very sharp, and over the last decade, particularly 2008 forward, the so-called media have been actively "suppressing" any and all negative information pertaining to the DNC, and then obfuscating the absolute shit out of it if it managed to squeak by them!

Here is wisdom,
the NY-mobs long ago adopted a strategy, which pretty much revolved around the idea that if there was no body, then there hadn't been any crime! This is exactly what the media, fully controlled by China, and the DNC, have been doing, disappearing the bodies, then immediately denouncing the very real investigative journalists as conspiracy theorists, and the very real high order political criminality as conspiracy theory! :wink:
Makes you wonder what the kenyan klown's take was..... 10%? 20%?

No way that stuttering fucktard could put together these influence schemes with his crackhead idiot of an offspring without a sophisticated criminal mind involved..... like Zero.... and Big Mike.

Call it reparations.
Here's the part that really demands your attention, the DOJ/FBI had that Hunter Biden PC, and they had it for a year, and they had it as Trump was being impeached for having done nothing even remotely illegal. They knew what was on that PC, just as they knew Joe Biden was a traitor and criminal who had been using his crack addicted boy as his international bagman, they had all of this, and not a whisper! You know who else had to have known about that PC and its contents?

Bill Barr.........:oops:
This has to be the final straw for the FBI. Burn it to the ground and haul it off to a toxic waste facility using hazmat protection. They tell the computer repair shop owner - "nothing happens to people that don't talk". Are you shitting me? No mas. Eradicate it.... it was an epic failure.
This has to be the final straw for the FBI. Burn it to the ground and haul it off to a toxic waste facility using hazmat protection. They tell the computer repair shop owner - "nothing happens to people that don't talk". Are you shitting me? No mas. Eradicate it.... it was an epic failure.
Nothing happens if Trump loses, as is all but likely based upon available polling data....

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