Joe Biden Caught On Tape According To Senator Grassley! Impeach!!

I have seen endless bullshit allegations.

But then we see that constantly from you folks so… nope.

No evidence
The fact that you turn a blind eye to the mountain of evidence that has already been found already (without the help of the FBI), shows your hand. You are terrified that they are going to prove what you and i already know. He accepted bribes. We all know it. Its just a matter of whether or not they can prove it.
Claiming the tapes exist means nothing in court. You and i both agree on that. The problem is, if we do end up hearing those tapes, you will STILL deny it and push back on all evidence that is presented.

Try me. Produce the tapes. But it may just be your latest "Hey,look over there" like the whack-a-Whistleblower.
Try me. Produce the tapes. But it may just be your latest "Hey,look over there" like the whack-a-Whistleblower.
Why do you require a taped confession in the first place? How often do you think federal prosecutors have a god damn tape of the accused? Its rare as fuck! They generally just use banks records to get a conviction.
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Why do you require a taped confession in the first place? How often do you think federal prosecutors have a god damn tape of the accused? Its rare as fuck! They generally just use banks records to get a conviction.

Then produce those bank records of Biden and whomever grant him the money. Get busy. You got a lot on your plate now.
The fact that you turn a blind eye to the mountain of evidence that has already been found already (without the help of the FBI), shows your hand. You are terrified that they are going to prove what you and i already know. He accepted bribes. We all know it. Its just a matter of whether or not they can prove it.
Allegations ain’t evidence
Good ol' Senator Grassley has some dirt on dirty Joe, the kid sniffing walking stick figure.

"Jun 12, 2023
In a shocking revelation, Senator Grassley claims that a foreign national possesses secret audio recordings of him bribing Joe and Hunter Biden. This breaking news sends shockwaves through the political sphere, raising questions about the corruption and illicit dealings involving the Bidens. Where is the DOJ?"

So when do we get to hear the tapes?
You seem to have the misunderstanding that "you people" referred to Republicans or Trumplings. I'm talking about partisans on both sides.
If neither side is denying the bank records exist, why would anyone question whether or not they exist?

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