Joe Biden enlists artists like Ludacris, Dupri, Jeezy and Monica for voting ads in battleground states


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
The campaign is picking up steam.

Joe Biden enlists artists like Ludacris, Dupri, Jeezy and Monica for voting ads in battleground states

Joe Biden has tapped popular music artists like Ludacris, Monica, Jermaine Dupri and Jeezy to encourage Black citizens in battleground states to vote in the upcoming presidential election.

The Democratic candidate’s campaign is ramping up its “Get Out The Vote” ad campaign, which will run on the radio in key states that are up for grabs by either Biden or Donald Trump. Meanwhile, Dupri was among the celebrities participating in Biden’s “Shop Talk” discussion series, which aimed at addressing the challenges facing Black men in the United States today.

“It is really really important to make sure people don’t sit at home," Dupri told The Hollywood Reporter. "There are a lot of people I know that are still on the fence about voting, period."
Yeah, that will be really effective. Go vote for the old white guy who said he didn't want his kids to "grow up in a racial jungle" and that "poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids," and sponsored the 1994 crime bill that disproportionately incarcerated blacks. I'm sure they'll turn out and droves to pull the ol' lever for Biden.
Would we expect anything else? For a brief few months every 4 years, Democrats suddenly turn all their attention to Black voters. They are pandering extra hard this election since so many Blacks are fed up with their failures. They may only get 80% of the Black vote down from their usual 90%.
Joe Biden has tapped popular music artists like Ludacris, Monica, Jermaine Dupri and Jeezy to encourage Black citizens in battleground states to vote

To be sure, Joe hasn't tapped anything, including Jill. While Trump is running a campaign based on his popularity and accomplishments and record, the DNC have hired professional campaign promoters and marketers from Hollywood using intensive research and analysis to try to tap into and attract as many markets as possible by appearing attractive to each of them while making Trump look unattractive.

  • Trump is running a campaign on "Here I Am."
  • Biden is running a campaign on appearances-- -- appearing to be just what each voting block wants or likes, while actually being NONE of them.
Trump voters will get what they expect.

Biden voters will get what they always get from a professional career politician: an illusion. A campaign billboard.

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